Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Labor

Workers Are Interested!

I was working with a union that bearly has an organizing program. Yet, their phones rings daily with workers who want to organize a union at their workplace.

It's time for the Baltimore area locals to start organizing. In many ways, workers understand why they need to organize. The boss is unfair, cruel, stingy and undemocartic. Alone, workers are defenseless. United, they have a chance to better themselves.

Now, we just have to convince the leadership that it is worth the effort to increase their membership.

Just look at the situation in Las Vegas. Almost a city-wide strike. While only half of the casinos are organized, HERE had the entire town on edge and the bosses were on the run.

Sisters and brothers, it can happen here in Baltimore. We can wait for the union leadership to wake up. We can run for shop steward or union officer. Or we can create "minority-status" unions at where we work. Act as a union waiting for the real thing to appear. Help educate our fellow workers about their rights.

We cannot wait any longer to mobilize. Do you want to wait while our frat boy president continues to turn the US into the latest version of the Roman Empire? Activists like us are what turned labor into a movement. Are you ready to make it happen again?

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