Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: War in Iraq

Orange Friday: 24 Hours of Action to End the Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

This text is a national call to action to end the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the so-called War on Terror. On September 30, 2005 (Orange Friday; orange was chosen in an effort to provide the anti-war movement with an identifiable symbol) our cities shut down: instead of going to work, to class, instead of driving cars, instead of buying anything, we attend teach-ins, lectures, workshops, and demonstrations. We mourn, learn, organize, and resist.
*Post Far and Wide*
National Day of Action to End the Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the “War on Terror”

Friday, September 30
Call for Actions in Communities Across the Country

Twenty-four hours to learn, to mourn, to organize, to resist

ORANGE FRIDAY is a day of learning, a day of reflection, a day of
resistance. For twenty-four hours we skip class, we skip work, we leave our cars at home, we buy nothing, we fast. For one day we set our lives aside to examine and understand this occupation; professors hand over their podiums to discussion about peace and justice; teach-ins spring up across our communities; businesses close their doors; our cities shut down.

The media and the government are pretending that there is no war. Every day we wake up without thinking about the occupation is a day we ignore hundreds of deaths, thousands of captives, and millions of lives turned upside down. To date, no unifying symbol calling for the end to this occupation has been cultivated. ORANGE is what our peace movement needs to be: bright, bold, and impossible to ignore.

Call to Action
Citizens around the world are called to action on September 30, 2005.
• Coordinate teach-ins and events in your hometown and organize resist business as usual.
• Do not go to work or class, do not drive a car, buy nothing.
• To plug into actions happening in communities across the country, e-mail
• Check out the website and sign the online pledge of resistance.

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