Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Health Care

Healing the Past

One does not have to be a war vetran to have extreme stress and deep emotional pain, nightmares and other emotional imbalances, though they may suffer most acutely.
“Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. The supreme danger which threatens individuals as well as whole nations is of a psychic danger. Reason has proved itself completely powerless, precisely because its arguments have an effect only on the conscious mind and not on the unconscious.

--C. G. Jung

Delusion or Denial

The first step in dealing with an enemy is to identify them. What do they look like? What kind of behavior can I expect from them? This gets interesting right from the outset. Why? As soon as we even attempt this, they take on a bewildering array of aliases and disguises to prevent us from seeing who and what they really are.

This ability to camouflage them selves is what makes the inner enemies so powerful and dangerous. This camouflage is created by delusion, the first of the six, without which the other five could not do their dirty work for long.

Delusion’s powers are incredible. Not only can it appear to be another, but it can make itself and its cohorts invisible, appearing not to exist at all. This feature of delusion is sometimes called “denial”. No matter what evidence we are presented with, we insist that the problem doesn’t exist.

For example: people who work with drug addicts and alcoholics know that the first step in the road to healing is to get them to admit they have a problem. There are countless people that have allowed alcohol to ruin their health, careers, relationships and lives in general and still insist that they are “social drinkers”. Delusion has the power to makes us remain in a state of suffering and deny that there is really a problem. Now that is one powerful cloaking device.

Delusion can also support the other inner enemies in a way that keeps them from being detected. For example: your friend tells you, “you really have a temper.” You respond, “Now what the hell do you know about me, if you would just blah blah blah, then things would be fine. Delusion allows you to project the cause of the anger outside yourself, disguising the fact that your anger comes from within yourself. It sits there waiting for an opportunity to express itself and destroy your friendships, family relations, love affairs and every other relationship we have. Delusion is the veil that blinds us to our own inner enemies.

Delusion allows us to see faults in others, and deny that they might exist within ourselves. The truth is if we see it in someone else it is because we have it within ourselves and are aware of its nature. The world is a mirror of our conscious and unconscious thoughts, beliefs, concepts and feelings. What you see is what you are on a certain level, but that in it self is a kind of veil, that keeps you from seeing your greater Self.

Be honest if there is a tendency to not look at the truth directly because it might be too painful, that it is delusion trying to keep you from getting to close. The mind has a tendency to shield you from pain, but allowing that pain to exist in the subtle body with healing it allows it to affect our perception and relationships from an unconscious level. There is nothing more powerful than your own inner being, and when you trust it to guide you, you will prevail over any fear that may come up from within yourself.

Getting to the underlying traumas and releasing the pain of those experiences so that they do not influence our life in a negative way is done with the guidance of a professional rebirthing practitioner. Unless these experiences are released from the emotional body they will continue to have a negative affect on the life of the person who has under gone those traumatic experiences and denial is of no value. Chemicals are not the answer either, only working with the emotional body through using the breath in the rebirthing process will get to the root of the pain. Using chemicals to deal with post-traumatic stress is like trying to strengthen the level of delusion to overcome the pain, instead of getting to the root of the problem and eliminating it once and for all.

For more information on this methodology I would ask you to visit this site and recommend it to others that made be in need of deep emotional healing. If the information available is of interest to you, you may send an email from the site to ask your questions, or obtain information on how to get some personal sessions set or even some group sessions.

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