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Commentary :: Asia

osama my buddy where are you

Osama my buddy where are you. No phone number, no e-mail, no address. I wanna talk to you. First let me talk about a serious personal grievance.

Osama my buddy where are you
By M.A.Hussain

Osama my buddy where are you. No phone number, no e-mail, no address. I wanna talk to you. First let me talk about a serious personal grievance. It pains me when you address pro-American Arab stooges as apostates. I feel insulted, as I myself am an apostate of Islam. Please do not associate my good name with these fatty filthy pigs and stop this practice in your videotapes you might sent to al-jazeera TV in future.

Osama, let me tell you that we apostates are sincerely and genuinely against American imperialism than any of your God fearing comrades. I personally would like to collaborate with you against American imperialism if you remove my lingering doubt that you have a covert understanding with the imperialist forces and strive to seek modus vivendi with these. I think that your actions end up in strengthening imperialist forces rather than weakening these.

Osama, you might be remembering when you waged Jihad against God denying former Soviet Union, God-fearing Bush’s America armed and trained your comrades. You helped Bush to earn support of millions of Americans and he got re-elected wih your blessings. Likewise by occupying Iraq, Bush is helping you to win heart and soul of millions of oppressed Muslims masses who feel betrayed by the pro-American policies of their leaders, thus giving you an opportunity to widen your social base in Arab world.

Naughty Arab, I am watching your jugal bandi (duet) with Bush with utmost interest. I know why you declared war on your own former ally, Bush’s America.

Osama everyone knows that after collapse of God denying Soviet Empire you felt betrayed. While Christian dominated states of former Soviet Union became part of Christendom and these were freed from God denying communists. Muslim dominated parts were handed over to former communists who rule these areas with iron hand; violating human rights and stopping Muslims of these areas to become part of the Umah, the Muslimdom.

It is because of this betrayal of your former family friend Bush that you declared war on America and since then you are playing jugal bandi (duet) with Bush. You "attacked" America. Bush waged "war on terrorism" and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. You unleashed war on "war on terrorism". Bush vowed to stay the course, so your comrades are getting battle hardened in Iraq and Afghanistan for free. Bush forced you to hide in caves. Due to fear whenever there is violation of air space of White House Bush is forced to take shelter in dirt hole beneath White House to save his life. Bush talks of democracy and freedom, you forced him to turn whole Muslim world into "Greater Gaza" a killing field and the whole world into extension of Gauntonomo Bay – a lawless zone. Bush calls you a terrorist, you forced Isrealization of America, America has become an international terrorist state. Osama you are great, simple great.

You know Osama, I have always opposed idiotic theory of clash of civilizations but after your clash with (un) civilized Bush and I believe the theory to be true.

I have come to understand that there are only two world leaders: one is American president Bush, illegitimate son of James Bond and the other is your good self, Osama Bin laden, son of Arab soil. Both of you are clashing, at times cooperating even collaborating with each other. However the innocent Americans, Britishers, Iraqi’s and Afghans get killed in cross fire as collateral damage.

Osama you have made history. You are the first Arab world leader and the first leader of Muslim Umah, the rest are pimps of American imperialism and are facilitating rape and degradation of the their own national resources. That is why your video messages get an instant response the worldwide. You are one of the most prominent world leaders. Each and every word of yours is discussed threadbare by battery of intellectuals, analysts, experts and specialists. Millions of Muslims worldwide take your word as their gospel. You are the voice of Arabistan, you are voice of Asia, and you are the leader of the brown race on this earth. Had not you been advocating sectarian, temporocentric, parochial, ethnocentric and divisive version of Islam, you would have succeeded in overthrowing American proxy Arab regimes long ago.

Osama, I am envious of you. You set the agenda and Bush merely responds. You act, Bush reacts. You lead, Bush follows. You simply send a videocassette to the media it becomes a world news. The leader of a decadent super power, Bush wastes no time to react to your video message. Millions and millions of Muslim masses all over the world seek guidance from your video message. They want to see end to pro-American monarchy and dictatorship. But your inaccessibility makes my heart burn. I wanna talk to you, where are you my buddy, Osama, no e-mail, no phone number, and no address.

I too wrote several letters to American president condemning occupation of Iraq and urged Iraqis to resist American baby killers by all means through my writings. So far White House observes a strange silence over these and does not react. Recently when a journalist asked White house spokesman regarding my opposition to occupation of Iraq, he kept mum. He did not have the courtesy of saying " no comments". But his silence said this all that either you are with US or you are with them, the rest are irrelevant and insignificant and do not deserve a response. I sent several videocassettes to Al-jazeera but they neither Al-jazeera telecast these nor the cassettes were returned back.

There is a lot you share with American president Bush. He spreads terror through Arial bombing and use of WMD over civilian populations of Muslim world. Your good self spread fear in American and British civilians through your acts of terrorism. Both are slaves of your perception and prisoners of fear and insecurity. My left friends call both of you as cowards. Bush stole freedom and independence of Muslim world in his resource war, and you forced Bush to enact "Patriotic acts" of suppressing civil liberties and human rights of Americans particularly immigrants, threatening freedom and liberty of millions of Americans. Americans are no longer free people.

You and Bush represent two distinct civilization life styles and value systems. But in form and content these are similar. The world view of both of you is reductionistic, militaristic, absolutist, racist and barbaric, both believe in kill or be killed. Both of you are anti human and anti social and have no value for human life. Bush divides whole humanity between those who are with American imperialism and those who are against American imperialism. You divide humanity between Muslims (you means Wahabis) and Kafrs (infidels). Bush’s value system is reducing every thing to price of crude oil and economic values. Your value system is outdated decadent and feudal. You think everything that Arabs did, their values, life style and worldview prevalent at the time of advent of Islam to be real Islam and the rest is anti-Islam. For Bush every one who has white skin (or who is a Christian) is civilized and having superior race whose life is more valued than that of brown human beings. You think everything that is Arabic is Islamic. Bush strives to establish kingdom of white God on earth with the help of WMD and you strive to establish Muslidom of Brown Allah with the help of homemade bombs. (Still Bush feels threatened, nervous and insecure). Both of you hear God speaking to you to kill or be killed in the name of Christainity or Islam.

Osama, you lost a friend. One of my British friends who had habit of raising his fist against British imperialism during anti war protest rally’s got killed in recent London bombings. When I contacted his wife, she was not hateful of you. She blamed British imperialism for the death of her husband. She does not feel terrorized by your act of cowardice but by the assault on civil liberties of Britons launched by the British Prime Minister on composite British culture and adversely affecinf race relations, and well being and freedom of brown immigrants.

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