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BTL: White House Responds To Tough Questions About 9/11...

...Warning by Challenging Patriotism of Those Calling for Public Inquiry. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with syndicated columnist and author Norman Solomon.
White House Responds to Tough Questions About 9/11 Warning by Challenging Patriotism of Those Calling for Public Inquiry

Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Revelations that the White House received warnings from the FBI and CIA in August 2001 about possible hijackings and attacks being planned by Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, have motivated some politicians on Capitol Hill to call for an independent inquiry. After the explosive leaks captured headlines on TV networks and newspapers, Vice President Dick Cheney and others from the administration questioned the patriotism of those who were asking for an investigation into possible failures of U.S. intelligence agencies. Cheney warned that new terrorist attacks were imminent and war-time conditions demanded unchallenged secrecy.

After eight months of promoting patriotism, the media -- for the first time since the September 11th -- have begun asking tough questions about the Bush administration's honesty and conduct in the months prior to the assault on New York and Washington. But some in the media have risen to echo the warnings issued by Dick Cheney, asking the press and the public to back off and place their trust in those occupying the White House.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with syndicated columnist and author Norman Solomon, who examines the way in which the media has covered the 9/11 warnings that came to president Bush and the culture of secrecy that has characterized the White House dealings with many issues, including the Enron scandal.

Read Norman Solomon's Media Beat column online at:

Related links:

"The New Politics of Sept. 11," by columnist John Nichols, The Nation Magazine, Special Report on Sept. 11

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