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Woman arrested for owning a dog.

Belgrade, Serbia – Home of the 2005 European Basketball Championship.
Atrocities that surround this story are reminding us that even in year 2005 we can 't rely on police protection even if we fought 10 years for Democracy… even so, these days we can expect to be harassed and kidnapped if that is a wish of those who have "connections" and friends in police department. The Belgrade police department is more than just corrupt, and this story will prove this statement!
On the night of August 24th 2005. Andjelja Lezajic (64 years old) was kidnapped from the street and driven to jail in Pozarevac (150 km from Belgrade).
Neighbors called her daughter (Sanja), police and journalists when they noticed that she is missing.
When her daughter arrived in front of Andjelja's apartment, frightened that something happened to her mother, she knocked down the door and got in… Andjelija was not there!
Bora Zegarac, Andjelija's first neighbor told journalists that he heard noise in the hallway and barking of Andjelijas Dog "Luka". Minutes later the dog was silent.
Miomir Stokic ( president of the building council) and Vujadin Miletic clubbed the dog "Luka" to death and wraped him in fishing net, and drove him in an unknown direction in the back of his BMW.
When Sanja saw Miomir Stokic she asked him where her mother was , and he replied that she is in jail in Pozarevac and when she asked about the dog he said- who knows!
Andjelija was released the next day and she told journalists that she was kidnapped from the street and driven first, into the station " Savski Venac" in Belgrade, and then someone telephoned that she can 't be admitted there- so they changed directions and drove her to the City Jail in Pozarevac. She was scared but she said that they threatened her many times and journalists f ound out that Miomir Stokic was prosecuted in year 1994. because he beat up Andjelija, and was sentenced to 3 month is prison ( 2 years on condition).
Andjelija also stated that Stokic harassed her daily and that he stated that the apartment where she lives is not hers. B ut as Andjelija stated she bought it and there is a proof that apartment is hers.
Also she mentioned that a few old woman lived here and by strange circumstances they moved somewhere after they w ere harassed by this same man.
Miomir Stokic was very hostile when journalists came to talk to him, he was in his shop in a communal building room where he has his store for selling fisherman's nets. He accused Andjelija of having a DOG!!!
Vujadin Miletic (the second man that clubbed to death the dog Luka) and his wife Jelena w ere very hostile and they said (threatened) that "something can fall on your heads these days" and they also said that they can bring the police upon them.
Then Miletic grabbed his mobile phone and called someone… minutes after that two policeman ( Sredojevic and Puric) came and they gave journalists personal data ( name, address and his personal ID number) to Miletic…
Is this journalist the next victim of this barbaric behavior- we will see …
Therefore, we- Citizens of Belgrade are demanding that the perpetrators of this criminal act be prosecuted by existing laws, and if existing laws are not good enough- then, we demand that the laws be changed- so that these inhumane barbarians CAN'T harass any more common, unprotected citizens !

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