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Chicago Writer Declares Candidacy for President of Egypt

Mr. Elaasar is a prolific writer. He wrote for several publications in the US and the Middle East in both English and Arabic. He is author of a recently released book titled "Silent Victims: The Plight of Arab & Muslim Americans in post 9/11 America", published by Author House.
Chicago Writer Declares Candidacy for President of Egypt

CHICAGO, Illinois, USA (7/27/05) / -- Chicago writer and community activist Aladdin Elaasar has announced today his official nomination for president of Egypt. Elaasar hopes his candidacy brings democracy to the Arab country. For the last 24 years Egypt has been ruled by President Hosni Mubarak, 78, who recently opened the door for candidates to run for the presidency. Although Egypt's constitution states term limits, for more than 50 years Egypt has had 3 presidents from the military institution who held the presidency uncontested.

Elaasar has lived in the Chicago area since 1992. He fled the Middle East after the Gulf War with his wife and son. Mr. Elaasar is a prolific writer. He wrote for several publications in the US and the Middle East in both English and Arabic. He is author of a recently released book titled "Silent Victims: The Plight of Arab & Muslim Americans in post 9/11 America", published by Author House.

Elaasar was born, raised and educated in Cairo, Egypt in 1962. He has a B. A. in English and speaks English and Arabic fluently, in addition to French and Spanish. "This is the first time in Egypt's modern history that a native Egyptian runs for president of Egypt. Egyptians never had the chance before to run for president, nor elect their chosen leaders freely. It's about time for Egyptians after 50 years of oppressive military rule to have free elections and vote for the candidate they choose," Mr. Elaasar said.

Egypt, a country of 75 million people, has the highest rate of unemployment. Corruption is rampant and the country has been ruled for the last 25 years by emergency laws. Thousands of government opponents are in jail without a trial. Elaasar hopes to bring peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of the law to his native country of Egypt. "Egypt, more than ever needs democracy, respect for human dignity and the rights of women and minorities. We need legal, economic and social change. And peace should be our unshakeable commitment," Elaasar said.

For more info, please contact:
Aladdin Elaasar
Committee for Freedom and Democracy in Egypt
1015 Higgins Quarters, Suite 115
Hoffman Estates, IL 60194
Call 847 668 4206
847 668-4206

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