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video:Senator Bennett endorses penny stock scam with striptease club connection !!

The following film was made by by an unidentified person who uses the alias 'Bob O'Brien' who Senator Bennett probably knows as James Dale Davidson of the Beltway and founder of National Taxpayers Union among other things. Although it was cut out of the tape,Senator Bennett, during the hearing with the SEC's former Chairman Donaldson,particularly decries the non-existent problem of 'naked short selling' which is really a fraudulent claim used to mask unaudited shares and consequent illegal pump and dump operations of U.S.penny stocks both onshore from U.S. brokerages and offshore around the world, including terrorist suspect countries such as Kuala Lumpur,Dubai as well as Bermuda,etc..This both defrauds Americans and can be used in illicit money laundering operations.Why is the Senator unconcerned about that ?

This is also a follow up to my 'Google Censors Indymedia for Partick Byrne,' and another article-commentary here that should be found by doing a 'ryals' search of dc.indymedia site.

For those who are unaware,Utah itself has a bad reputation for welcoming such criminality into the state.Nevada,Florida,and Texas do as well with Nevada being the most corrupt in my opinion.Even if Utah feels it benefits from such fraud,I doubt it does.It only invites criminals into the state and puts money into their pockets,at times ,at the expense of honest citizens of Utah.

While I may post additional commentary it should be noted that the Cheetah Club of Las Vegas is owned by the same father and son who own the Cheetah Club in San Diego that has been investigated for bribery and corruption of public officials there.And in fairness it was the ncan's founder's first stock promotion or tout website, ,founded to promote Novastar Financial or NFI,that specifically used the Cheetah Club,Las Vegas address.

NCANS' Mary Helburn is actually the 'star' of the video featuring Senator Bennett,whose link,as you can see, is below. She is the one who calls herself 'Mary Campbell' in the video and does not disclose she is the president of NCANS,that promotes a number of questionable,(to say the least ),penny stock companies who all have in common illegal,(if the SEC did its' job)pump and dump promotions such as the Global Links(gbll) that Senator Bennett was used in the promotion of !!!!

And they all avoid audits of shares they sell through brokers or even offshore 'boiler rooms' and thus, coincidentally,are very conducive to use for money laundering !! If you can't or don't audit shares,and the SEC fails miserably at this,you can't audit the flow of money .Get it ? Why is Senator Bennett aiding and abetting illegal penny stock pump and dump activities where terrorists or any other criminals would find harbor to launder money ?

And I challenge Senator Bennett,just as I did James Angel the Georgetown professor also appears in the video,(and who in fairness says he was videoed out of context),to prove Global Links,or any other penny stock for that matter, is the victim of 'naked shorting' as opposed to being frauds and covering up share flow auditing !!!

Does Senator Bennett endorse the Cheetah Club striptease as well ?
Or is it only natural that the 'naked short scam' of Beltway connected James Dale Davidson's' ,or 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling, should have a Las Vegas striptease club connection,at least as a fraudulent address ?

And like his National Taxpayers Union and his now defunct National Association Against Naked Short Selling or 'NAANSS', which was also used to mask his illegal pump and dump of penny stocks both onshore and offshore,is it only natural that it should have the phoney pretense of 'national'in its acronym to divert attention from the fact that it is an international criminal,even money laundering, enterprise using unaudited shares of U.S. penny stocks to disguise the flow of money, often from defrauded Americans in illegal pump and dump activities to and for offshore entities,Americans or not.

And is it only 'natural' that it's original website at the time of the February 8,2005, $100,000 ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post (and paid for in great part by Utah's and's Patrick Byrne),claiming Bush had to stop 'naked short selling' before it was safe to invest SS funds in stock markets, would be an address and website located in the British Virgen Islands ? The website was since moved to San Diego coincidentally.

Doesn't Senator Bennett realise he has been made a laughing stock by James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union,Agora Publications ,etc. ? And he is aiding and abetting illegal pumps and dumps and offhore money laundering though the SEC's absurd Reg.S and other penny stock share distribution schemes by touting for Davidson's ? Doesn't he realise the anonymous person calling himself 'Bob O'Brien'(James Dale Davidson)used a fraudulent address,(the Cheetah striptease Club in Las Vegas!!),for this mafiosi scam ?

Doesn't Senator Robert Bennett realise that the 'stop naked shorting' fraud is a scam and he was set up by James Davidson and Senator Bennett's constituent in Utah,Patrick Byrne and his,who are the ones who placed the $100,000 plus ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post to promote a stock fraud claiming Social Security investing was threatened by 'naked short selling' when in truth the fraudulent claim was and is used to disguise the flow or manipulation and illegal pump and dump of penny stock shares aiding and abetting fraud and money laundering !? And far from protecting investors, he is working,knowingly or not, with their defrauders ?

And is the Securities Exchange Commission going to allow the 'naked short scam',(much worse than the Nigerian letter scam), to go on indefinitely when it is originating in their own Beltway backyard ? Will the fraudulent absurdity never end ? Do they want money to be laundered and American retail 'investors' in U.S.penny stocks to be defrauded by Beltway criminals and a Las Vegas penny stock mafia ?

Does Senator Bennett not realise that the website of the group his reputation has helped to promote had their website based in B.V.I. KNOWN FOR PENNY STOCK FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERING BEFORE MOVING IT TO SAN DIEGO ?

Senator Bennett and James Dale Davidson even touted the Global Links(gbll) penny stock as a victim of 'naked shorting'.This is why,ethically more than ever,it is important for Senator Bennett to acknowledge his assertion of it as being a victim of 'naked shorting selling' was false.Senator Bennett may be aiding and abetting money laundering through penny stocks wittingly or not through such false claims.

Some say a Mormon Bishop is behind the Global Links(gbll) scam.I don't know,but I do know that to knowingly promote Global Links as a victim of naked short selling' is fraud.

from the 'Bob O'Brien or James Dale Davidson website:

Never A Dull Moment
Mark Faulk, in one of his latest installments of The Faulking Truth, does a follow-up on the Global Links story - a saga that highlights the depth of the Fail To Deliver problem, and raises troubling questions about the role that the SEC and the DTCC are playing. His piece can be seen here. I note with wry amusement that the reporter he takes on as being one of the greatest disseminator of misleading information is one of our favorites: Carol Remond. She also happens to be the reporter that the hedge fund drive to discover my identity was shifted to when the issue became too embarrassing for WSJ Jesse Eisinger to pursue.

Here are a few select quotations from Mark's outstanding piece:

"... It seems that Robert Simpson, CEO of a small company in Michigan called Zann Corp., had bought every available share of Global Links Corp after the company had reduced their outstanding shares to about 1.1 million shares from more than 350 millions shares in early February. Incredibly, over the next two days, over 50 million shares traded hands, even though Simpson owned every share, and there were only 1.1 million shares even in existence.

The Global Links story is one that, like the Stockgate scandal itself, just won't go away. While some articles have called it the "poster child" of the Stockgate scandal, others have been more concerned with discussing their lack of financial success over the past few years, while ignoring the more important issue of how brokers could buy and sell almost fifty times the total issued shares in only two days, especially since those shares were presumably in the account of just one shareholder.

The Faulking Truth has received numerous emails from other GLKC stockholders who held shares totaling over 400,000 during the same time period. In fact, Global Links representative Patrick Donahoo says that "During the month of February, we were literally besieged by stockholders who were digging for information. While we cannot confirm exactly how many shares were purchased and held, we believe that this number exceeds 20 million shares." Twenty million shares out of a total available float of 1,158,064. Where did the other nineteen million shares come from?"

Now, I may not be a mathematician, but even I can understand that the likelihood of all of this being innocent is nil. And yet the system keeps insisting that there's no problem, and the DTCC is pushing the states to eliminate requirements for any paper certificates, thereby eliminating the only mechanism with which investors can verify that they aren't being screwed by the participants. Does any of this seem a trifle alarming? The entire trading/regulatory framework is simply ignoring the elephant in the room, while the DTCC works frantically to eliminate the last of the proof of malfeasance.

What's wrong with this picture?

Read all of Mark's piece - it's a stunner.

# posted by bob obrien @ 1:03 PM 0 comments

(The above writing of 'O'Brien' or James Dale Davidson from,who along with's Patrick Byrne placed a $100,000 ad-letter on February 8 in the Washington Post erroneously claiming 'naked short selling'to be the biggest danger to placing SS funds in stock markets.
This is also the penny stock specifically mentioned by
Senator Bennett in hearing with the SEC's Donaldson
as the poster child victim of 'naked short selling'.His erroneous comment actually caused a wave of buying of shares and consequent insider selling or dumping.Or what is known as an illegal 'pump and dump'.

The truth is, Mr.Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union,and who is probably 'O'Brien' or his chief backer at,fraudulently uses the claim to mask his illegal penny stock pumps and dumps and probably money laundering.)

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