Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Empower Yourself

It is time to rise up, stand up and declare your truth!
This is a time for the world to decide if it is going to be free to live a life guided by their heart which will offer love and action that springs from that love; or slavery guided by the will of greedy tyrants. It is a time of radical truth and the will be no fog to hang out in for your truth will be forced out into the open for all to see. That is part of the reason getting our inner emotional matrix in order is of such importance as the world's consciousness is increasing in its level of vibration. Those ruled by passions other than for the expression of love will soon find their passion buring them in the fires of war and destruction. So we call from the mountain a howl really oh my brothers let us not be deceived by lies and manipulation and be led into the abyss with the psychopathic leaders, led us step aside and take back our power. They betrayed us with lies and deserve not our trust. It is a time or discrimination, critical thinking, and soul searching for the truth that resonates in our own heart. It is time to embrace your own power and fear not the manipulation, deceit and destruction being staged at the behest of the elite. There time of control is ending, and in there desparation they will lash out with ever more destruction until at last they destroy themselves. We must be the one's to pick up the pieces and rebuild the world in a paradigm that is based on love, or we will have to repeat it all again. Empower yourself, you are not a sheeple you are Divine having a temporary experience of being human, and it is time to embrace your divinity and give up concepts that create devision. We are one though on the surface we seem as two.

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