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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Activism

Street Medic Training Aug 26-28

August 26-28
Washington, DC

Hosted by the District Action Medical Network (DAMN!) -

--Basic Info—

DAMN! needs you! DC and surrounding areas have for several years lacked a significant action medical presence. This training is for people anywhere who want 1. a better understanding of how to keep yourself and other people safe during actions; 2. to play medic roles in affinity groups or action medical collectives; 3. to meet other folks interested in these things, and in possibly starting medic affinity groups or otherwise health-oriented community care collectives. Oh – fun, too, these trainings are fun! Out-of-towners welcome, even Mobtown natives. ;]

Friday August 26 - 6pm to 10pm
Saturday August 27 - 10am to 7pm
Sunday August 28th - 10am to 7pm

Capacity: 25 people

Location: space TBA, Washington, DC

Supplies: Will be provided and street medic starter packs will be for sale cheap.

Cost: $25 sliding scale, also welcome barter in place of cash.

--What is a 3-day Basic Street Medic Training?--

This course is designed as a complete introduction to action medical knowledge and skills. The completion of this course will prepare you to serve as a street medic at political actions. Street medics also serve as a source of health care information and resources within their communities, and so the training is open to anyone who wishes to gain greater first aid/medical knowledge to use in their lives and to share in their community. We cover Basic Street First Aid (from treating bleeding wounds to splinting sprains and breaks to calling 911 for emergencies), Weather-Related Injuries, Street Operations Tactics, Initial Patient Assessment, Psychological First Aid, Chemical Weapons Treatments and Aftercare, and Stress Management and Treatment. We can also provide Skills Evaluations for folks who want them.

You do not need to have any previous medical or first aid training in order to attend this course.


Rob of STORM (Star of Resistance Medics-NYC) and Ace formerly of NorthEast Action Medical Association (NEAMA) – both with copious action medical training experience – will be the primary street medic trainers, supported by other northeast street medics with various levels of training and experience. For more information on the trainers or to get in contact with them, write

--What Information Will Be Covered in the Training?--

Practical information on taking care of yourself and your friends if you plan to attend protest events. While the focus will be on urban street protests, much of the material may also be applicable to wilderness situations and first aid needs in your community. This includes preparing for actions, personal care, affinity group safety considerations, weather-related hazards, detox and aftercare, and your questions.

Street Operations Tactics, including a presentation and discussion of codes of conduct and ethics, team makeup and teamwork, calling for backup, and dealing with police/EMS, how/when to move patients and how to conduct triage.

Basic Street First Aid, including Initial Patient Assessment, treating bleeding wounds, splinting sprains and breaks, calling 911 for emergencies, and weather-related injuries.

Psychological First Aid. How to recognize and assist people with emotional distress whether it results from physical injury, excessive stress, or traumatic experience.

Chemical Weapons Treatments and Aftercare. Covers a review of current chemical agents in use, a discussion of personal protection gear (gas masks, respirators, etc), and a complete introduction to tear gas and pepper spray decontamination and treatment protocols with
demonstrations, hands-on practice and role-plays.

--Food and Housing--

We hope to supply some vegan food for participants during the training. We also encourage participants to bring extra (preferably vegan) food to share if they can.

Housing during the training weekend is available on a first-come-first-served basis. If you will need housing, please contact as soon as possible. When you request housing for the training weekend, please tell us about special needs you have so we can try to accommodate your requests, ie cat allergies.


$25 sliding scale. We anticipate that our cost per trainee will be between $30 and $40, and we hope that donations from participants will cover our costs, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.


Friday August 26 - 6pm to 10pm
Saturday August 27 - 10am to 7pm
Sunday August 28th - 10am to 7pm


Capacity: 25 people
Location: Space TBA, Washington, DC
Supplies: Will be provided and street medic starter packs will be for sale cheap.
Cost: $25 sliding scale.

--Registration Information--

Space for this course is limited, so please provide us with the information asked for below as soon as possible. Once we receive this information, we will reserve a space for you in the course and send email updates with other essential information from the trainers. If your plans change, please let us know as soon as possible so we can let someone else have your spot. All information you give us is confidential, and will not be used in any way that is not directly
related to this training.

To register for the Basic Street Medic Training, write to


Please provide the following information when registering for this
training course...

Your Name:

Phone Number(s) where we can leave messages regarding the training:

Email Address:

Best way to contact you:

Best times to contact you:

Can you come to all of the sessions?

If not, which sessions will you miss?

What dietary restrictions do you have (if any)?

What allergies do you have that we should know about for food and
housing planning?

Do you have any other special needs?

Do you need housing during the training?

If so, when?

* Friday night
* Saturday night
* Sunday night
* Other

Do you have any other concerns or considerations we should know about?

Optional: Where did you first hear about this training?

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