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Where are lawyers who will defend justice?

It seems like an innocent American is sentenced to jail for twenty years

It seems like an innocent American is sentenced to jail for twenty years. Where are lawyers who will fight to appeal this injustice?
Convicted of Aiding Terrorist, Translator Prepares for Prison Cell, Still in Disbelief

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Published: August 7, 2005
Mohamed Yousry, an Arabic-language translator, has been practicing for life in a prison cell. He closes himself into small spaces to meditate and combs through his library for nonpolitical books he supposes his keepers will allow him to read.

Forum: National Security
But he still cannot quite believe that prison is where he is going.
After working for nearly a decade as a translator for Lynne F. Stewart, a New York defense lawyer, Mr. Yousry, 49, was convicted along with her on Feb. 10 in Manhattan federal court of providing material aid to terrorism and conspiring to deceive the government. Now free on bail and awaiting sentencing, which is set for Sept. 30, he faces as much as 20 years behind bars.
Although months have passed since the verdict, Mr. Yousry remains shocked and baffled by it. Throughout the grueling nine-month trial, Mr. Yousry and his lawyers were convinced that he had a strong chance of acquittal.
The charges hinged on Ms. Stewart's provocative legal strategy on behalf of a convicted terrorist client, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, in which she defied a prison rule that restricted communications by releasing messages from him to the international press and to his militant followers in Egypt.
Mr. Yousry's lawyers, David Ruhnke and David Stern, showed in court that he took no actions on his own to help the sheik politically and did his translation work based on instructions he received from Ms. Stewart and other lawyers for Mr. Abdel Rahman, a blind Muslim cleric who is serving a life sentence in federal prison for conspiring to bomb landmarks in New York City.
Mr. Yousry's case seemed particularly solid, because unlike Ms. Stewart, he never signed documents pledging to abide by prison regulations. Mr. Yousry's lawyers specified that it was up to Ms. Stewart, as the lawyer, to see that her staff complied with the rules.
The prosecutors presented evidence that Mr. Yousry knew that Ms. Stewart was at least bending the prison rules when she took messages from the sheik, which had been translated by Mr. Yousry, out of jail. They argued that he knew full well of the dangers of any communication between the virulently anti-American sheik and his Egyptian followers.
Andrew Dember, an assistant United States attorney, assailed the defense arguments as "nonsense!" in his closing summation. "He knew the restrictions, what they consisted of, and he was aware of the fact that he was doing wrong because of those restrictions. He knew full well that he was bound by the restrictions himself."
He added later, "Clearly, obviously, Ms. Stewart and Mr. Yousry know what they're doing is improper, illegal, criminal."
The jury agreed with the government, convicting Mr. Yousry on all three counts he was facing. On Friday, the Justice Department gave its highest award to the four prosecutors who tried the case.
"I still don't know what it is that I did that was even wrong, much less illegal," said Mr. Yousry, alternately indignant and mournful, in an interview in the Manhattan office of one of his lawyers, Mr. Stern. "I followed a process that was designed by the lawyers. They said this is what we're going to do, and I followed that. That's what lawyers do: They tell you what's right and what's wrong legally.
"The fact that I now know that these lawyers were following a strategy that the government didn't like, that makes me a criminal?" he asked.
What Mr. Yousry finds most confounding is that he was convicted of aiding Mr. Abdel Rahman's fundamentalist Islamic cause even though the prosecutors acknowledged that he was nonviolent, did not support the sheik's politics and was not a practicing Muslim.
In the courtroom Mr. Yousry was the quiet defendant, the one who attracted the least public attention. Ms. Stewart, who is also out on bail, has remained in the public eye as debate rages about her legal approach and as she travels and speaks to raise support for her appeals.
A third defendant, Ahmed Abdel Sattar, a Staten Island postal worker and paralegal aide for the sheik, faced the gravest terror charges and the most startling government evidence: wiretaps of his home telephone that showed him talking extensively with known terrorists in Egypt. He remains in prison awaiting sentencing.
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Friends and colleagues describe Mr. Yousry, a mild-spoken man with a bushy mustache and quick smile, as easygoing and not inclined to be militant about much of anything. Born in Cairo, he served for five years in the Egyptian armed forces before resigning and coming three decades ago to the United States, where he became a naturalized American citizen.

Forum: National Security
The only ties he maintained through the years with politics in Egypt were through his graduate research in Middle Eastern Studies at New York University.
Mr. Yousry's wife of 24 years, Sarah, is a churchgoing evangelical Christian, also a naturalized citizen, originally from the Dominican Republic. In the years before his arrest, friends said, Mr. Yousry's primary concern was to cobble together enough translating and teaching jobs to pay for his daughter's tuition at Tennessee Temple University, a Baptist college in Chattanooga.
Friends said that Mr. Yousry's social circle was as ecumenical as his household. Naomi Robbins, a translator who is Jewish and who came to know Mr. Yousry through her work, said he gave her tips for organizing her son's bar mitzvah in May and then cheerfully attended it.
Zachary Lockman, a professor in the N.Y.U. Middle Eastern studies department, called Mr. Yousry "a very sweet, mild-mannered guy" whose political views "are not those of Omar Abdel Rahman by any stretch of the imagination." Prof. Lockman, who testified on Mr. Yousry's behalf at the trial, said he was the one who originally urged Mr. Yousry to write his doctoral dissertation about Mr. Abdel Rahman, taking advantage of his rare access to the sheik.
The dissertation caused Mr. Yousry trouble in the trial, making him seem to act independently, even though the research was authorized by Ms. Stewart. The jury watched government videotapes of prison meetings with Ms. Stewart and the sheik in which Mr. Yousry could be seen debating with Mr. Abdel Rahman in Arabic about the sheik's political views, apart from his translations for Ms. Stewart.
While many of Mr. Yousry's professional colleagues have come to his defense, others had mixed reactions.
Prof. Lockman and other professors in Middle Eastern studies at N.Y.U. rallied to his support. Prof. Lockman called the terror conviction "ludicrous" in a letter he wrote to the department faculty the day of the verdict. Mr. Yousry remains a graduate student and will be allowed to finish his dissertation whenever he is able, Prof. Lockman said.
Professor Charles Coleman of the cultural diversity program at York College of the City University of New York, where Mr. Yousry was an adjunct lecturer, testified on his behalf at the trial. His academic colleagues were alarmed that prosecutors had used excerpts from early drafts of Mr. Yousry's unfinished dissertation, seized by federal agents from his computer, and books on militant Islam found in his library to accuse him in court of radical Islamic sympathies.
The CUNY administration, however, fired Mr. Yousry after he was indicted, citing the gravity of the charges. The American Association of University Professors sharply criticized CUNY in a report contending a lack of due process in the dismissal. At its annual meeting in June, the association formally expressed "grave concern" about CUNY's actions but stopped short of censure.
Legal translators in New York were taken aback by Mr. Yousry's conviction, fearing it left them vulnerable to similar prosecution. But the American Translators Association and the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators took a more skeptical view.
In a joint statement in March, the two groups said Mr. Yousry had failed to follow "many standard recognized protocols," in particular finding that he had a conflict of interest by pursuing his doctoral research while he was translating for the sheik.
Now unemployable, Mr. Yousry has sadly packed up his belongings from the modest brick town house where he lived for years in Elmhurst, Queens, to move to Bridgeport, Connecticut, so his wife can be close to their daughter, Leslie.
Mr. Yousry said he did not blame Ms. Stewart for his troubles. He concludes that his fate is the result of the change in New York after Sept. 11. After the attacks, he says, New York jurors "would rather believe the government" in terrorism cases. "And I was just part of the collateral damage."

The demonization of Arabs, and radical Islamic Jihadists, is leading to preposterous acts of brutality against hard working Americans.

Many other groups should have such investigation, the Secret Societies, and the Jesuit inner circles. These groups are committed to destroying our civil liberties.
Jesuits were supporters of Nazis and Zionists
Posted by: researcher at Aug 05, 2005 03:39
If we don't know our history, we're bound to repeat it. Yes, just substitute the word Inquisition, for Holocaust. If you refuse to discuss these issues, you're letting the door open for another INQUISITION right here in America.
This is history, and the JESUITS have a bloody history, and the White Popes have been unable to stop them. That is not a smear. That is a fact.
This government's involvement in Israel is a result of the Jesuits pressing for the creation of Israel, by supporting, if not creating the Zionist movement. These are historical Facts. Our Council of Foreign Relations is blindly supporting a suicidal foreign policy. Or country is increasingly becoming a police state.History sheds some light on how this has happened.

Traditionally, via the Council of Trent, heretics were slaughtered.Heretics were any persons who did not accept the rules of the Catholic Church. Anyone who said "we're saved by Grace", was considered a heretic, and was killed or excumunicated. The Bible was banned for centuries. The Holocaust was modeled after the Jesuits
Fact: Otto Strasser was one of the founders of the Nazi Party. He revealed in his book Hitler and I that, Mein Kampf was ghostwritten by a Jesuit Priest, Bernhardt Stampgle.
Fact: 1933 Hitler signed Concordant with Vatican Cardinal Pacelli.
Fact: Hitler himself said" I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. The SS was modeled after it. He compared Himmler to Loyola.
Fact: Hitler thought the emigration of Jews to Palestine would benefit Germany. Those who did get out were forbidden to go to America, at the pressure of American Jews.
Fact: Bush family, through Prescott benefited selling to the Nazis.
Fact: The Bush family fortune is based on this illegal trade.
Fact: US brought many Nazis over to work in the CIA, military and science.
Fact: The CIA was present in Dallas the Day of the Kennedy killing. (They were not allowed to work in the USA at that time, only overseas)
Fact: Bush Senior was in CIA, and in Dallas, and knew many of the CIA, one "of which was reported by another CIA under oath,, to have said We killed the President that day, very professional"
Fact: Not only oil is sold from the offshore rigs, drugs are too.
Fact: Jesuits and Catholic Church support Castro, and other dictators in Latin America, and were the original perpetuators of the Opium wars.
Fact: Nazis sent Vatican gold when the War was over.
Fact: While a Cardinal, Ratinger said, the Messiah is yet to come.
Fact: In the book AntiChrist Conspiracy, Inside the Devil's lair, the author quotes the words of Samuel Morse, who asserted like the Trojan Horse, the Jesuits have come into the country to destroy the principles of religious freedom and democracy.
Fact: 911 official theory has thousands of omissions. As seen on your other blogs
Fact: The bombing of a country for false reasons has led America wide open to nuclear suitcase bombs brought over through an unprotected border, by newly created Jihadists from Iraq.
Fact: From the Talmud:Sanhedrin 99a: "When Messiah comes, he will destroy the Christians>"

I Well what else do the Jesuits have to do but desire POWER?

Their founder, Loyola carried out the greatest Holocaust of all time, the Inquisition, of Spain, Europe and the Americas. Later they aided Hitler, Mien Camp was written by one of them. Later they killed off any white Pope that tried to disband their order.

They have a militaristic organization. Loyal priests probably do good, but at the top, they're behind wars. Their order is the head of the Opus Die, Masons, Knights of Columbus,Skull and Bones etc.

They want to rule the world from Jerusalem, in the Third temple. They have taken an oath to eradicate any nonbelievers.

. Please follow these links to see what I'm talking about: Read the Jesuit oath: Wonder why the Germans smashed babies heads against walls? Charts power structure of the "Black Pope"
Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle.(1)In 1933 the Vatican signed a Concordat with Germany making Roman Catholicism the only recognized religion in that country. Hitler was financed by Wall St. and the corrupt U.S. Bank.
These are excerpts
"Ever heard of the Inquisition, from 1200 A.D. to 1800 A.D. . . ? It's never mentioned any longer. We hear a lot about the Jewish Holocaust when 6 million Jews perished under Hitler. But most people don't know that Hitler was a Roman Catholic and an instrument of the Holy Office. Hitler was never excommunicated for his crimes against humanity and causing the deaths of millions of people; whereas Martin Luther was excommunicated for translating the Bible into German!!
Meet the real Adolf Hitler.

In 1933 the Vatican signed a Concordat with Germany making Roman Catholicism the only recognized religion in that country. Hitler was financed by Wall St. and the corrupt U.S. Bank.

Signing the Concordat is Cardinal Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII). By 1933, he was the Vatican Secretary of State. Seated second from his left is Franz von Papen who was the Papal Nuncio to Germany. Standing at the far right can be seen the little known Vatican prelate, Montini, later to become Pope Paul VI.

Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII from 1939 to 1958) was a brilliant diplomat, a cunning politician and a religious crusader. He was appointed Papal Nuncio to Germany in 1920 — the first since the Reformation!! He, more than anybody else outside Germany, helped Hitler to power. He was one of the paramount personalities of the 20th century. He transformed the Vatican into a global political instrument. His pet obsession was Communism, and he became the main instigator of the Cold War.

1. Edmond Paris, Secret History of the Jesuits, page 163

Apparently Hitler was following the orders of the Council of Trent, which defined heretics.
Mussolini, Hitler and Franco had concordants with the Vatican inorder to set up the one world government to set up the Millenial Kingdom under Pope Pius XII. Even though the recent Pope asked for forgiveness of the crimes of the Church, and set up the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the Vatican II Council he was unable to Abolish the very evil Jesuit order responsible for the second Inquisition. Murders of White Popes

Reagan re-established diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1984!!

below excerpts from

The Pope was given poisoned blood transfusions!!

Pope John Paul II was hit 3 times at point blank range:

"On May 13, 1981, within three weeks of that private papal conference (to fire Arrupe), John Paul II was struck by two bullets from the Browning semiautomatic pistol of paid hitman Mehmet Ali Agca. By mistake, as it was later explained, the Pontiff was rushed to the Roman hospital of Gemelli rather than to the special hospital unit organized solely for papal use. He was given blood from the public blood bank; the private supply kept in readiness was never used.
In rapid succession, Pope John Paul underwent two major operations and suffered the consequences of the transfusion of impure blood; he contracted a severe case of hepatitis. At the height of the Pontiff's crisis, on May 28, Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw died. Wyszynski was John Paul's closest friend, and had made his career." (Malachi Martin, The Jesuits, p. 94).
A Papal Conference to abolish the Jesuits 3 weeks before shooting!!

Just 3 weeks prior to the assassination attempt, Pope John Paul II had a meeting with 6 of the most powerful cardinals in the Vatican. The topic: the forced resignation of the Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe:

"In some respects, the meeting that convened in the middle of spring 1981 bore the marks of thousands of board meetings going on at the same moment in every daylight country of the world. Beyond glass-paneled double doors, a conference between seven men was in progress. A folder bulging with reports lay in front of each man. At each man's elbow a full carafe of water topped with a glass was perched. Anyone happening to glance in might have said that the men gathered there were absorbed in the sort of hushed but free-wheeling discussion typical of board meetings everywhere.
But this was not the sort of meeting most people have ever witnessed, or even glimpsed through shut, glass-paneled doors. This conference room was on the third floor of the Palace of the Popes on Vatican Hill. The report folders were red damask and emblazoned in gold with the Tiara and Keys. Outside the door, a secretary and two Swiss Guards in traditional uniform were on duty to block all intruders. Seated at the conference table were the Pontiff of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and six of his most powerful cardinals, the movers and shakers of the Vatican, a cameo of its most formidable strength. And the subject of discussion between them was the life or death of the Society of Jesus: whether, in other words, the Order headed by Father General Pedro Arrupe should be allowed to go on as it was, or be reorganized and reset according to the often-repeated wishes of three Popes, or be officially done to death by the power and under the authority of Pope John Paul II." (Martin, The Jesuits, pp. 79-80).
Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe—the Assassin of Pope John Paul II
Spanish Inquisition Don Pedro Arrupe was the 31st Black Pope to be elected for LIFE:

Don Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991) was the Black Pope or Jesuit General from 1965 to 1981.
Pedro Arrupe was from the Basque region of Spain—the same part of the country as the first General, Don Ignatius LIEola.

Arrupe was elected General for life in 1965 and was removed by Pope John Paul II in 1981.

He was the first Black Pope ever to be removed from office.

Since the founding of the Jesuits by Don Ignatius LIEola and Don Francis Borgia in 1534, many, many White Popes have tried in vain to curtail the power of the Jesuit Generals. ALL of the attempts met with death by poisoning.

Pope John Paul II survived the assassination attempt but was greatly weakened by the 40 hour operation and the transfusions of tainted blood.

MOSLEMS and the KGB were blamed for the shooting!!

Usually in a public shooting assassination attempt, the perpetuator is immediately killed to hide the real identity of the assassins. In this case (Moslem) Mehmet Ali Agca was allowed to live because he was an undercover Jesuit.

The Moslem leaders sent condolences and expressed regret that one of their own religion should try and kill the Pope.

The shooter (Moslem) Mehmet Ali Agca was not immediately killed (like Oswald) but taken into custody by the police.

Yuri Andropov (1914-1984).
President of the USSR from 1982 to 1984. Head of the KGB from 1967 to 1982. He was poisoned in 1984.

Andropov and the KGB were implicated in the assassination through a BULGARIAN CONNECTION!!

Yuri Andropov was implicated in the assassination attempt through a supposed BULGARIAN CONNECTION. This gave the Pentagon an excuse to begin a massive military buildup to avenge the COMMIE Pope killers in the USSR!!

Meanwhile back in Washington DeCeit

Meanwhile back in the District of Columbia, the Fatima Crusade began in earnest. Just weeks before the Pope's shooting, President Ronald Reagan was shot by another Jesuit assassin named John Hinckley. Like the Pope, the stricken President became greatly debilitated. Vice President George Bush (former CIA head) assumed the duties of President while the acting was left to President Reagan.

President Ronald Reagan is hit by a bullet as he enters his limousine in Washington City.

On March 31, 1981, "lone gunman" John Hinckley fired 6 shots at President Ronald Reagan as he entered his limousine in Washington City.

His Vice President George Bush (father of George W. Bush) became de-facto President as Ronald Reagan became the acting President.

The family of the assassin John Hinckley, Jr., had close ties with skull and bonesman George Bush.

After the shooting of the Pope, Reagan and the Pope had something in common and they became good friends.

This led to the establishment of diplomatic relation between the U.S. and the Vatican in 1984.

Here is a quote from George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:

"A summary of this material was made generally available through the Associated Press, which published the following short note on March 31:
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign....Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr. who allegedly shot at Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice President's sons....The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice President's eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980. "(Tarpley & Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography).

-- one week.]
This connection which includes the ADL, Masonic Abe Foxman, the ACLU and a host of other CFR-controlled "court Jews" serving the Papacy will be imperative to understand in light of the creation of the Order's Gestapo/OHS and our coming American Jewish Holocaust. Never forget that the American Jewish Congress worked in conjunction with the Jesuits here in America (controlling FDR and the Roman Catholic Democratic Congress) to prevent the immigration of European Jews during the Jesuit/Nazi European Holocaust. The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zollin, aided Jesuit-trained Pope Pius XII in his SS/Gestapo Inquisition in deporting the Jews of Rome to Auschwitz. The SS General behind that theft and murder of Rome's Jews was Karl Wolff, later protected by the Pope through one of his Knights of Malta and Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, whose son is the infamous Jesuit, Avery Cardinal Dulles. The same is to be repeated here in America as was done in Germany.

Let us not be deceived in blaming the Jews in general for the atrocities of the Pope's Masonic Court Jews serving the Jesuit General, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. This is the trap into which the Order is hoping to lure the nation. Once fallen and ensnared, Satan knows that God will keep his Word once again in cursing our nation for cursing the Jews in our midst." Eric Von Phelps

This is Mr. Phelp's Chart:

Masonic, Talmudic, Pro Nazi, Pro Pope,
Pro Wahhabic Neo Islamic, Anti Son of God, CFR- controlled, Zionist Government of the Nation of Israel

The Jesuit General - 1540
(Controlling the Papacy and its Hierarchy - 1814)

International Shriner Freemasonry - 1800
(Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree)

Protestant British Throne and Empire - 1800
(King George III; Queen Victoria)

Masonic Jewish Zionism - 1890s
(English Masonic House of Rothschild; Theodor Herzl)

The Unjust Dreyfus Affair - 1894-1906
(Chief of the French General Staff was
guided by his Jesuit Confessor.)

Balfour Declaration - 1918
(Masonic Chaim Weizmann;
"Palestine" a Homeland for the Jews)

(How do we Jesuits get the Jews of Europe to move to Palestine so that they can build the Temple for our future Jesuit Pontiff?)

Second Thirty Years' War - 1914-1945
(Vengeance for the Nineteenth Century;
The Order's "Century of Disaster")

Jewish Holocaust - 1933-1945
(Knight of Malta Joseph J. Larkin, Chase Bank
Jesuit SS General Heinrich Himmler
Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and assistant to Himmler
Traditionalist Roman Catholic Dr. Richard Korherr;
Masonic Zionist Rudolf Kastner, Hungarian Judenrat
Masons Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin
forbade Immigration or Emigration to Palestine)

Papal Caesar's Communist United Nations Created - 1945
(Shriner American President Harry Truman signs the Charter in the city of San Francisco controlled by the Jesuits since 1850.)

Pius XII's Communist United Nations passes Resolution 181 [II] - 1947
(Six months prior to Israel's Declaration of Statehood, Jerusalem was made a "body of separate covenant" as distinguished from Israel and all other nations to be under the UN Charter.)

Israel a Nation - 1948
(Proclaimed by Freemason Chaim Weizmann; Recognized by Shriner American President Harry Truman in eleven minutes; Aided by the Masonic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who ordered 650,000 Arab Palestinians to flee the land resulting in a Zionist victory.)

Pius XII's Communist United Nations passes Resolution 194 [III] - 1948
(U.N. Trusteeship Council is given full authority over Jerusalem; this will be enforced after the present World War III during the building of the third Hebrew Temple for the coming risen Papal Antichrist.)

Israel admitted into the Papal Caesar's United Nations - 1949
(Jesuit Coadjutor Francis Cardinal Spellman rallies his South American dictators to vote in favor of Israel with the intention of Jerusalem being declared to be an international city for the Papacy.)

Central Intelligence Agency creates the Mossad - 1951
(Zionists are trained by the Nazis of Hitler's Intelligence Chief, Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen, to work in conjunction with KGB-trained Yassir Arafat bringing truly anti-Zionist Arab enemies to the forefront through acts of violence encouraged by the Pope's CIA justifying their execution by the Mossad, it being an arm of the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community.)

Jerusalem is liberated by the beloved Hebrew/Jewish People,
But is captured by the Pope's Masonic Jewish Zionists - 1967
(The Six-Day War is a success thanks to the help of the Black Pope's Masonic, Wahhabi, pro Nazi, Neo Islamic Arabic leaders.)

Israel's Zionists give the Old City of Jerusalem to the Vatican - 1993
(On September 10, 1993, the Italian newspaper La Stampa reported that then Foreign Minister, Freemason and Jesuit trained Shimon Peres concluded a secret deal with Pope John Paul II. Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the U.N. political control of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Vatican hegemony over the Temple Mount. This was an act of high treason against the risen Son of God's beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitish People.)

The Papal Caesar recognizes the Nation of Israel - 1993
(On December 30, 1993, Israeli - Vatican Relations formally begin with "The Fundamental Agreement Between The Holy See and The State of Israel" in "normalizing relations between Catholics and Jews." This was a formal payback for deeding the Old City to the Papacy.)

World War III begins - 2001
(The Jesuit General with his Military Company of Jesus, in control of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and the Wahhabic Neo Islamic King of Saudi Arabia, will destroy the holy places of Islam including Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock enabling the Third Hebrew Temple to be built.)

This website shows:
The German Catholic Bishops called on Catholics in Germany to recite a special war prayer for Germany.

only seven Catholics were found who refused the military in Germany

Instead, five days later this entry appears in the meticulously kept log at Auschwitz: "Transport, Jews from Rome. After the selection 149 men (registered with numbers 158451-158639) and 47 women (registered with numbers 66172- 66218) have been admitted to the detention camp. The rest have been gassed."

Hitler's Mein Kampf never put
on the "Index of Forbidden Books"
It wasn't just the Jews
who suffered under Hitler.


So much emphasis has been placed on the persecution of the Jews (who suffered the most deaths at Hitler's hands), that many other targets of NAZI hatred tend to be overlooked!
According to, "another ethnically undesirable people set by the Nazi machine for total annihilation were the Gypsies (Roma/Sinti) and, it is estimated that some half million of them were murdered during the same period of time representing some 80% of their total European population."
Another excellent site dedicated to those other victims reports that :

"Eleven million precious lives were lost during the Holocaust of World War II. Six million of these were Polish citizens. Half of these Polish citizens were non-Jews. On August 22, 1939, a few days before the official start of World War II, Hitler authorized his commanders, with these infamous words, to kill "without pity or mercy, all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space [lebensraum] we need". [, ]

Heinrich Himmler echoed Hitler's decree:
"All Poles will disappear from the world. . . It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles."

According to the great Italian Catholic poet, Dante :
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those,
who in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
The deniers of the Catholic Church's complicity in the holocaust are so numerous that there is barely a Roman Catholic in a million, no matter how educated, who is even aware of the atrocities perpetrated in the Roman Catholic country of Croatia in the name and under the leadership of their own Catholic hierarchy, and the full knowledge and approval of the Vatican during World War II.
This is such an important and unknown area of the Catholic Church's complicity in the Holocaust that we devote an entire web chapter to it at CatholicArrogance.Org/CroatianHolocaust.html.

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