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A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all


HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly



/ / Notice how Bush likes to pose in front of the troops, when the
reality is Bush has back stabbed the troops at every chance, check
out these links:

Read the "nothing but lip service" article by the Army Times! When
the Army Times calls out the commander and chief you know it's
really bad! \ \

/ / Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? \ \

/ / The Americans are firing bombs, everything, everything they
have on them. They are firing on Families! They are all children,
old men and women in the dessert. Other Iraqi people are trying to
help them. \ \

/ / ``The soldiers shot at the backs of people running in terror
from the APCs, shooting from automatic weapons... One of the
soldiers tried to kill me. A bullet from his weapon hit the
backpack which was on my back, and went through it, passing through
my notebook and my journalist identity card...'' \ \

/ / K.B.R. received the oil-repair and fuel contract without
competitive bidding, and after it had been secretly hired to detail
the needs and likely costs of postwar oil repairs. \ \

/ / Last year the heist amounted to $160 billion. Since he took
office, Bush has quietly spent over $640 billion of the Trust
Fund's money in this way. \ \

/ / When we asked under this law, this information law, about how
many people were taken, what was the justification, whether they had
attorneys, whether their families knew, whether their consulates were
advised, whether they could make calls, we got an answer from our
Department of Justice that we were not entitled to know. \ \

/ / Citing what he called repeated "gross errors and mistakes" in
the U.S. military campaign in Iraq, Kennedy told Rumsfeld: "In
baseball, it's three strikes, you're out. What is it for the
secretary of defense?"

"Isn't it time for you to resign?" Kennedy asked.

"I've offered my resignation to the president twice," Rumsfeld \ \

/ / When the police become militarized, and are trained with modern
military techniques, they're being taught the same thing: those
defined as "perps" are not human. That's how a grown man can stick
a submachine gun in the face of a six-year-old boy. He's not
thinking; he's just "following orders." \ \

/ / The Associated Press ran an article entitled, "FDA clears Lilly
drug in suicide". And six months after Johnson's death, the FDA
approved the drug for the treatment of depressed patients. \ \

/ / But the witness said McMillen seemed cooperative.

"Why did they use (the taser)?" she said. "He was handcuffed and
there were four officers. He wasn't going any place."

McMillen has been transferred to the Gila County Jail in Globe and
charged with aggravated assault [...] \ \

/ / I don't get it. You suddenly get evidence that strongly
suggests that this administration lied to all of us about war, and
your reaction is to dismiss the evidence? And to put down the
people who are calling you screaming about why you haven't bothered
to mention it? \ \

/ / The briefing paper says that 'military planning for action
against Iraq is proceeding apace', however 'it lacks a political
framework' [para. 1]. Translated from Foreign Office speak, the
US planners had not sold the war to the US public, i.e. had not
developed the political framework. That sale would come later
because, 'From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new
products in August' [White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card in
September 2003]. \ \


/ / A collective psychosis is a closed system, which is to say that
it is insular and not open to feedback from the ‘real’ world.

[...] There is no point in talking rationally with a Bush
supporter, for example, as their ability to reason has been

[...] It is as if the dark side of our nature, or we could even say
the shadow of God, is revealing itself and incarnating itself
through the unconscious of humanity.

[...] Our unawareness of there being a psychic epidemic is itself a
symptom of the psychic epidemic. \ \

/ / An audit by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq
Reconstruction said U.S. auditors could not account for nearly
$8.8 billion in Iraqi funds and the United States had not provided
adequate controls for this money. \ \

/ / ''Torture does not stop terror,'' it said. ''Torture is terror.'' \ \

/ / The hearing featured videotaped testimony from a former food
manager in Iraq for Kellogg Brown & Root who said the dining hall
where he worked in early 2004 charged the Army for 20,000 meals a
day when it was only serving 10,000, routinely used expired foods
and punished him for speaking to auditors by transferring him to
the more dangerous outpost of Falluja. \ \

/ / An Army Audit Agency report in November 2004, publicly
described for the first time on Monday, found a pattern of
duplicate billing and "excessive" costs in the logistics contract,
including a charge of $152,000 to provide a movie library for 2,500
soldiers and the purchase of more than $500,000 worth of unneeded
heavy equipment. \ \

/ / Although the UN has managed $61 billion of Iraq's oil revenues
since 1996, the global organization refuses to take $16 million from
the funds to pay Iraq's membership dues, thus depriving Iraq of its
vote in the General Assembly. \ \

/ / But wait, these are representatives of the Bush administration,
so think again. Here was a paragraph buried deep in the Times
piece that caught my eye:

"The [CIA] suspects stayed in five-star Milan hotels, including the
Hilton, the Sheraton, the Galia and Principe di Savoia, in the week
before the operation, at a cost of $144,984, the [Italian] warrant says,
adding that after Mr. Nasr was flown to Egypt, two of the officers took
a few days' holiday at five-star hotels in Venice, Tuscany and South

A Washington Post report added this little detail: "The Americans
stayed at some of the finest hotels in Milan, sometimes for as long
as six weeks, ringing up tabs of as much as $500 a day on Diners
Club accounts created to match their recently forged identities."
The Los Angeles Times contributed the fact that the $145,000 tab
actually only covered accommodations. As it happens, our luxury
warriors were gourmets as well. They ran up tabs at Milan's best

All of this fits so well with general attitudes at the upper
reaches of this self-indulgent administration. \ \

/ / "We know of children under 15," Clarisa Bencomo of Human Rights
Watch told me, "held for over a year at Guantánamo Bay, whom the
government later said were not security risks." Even if a child is
found guilty, he or she should be treated humanely, rather than
tortured or "rendered," as the CIA puts it, to third parties that
torture. \ \

/ / At De Zulueta's reference to the article, Giovanardi shouted:
"It's false."

Addressing the Chamber of Deputies later Thursday, Giovanardi
called the Post article "a report without any foundation, a false
report, which the Italian government is able to deny with great
calm." \ \

/ / By once again connecting the PNAC plan to invade Iraq with the
events of 9/11, George W. Bush clearly proved that he is one lying
son of a bitch. \ \

/ / The number of bombs dropped on Iraq in March and April of 2002
was almost zero. But from May to August, that increased to 10 tons
a month. \ \


/ / You must understand that lying is not necessarily illegal.
Lying to Congress however is. Lying to Congress to start a
war is even more so. There is a word for that.
It is called treason. \ \


/ / The date - July 23, 2002 - is significant: if you'll remember,
at that time our lying president was telling us that war with
Iraq would be a "last resort." Yeah, sure. Not that anybody
really believed him, but it's significant that he still felt
it necessary to make the effort to deceive. \ \


/ / It's a shame you won't admit your a repub.
I mean you sure sound like one!! You say you
don't agree with the repubs view on gay rights?
Maybe you're just taking some agression out on
other people because you have to put with a
daily dose yourself. It must be hard being a
gay repub, huh? \ \


/ / Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) is being attacked
by right-wing talk radio and the White House for
making this floor statement on Guantanamo yesterday
(pdf). Kudos to Durbin for calling it like it is.
What Durbin said they find upsetting:

If I read this to you and did not tell you that
it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had
done to prisoners in their control, you would most
certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis,
Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime --
Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human
beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the
action of Americans in the treatment of their
prisoners. \ \ [...]


/ / When the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
looked into the intelligence-gathering that preceded
the war, the Office of Special Plans and other
obscure neocon-controlled governmental bodies were
declared "off limits" to the first phase of the
investigation - and then "Phase II" was
indefinitely postponed. \ \


/ / NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell similarly remarked on
June 14 (Media Matters, 6/15/05) that you had to be
"brain dead not to know" what the White House was
doing. But if everyone knew it was a lie when Bush
and the White House repeatedly denied that they
had decided to go to war (as with Bush's March 6,
2003 statement, "I have not made up our mind about
military action"), why were reporters not exposing
this bad faith at every turn? On March 16, 2003,
for example, Andrea Mitchell referred to negotiations
at the United Nations as part of "the diplomatic
campaign to avoid war." If war was a foregone
conclusion, why were such talks reported as if
they mattered? \ \

/ / Mothers of American soldiers of killed in President
George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq joined with a
constitutional lawyer before Congress Thursday to
demand impeachment of the President for lying to
force America into war. Constitutional lawyer
John Bonifaz told a Congressional hearing sufficient
grounds exist to impeach the President for lying
to Congress about the justification for the war. \ \


/ / May 2003 - General Jay Garner, appointed by
Bush as viceroy over Iraq, is fired by Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The general revealed
in an interview for BBC that he resisted White
House plans to sell off Iraq's oil and national
assets. \ \


/ / "Hooding was sometimes used in conjunction
with beatings, thus increasing anxiety as to
when blows would come," the report said. "The
practice of hooding also allowed the interrogators
to remain anonymous and thus to act with impunity."


A military intelligence officer, who is not
identified in the report, told the ICRC monitors
that such treatment was "part of the process"
in which prisoners were given clothing, bedding,
lights and toiletries in exchange for cooperation. \ \


/ / How does one go about creating the conditions
for legality? By framing facts and intelligence
around the policy, of course. The word "Lie" does
not appear in any of the released documents, but
the need to lie, the decision to lie, in order to
justify war permeates every word. \ \


/ / This document also exposes the Bush administration's
rhetorical nonsense about "supporting the troops" by
describing how their war plans did anything but. \ \


/ / Manning said it could prove helpful if Hussein refused
to allow renewed U.N. weapons inspections. \ \


HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly

/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. We have the
positions that were offered to the bush administration
on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That
was their position, the bush administration censored
that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel. \ \

/ / Shouldn't a person have a right to face
their accuser in a court of law, if it's in "our"
name as a community that we're going to collectively
get together and deprive another their rights? their
freedoms? their liberties? \ \

Repeat after me:

Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
with the impression, that neither host have
heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
department, and eight other American inteligence
agencies, of which, the bush administration got
caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
Subseqently causing the creation of an
investigation by the Senant, who's conclusion stated
that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
of the debate within the intelligence community
regarding these issues."

/ / In a September 2003 interview, Cheney claimed that the
National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 stated there
was ``compelling evidence that Saddam is reconstituting a
uranium enrichment effort'' and the investigators will ``find
in fact that they are valid.''

Cheney's reliance on the National Intelligence Estimate is
misleading since he quoted conclusions which the report
conceded were based on ``inadequate'' evidence or were
disputed by intelligence sources. (29) \ \

/ / Months before the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq,
members of Saddam regime and his military echelons in
Baghdad cut deals with the US Army to surrender the
capital and the rest of the country to U.S. forces. Yet
despite this no war surrender, the Bush-Blair axis
continued to bomb Iraq infrastructure. \ \

/ / On the eve of the official invasion, on March 8, 2003,
Bush said in his national radio address: "We are doing
everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam
Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by
force." Bush said this after nearly a year of systematic,
aggressive bombings of Iraq, during which Iraq was already
being disarmed by force, in preparation for the invasion
to come. By the Pentagon's own admission, it carried out
seventy-eight individual, offensive airstrikes against
Iraq in 2002 alone. \ \

/ / U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) -- a former telephone
company executive -- has introduced a bill (HR 2726)
that would let cable and telecom companies shut down
municipal and community efforts to offer broadband services. \ \

/ / But he said the incident also raised the question of what
happens to contractors if they are caught doing something
wrong, such as firing on civilians, as their legal status
is not defined. "If the marines think [the contractors]
did do something illegal there is no process they can go
through. Who are they going to hand them over to?" Mr
Singer said. "There have been more than 20,000 [contractors]
on the ground in Iraq for more than two years and not one
has been prosecuted for anything." \ \

/ / Statement Number Two: "To those who scare peace-loving
people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is
this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode
our national unity and diminish our resolve."

The first statement is a quote from Hitler's right hand
man, Hermann Goering, explaining at his war crimes trial
how easily he and his fellow Nazis hijacked Germany's
democratic government. \ \

/ / It's the Patriot Act on steroids. Charles Lewis of
the Center for Public Integrity shared this document
with Bill Moyers, who examined it on NOW, his weekly
PBS program. That episode aired Friday, February 7,
yet even now no mainstream news broadcaster has picked
up this incredible story. Read the NOW transcript and
see the document itself online at \ \

/ / It seems that the Homeland Security Department (HSD)
is about to become the KGB. The first Patriot Act already
allows for people to be locked up indefinitely without a
lawyer and without being charged with a crime. If Patriot
Act II passes, then arrests would also be secret. That means
that dissenters (or anyone else, for that matter) could
disappear without a trace, just as they did in Nazi Germany,
in Stalinist Russia, and in Pinochet's Chile. \ \

/ / Not far from their home, Yavin filmed a bit of graffiti
on a wall: "Arabs to the crematoria." A Border Policeman, a
muscular, tough-looking guy, says in a heavy Russian accent,
"I am only following orders, I do what I am told." Yavin
asserts: "We simply do not see the Palestinians as
human beings." \ \

/ / Delgado said he saw an Army master sergeant lash Iraqi
children with a Humvee antenna. He recalled seeing a Marine
send another child flying with a boot to the chest, and men
in his unit pelt Iraqi civilians in Nasiriyah with glass
soda bottles thrown from a military vehicle. \ \

/ / Sensenbrenner's H. R. 1528 is Fascism, so let us call it
what it is. We show a fine sense of gratitude to our heroic
dead when we sheepishly allow miscreants like Sensenbrenner
impose the Fascism that they fought against on us. \ \

/ / "It's the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of
this country," Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and
Karen Hunter. "This is just as bad as six million Jews being
killed. The whole world knew it and they were quiet about it,
because it wasn't their ox that was being gored." \ \

/ / Blair--no doubt trying to save his own ass back home
where such a lame answer would be fodder for more bad
press--came quickly to Bush's defense, saying, "No, the
facts were not being fixed, in any shape or form at all."
It was an assertion that anyone who has been following
events for the past two years knows to be totally bogus
and desperate, and which is being laughed down in Britain,
but apparently it was good enough for the tame media here. \ \

/ / "There are plenty of women in Fallujah who have testified
they were raped by American soldiers," said Abdulla. "They
are nearby the secondary school for girls inside Fallujah.
When people came back to Fallujah the first time they found
so many girls who were totally naked and they had been killed." \ \

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")

(on bush's "wacko" behaviour during the 9/11 incident.)


"..the newspapers don't tell you about it,
why do you think that is soldier grunt,
nazi whore, dying slave?"

Word of Advice


/ / ``The contents of the Downing Street Minutes
confirm that the Bush Administration was determined
to go to war in Iraq, regardless of whether there
was any credible justification for doing so. \ \

/ / Ani went on to add that the main hospital and
several primary health clinics in the city need
rebuilding, but the building materials are being
prevented from entering by US forces. \ \

/ / A majority of Americans now know that the US
Government has been torturing innocent Iraqis for
information on WMDs the US Government already knew
they could not possibly have. \ \

/ / So, what will Americans do? Will they walk their
talk, and fire the liars? Will they stand up like free
human beings and refuse the dictates of an illegal
government, or will they cower and send their children
off to die, watching them walk up the chutes to the
slaughterhouse without complaint, shrugging their
shoulders that this is how life is supposed to be and
there is no point in making a fuss about it? \ \

/ / The Constitution does not explicitly authorize
the government to lie to the people, and the tenth
amendment forbids the government to arrogate that right
to itself. Therefore, when the government lies, it acts
illegally and unconstitutionally \ \

/ / The call for an international response
to this torture scandal is based on the fact that there
has not been an adequate investigation here in the United
States. If there were an adequate investigation, there
would be no need for European governments to have
investigations of their own. \ \

/ / It's all merely a crayon drawing, an intellectual wading
pool, a big messy cartoon world populated by manly white
good guys and fanged dark evil guys and we are good and
They are evil and that's all there is to it so please
stop asking weird tricky polysyllabic questions. \ \

/ / Michigan Democratic Representative John Conyers has
called the latest revelations about these attacks "the
smoking bullet in the smoking gun," irrefutable proof
that President Bush misled Congress before the vote on
Iraq. \ \

-What nation had the highest number of citizens with PhDs on the world?
had more PhDs than America?

Iraq. Under Hussein's government.

/ / -What nation defended this atrocity by saying a gap
in international law allowed for burying Iraqis alive?

The USA. \ \

/ / I'm in awe... complete, dumbstruck, speechless awe. \ \

/ / John Bolton, flew to Europe early in 2002 to
orchestrate the firing of Jose Bustani, the
director of the Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons, "because the Brazilian was trying
to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad," \ \

/ / This is one of the rare instances in which US
journalists' proclivity for creating seamless
narratives around events would be wholly warranted. \ \


A bushite killer speaks freely

/ / Hello everybody. All People, it's the Son of Man here,
the Creator, Johnny Wizard, King of the Universe. Anyway
I'm a god. \ \

/ / Where are Americans to stand up for the Christian
virtues?, That are present within any concepualizations
of who God would be? Is God not Just? Would not God wish
to follow the crimes scene leads at the real murder scenes
to arrest the true evil doers? \ \

/ / Look at this: another reason to kill the enemy bushite. \ \


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)



Falluja Repeat in Al Qa'im

/ / Iraqi civilians and doctors in the area say no foreign
fighters were present in the town. Al Qa'im and surrounding
areas have suffered great destruction, and many in the town
population of 110,000 were killed, they say. \ \

/ / Another soldier told investigators that Sergeant Loring
lightheartedly referred to Specialist Corsetti, then 23, as
"the King of Torture." \ \

/ / Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to
be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people
paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent
to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded,
many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. \ \

/ / We have reported here in great detail on the voluminous
evidence establishing that the endemic, systematic torture
in Bush's gulag was instigated by the White House, sanctioned
by Bush's appointed "legal experts" who ruled that as commander
in chief, he is not constrained by laws against torture -- or,
indeed, by any law whatsoever. \ \

/ / The 2,200 documents obtained by the ACLU have been put online at:

Interrogators in Tikrit, working for the Fourth Infantry Division,
sent back an email on August 17, 2003, recommending ``open hand
strikes, closed-fist strikes, using claustrophobic techniques and a
number of `coercive' techniques such as striking with telephone
books, low-voltage electrocution and inducing muscle fatigue''. \ \


/ / noted the U.S. government's claim that its forces do their
utmost to minimise civilian casualties. ''How can we know whether
we're making any progress when a conscious decision is made to keep
that from the public?'' he told IPS. \ \

/ / Remember, these are the people who named a big giveaway to
logging interests "Healthy Forests." \ \


/ / The many organizations that have the ability to mobilize millions
of people have wasted their energies by organizing marches to empty
buildings where there is no corporate media coverage. I tried to tell


/ / Under the terms of the deal, Bechtel got $515 million to rebuild
Iraq's power generating stations; $33 million for rebuilding roads
and railroads; $44 million to dredge the seaport at Umm Qasr; $45
million to rehab the Iraqi telephone network, covering 240,000 phone
lines; $52 million for repair of the Baghdad airport; $208 million
to rebuild sewage and water treatment plants; and $53 million for the
reconstruction of Iraqi schools. \ \


The Final Straw

/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go help him,' as
regulations require. `Shit, I didn't help any of them. I wouldn't
help the fuckers. There were some you let die. And there were
some you double-tapped. Once you'd reached the objective, and once
you'd shot them and you're moving through, anything there, you
shoot again. You didn't want any prisoners of war.' \ \


The True Fight for Freedom

(Quotes from

/ / Sattler, as a result of ignoring reason and understanding,
went out and sacrificed all these marines that are now dead. \ \

/ / I see really great things in store, if we can find it within
ourselves to defend the innocent, despite the lies of the bush
cabal. Killing innocent people is wrong. There is no
justification for bombing Iraq, there just isn't. \ \

/ / Demon bush says he's against torture, and the Oregon Military
soldiers tell us, hey, they're torturing children, the bushite
forces in Iraq are. \ \

/ / If you knew your neighbor did that crime, and the police said
that they couldn't arrest him because he was a disciple of the
antichrist, so therefor, WE can't hold him to account as WE do to
the regular civilians... what would you think? \ \


It's the simplest idea. All you gotta do, is get a couple large
buoys, that let's say take maybe a twenty foot square space, maybe
a foot or two thick, and they contain air, made of some strong
plastics. You just take that, anchor it stationary to the ocean
floor, and have it situated on a gear system where, even though the
buoy moves up and down slightly, there is such a tremendous amount
of force on it, through the rising of the tides, that through gear
ratios, you could easily get some turbines going for a thousand
bucks or something. Not a big investment to give you free energy

/ / Do not put any effort into thinking out your own opinions.
Create doubt on anything any true liberator, would try to convey to
you as important for your life. Never mind. Watch your son or
daughter be sacrificed, and just lie to yourself, and tell us all
how your so proud of your dead son or daughter, "because they were
fighting for liberty." And we just got to just keep bullshiting you
because you're an enemy to God. An enemy to true freedom, when you
demand truth not be spoken for the innocent being persecuted, as
Christ was. Where is Christianity in America? Call your Church
now! \ \

Canadian radio broadcast interview with the Wizard


commentary from Johnny


/ / For Americans to remain silent as Bush hands down death
sentences for their children and their unborn grandchildren is a
war crime in itself. \ \

/ / The biggest story of the Iraq war is about the torture of Iraqi
children. \ \

/ / The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been
forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a
report criticizing the US military for detaining suspects without
trial and holding them in secret prisons. \ \

/ / As George H. W. Bush mentioned in his famous unpublished
quote to Sarah McLendon more than a decade ago: "[I]f the American
people ever knew the whole story about Iran Contra, we Bushes would
be chased down in the streets and lynched." \ \

/ / The British government formally protested to Israel after the
army officer who opened fire when the film-maker James Miller was
shot dead in Gaza two years ago was acquitted of disciplinary
charges. \ \

/ / CityBeat and Pointblank in the light of the latter's searing
expose of the Gosch-as-Gannon situation printed on the same day as
Gannett's Des Moines Register whitewash of the story. \ \

/ / Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their
defense actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands,
children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so
what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great
tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry
of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United
States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And
certainly not for justice. \ \

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)

/ / Similarly, with bush and rumsfeld. Their kind of treason is so
blasphemous, people can't recognize that any real human being would
willingly try to actually do such a thing for the windfalls of big
corporate profit, and as such, a many god person, (as often the
good natured and kind hearted), desperately look for any doubt,
than to face such a human fear of real demon behavior in our World
of worlds of every character. \ \

/ / "When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a
member of the National Assembly, he answered: To hell with you and
the National Assembly," al-Shaikh told his colleagues. Al-Shaikh
said the US soldier continued to beat him even after he told them
that he was an elected MP. \ \

/ / The reality that the President of the United States spent more
than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most
devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But
the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to
vital questions is an even greater outrage. \ \

/ / "A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to
obtain that autopsy list and you are invited to view it below
(here). Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list," said Navy
veteran, Thomas Olmstead. "Now, being the trusting sort, I figured
that the government would want to quickly dispel any rumors...It
seemed simple to me. . produce the names of all the bodies
identified by the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of
passengers. So, I sent a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
to the AFIP and asked for an expedited response...Fourteen months
later...and I finally get the list. No Arabs wound up on the
morgue slab; however, three ADDITIONAL people not listed by
American Airline sneaked in. I have seen no explanation for these
extras." \ \

/ / But I don't hear a whisper of that opinion on television, in
major newspapers, or from the lips of most Americans, no matter how
they classify themselves politically. It's all still mysterious
Arabs to a majority, who have not bothered to notice there was no
evidence presented, that the investigation into that tragic day was
never conducted, and that the people who profited from this demonic
charade are exactly the ones who claim to be its principal victims. \ \

/ / The decision by the head of Israel's Southern Command to clear
the officer overturned a recommendation by the military advocate
general that he should be severely disciplined. Mr Miller was
killed in Rafah in 2003 while walking back to his lodgings
displaying a white flag and clearly identifying himself to troops
as a journalist. \ \


The Son of Man rocks!

Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)

lyrics to,

Guilty of Innocence

you don't need to know your rights, with
bush not going [yet] left denied

he'll state no evidence is required, against
the guilty of, innocence in dire

no need to voice your cries,
bushite would rather market war crimes
with your time

your needs need no loving for, you'll
play a mute dumb bushite slave dying
to score,

The antichrist our enemy, depriving us all of liberty

Forsaken you, forsaken me. Can't you see?




Johnny Wizard's "Time.mp3"

/ / Think of all those people in that situation as God. And these, the
bushite nazi grunts, have positions that are completely irrational,
they're making no sense, your fuking up. It's like a cancer that
God of that whole situation, is inflicted with. They're lying to
themselves. If your there to fight on behalf of Iraqis, you take a
position to demand all the money that has been taken through this
Iraq Development Fund, be returned. \ \


/ / Worse yet, the commission concluded in a 600-page report that
intelligence wasn't politicized. Uh-huh. Frankly, only a
politicized commission could possibly have concluded that "no one
from the White House or Pentagon contributed to the mistaken
intelligence." \ \

Hmmm. Is it that they would have us believe, that the neo-con
faith initiatives are solely based on lies?, for none of the facts
trumpeted by the bushites, were established in their own minds by
critical thinking?

/ / "The analysts who worked Iraqi weapons issues universally
agreed that in no instance did political pressure cause them to
skew or alter any of their analytical judgments. \ \

Yeah but, the American analysts concurred that bush was
misrepresenting their facts.

/ / 26. "I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a
lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things." --aboard
Air Force One, June 4, 2003 \ \


/ / The U.N. scandal did not cost the taxpayers any money, but
this one is coming right out of our pockets. And, if we can't even
sue the bastards to get it back, we are in big trouble. \ \

The crime is now funneled through the made victim American tax
payers pocket as left unaccounted to through frauds blatant, and
still no cries for Justice, Freedom, REPRESENTATION?


/ / Citizens may be held indefinitely, with or without charges
being made, upon the direction of government officials. \ \

SATIRE? Hardly..

Infinite Injustice In The Global Gulag

/ / There he languished for more than two years until he was hauled
before one of Bush's "military tribunals" last fall. The khaki
kangaroo court duly ruled that Kurnaz was a heinous terrorist who
should be locked up forever -- despite the fact that both U.S.
military intelligence and German police had cleared him of any
connection whatsoever to terrorist activity anywhere in the world.
Completely ignoring almost 100 pages of exculpatory evidence
offered by these experts, the kangaroos relied instead on a brief,
uncorroborated memo submitted by an unidentified Bush official just
before the proceedings began.


The judge ruled that Kurnaz's imprisonment, indeed, Bush's whole
kangaroo pen, was illegal and unconstitutional. To which Bush -- a
staunch defender of law, liberty and civilization -- answered: Who
cares? So Kurnaz, 23, remains in captivity: year after year of
hellish limbo, his youth sacrificed to the caprice of the prissy
autocrat in the White House.


But last week, the Pentagon declined to prosecute 17 soldiers for
brutal murders of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq, despite the
recommendation of Army prosecutors. Army investigators also
released 1,200 pages of new evidence last week detailing widespread
"systematic and intentional" abuse of prisoners throughout Iraq,
especially in Mosul; again, the Pentagon declined to prosecute. \ \


The Scandal Behind the Scandal

/ / ``In the EO, Bush is handing U.S. firms `a blank check for
corporate anarchy' in an `outlandish cancellation of the rule of
law,' said legal director Tom Devine with the Government
Accountability Project. \ \

The antiChrist in action, while quasi-Christians go, "Oh, I don't


/ / US aircraft dropped leaflets on Iraqi Resistance forces
fortified behind high hills warning them of the consequences if
they did not withdraw. The punishment, it said, would be painful
for them. The Americans carried out their threat when they bombed
11 civilian houses. The American air raids killed and wounded
dozens of women, children, and elderly persons Mafkarat al-Islam
reported. For their part the puppet governor and mayor of the city
of Tall `Afar both tendered their resignations in protest against
the American bombing of civilian houses in the city. \ \


"Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terrorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally peruse the actual evil doers. \ \


The Benderman Cause

I felt compelled to support the Benderman's cause in
any way I could, so I am providing America some
arguments that I would use in a court of law to
defend your freedoms. If America would so desire,
I would also be prepared to make a recorded
statement from here in Canada. (I have been
denied access into the U.S..) My positions of
rational argument are naturally based upon our
established facts, and as such, are something few
Americans are afforded the luxury of through
corporate channels. I hope my forcefulness on these
issues does not fear you to doubt I have the best of
intentions when it comes to serving the interests
indivisibly inherent within the American
Constitution. God, I believe is just, and as such, the
ungodly war actions of George W. Bush dictate are
criminal in the worst degree, being a harbinger of
suffering and misery against all of Humanity as
US being the innocent. The innocent in our entirety,
is my "God" that I love with all I can will. I am
compelled as a living human being to defend America
to the last bush supporter praised if need be. I fight
the enemy of God and Humanity with reason,
understanding, Akeido, and a conviction that our
justice system must prevail for me to be truly myself

"He explained to "60 Minutes," "I was told in basic
training that, if I'm given an illegal or immoral order,
it is my duty to disobey it. And I feel that invading
and occupying Iraq is an illegal and immoral thing to

The war was declared "illegal" by the U.N..
Why? Because Saddam wasn't found in breach
of the internationally agreed upon resolution 1441,
(Saddam did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE that was
asked of Iraq by the bush administration, and then
some Mr. Bush refused to even take him up on.
Like national Iraqi television broadcasts.) despite
the lies quoted by corporate news America. There
was no need for the conflict to begin with as was
so reported internationally on march 7th, 2003. U.N.
inspectors had complete unrestricted access to go
anywhere without delay, and known stock piles of WMD
were burned, so could not possibly be
completely accounted for by evidential findings
due to the fact that they were destroyed beyond
recognition. American soldiers were put in harms
way to be sacrificed for no better good, but for to
allow as has happened, the misappropriation, or as
some have alleged, the criminal theft of Iraqi
resources, including monies of the Iraqi Development
Funds through Presidential decree 13303. Which
include the unappropriated, desperately needed,
humanitarian aid provisions still denied innocent
Iraqis, such as potable drinking water and food
stuffs. Democratic principles are DENIED the
Iraqis by the neo-con military forces, such as holding
all individuals equally accountable to a rule of law.
The outlawing of torture, or the outlawing of false
imprisonment has not been professed as the action of
the neo-con "liberating" force. Mercenaries are not
obliged to obey any laws for example. And, "Dr.
Germ", and "Dr. Anthrax" are held solely for the
fact that they know of the scientific hazards of
depleted uranium, and may have warned the
uninformed sacrificing American GI, if not held
illegally against their wills by the enemy.
Commanders such as irrational war criminal
Sattler, forbade all men and boys between 15 to 50
from leaving the city of Fallujah, while refusing to
negotiate with anyone, (because as so was openly
confessed, Sattler had no evidence that Zaqari was
in Fallujah) then leveled the city to kill all it's
inhabitants, estimated at that time near 300,000
people. Using a napalm type WMD, cluster dud
land mine munitions, and as reported, nine two
thousand pound bombs in a city 3 1/2 km by 4 km.
Serving for a military not strong enough collectively
to prosecute such lawless criminal barbarity, is
serving for a military not principled in the American
virtues of freedom and democracy. In truth,
serving for such ungodly criminal command is a
cowardly act of treason. George W. Bush is an
enemy of our Humanity.


>From the "anti-government" Johnny essay, "Stand Together or Don't"

/ / How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing
from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two
media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the
water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact
just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the
responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have
written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is
resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas.
Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is
doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you
don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money
in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny
informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by
greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading
ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't
either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from
all, including themselves. Can you believe it? \ \


Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
not the solution."



/ / "why should we afford the same liberties and privileges of
justice to the Taliban. Like why should we give them the same
rights we afford ourselves. They're the bad guys. Why do we want
to do any favors for the bad guys." And really that's an
irrationalism. And yet, it was there. You know, people go "you
don't need any evidence, what do you need evidence for, they're
guilty." And the rational, TRUE AMERICAN PATIOTS, would go, "no,
no, no, that's wrong. We want to actually follow the crimes scene
leads at the real murder scene to arrest the true evil doers." \ \


Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush
Administration, when the Secret Service top secretly requested I be
arrested for threatening the life of George W. Bush. They
tentatively planned to have me arrested under the Mental Health Act
to avoid a public criminal proceeding, but however during the
process, I managed to publicly speak on local Manitoba radio for no
less than forty hours regarding Bush in total, and was also well
known throughout my community involvement in live theatrical
productions I've been a part of for more than a decade.


In nabbing those who committed treason against our America's
America on 9/11, needs to be completed by firstly, following the
crime scene leads at the beginning with Bush's prior 9/11 plans
worked with the ring leader's financier, General Ahmad, and how
Condi, rumsfeld, and Cheney with Myers, fits in the picture
together as likewise traitors. The Iraq war is also a crime
against humanity. All stolen monies and property must be sought,
then returned to a legitimized democratic government. Torture is
outlawed, and finally, all innocent people held in prisons by
bushite forces, held without out charge for trial, need to be
released immediately as ourselves being denied liberation truly.
Let common sense prevail.



Forever Hold Your Peace

"I feel depressed," she said after leaving the theatre.
"He (Gibson) went overboard with the cruelty and
violence, and I think Mel Gibson is a bit of a sadist."

It's not the great artist Gibson, but corporate american
cult news who sit back bushiting "It's harmless, now
shut up dummy", knowing sadistic "sexy" rummy dumped
thousands of tons of radio-active toxic waste, along
with land mines to commit senseless, gratuitous mass
murder in residential communities housing the God of

It is bushite america who call themselves Christian, who
fund the Likud with American sweat and labor, to
criminally assault innocent Christians as accused of
nothing but being Christian. They do this as enemies of
Justice and God, to tell US as unbelievers, to
quickening the coming of the Lord, who will in turn,
condemn the individuals responsible, straight to hell
where they rightly belong. (Or prison whichever comes

It is America who sit bushiting "Freedom", while wording
nothing to blindly enslaving whomever, to torture or
murder for whatever by bombing Nations of People
irrationally. No reason., For law. (But to maybe
secretly sell drugs, or steal assets to victimize
Humanity. a.k.a. Jesus forsaken, or WMD bemer's Iraq)

And it is toxic cult corporate america, who let
traitors, bush and rummy murder thousands in New York
City, ("The People") and then escape forever, operation
infinite justice. I don't think so. I as John would
destroy every nazi american bushite happily, to save the
life of one child in any third world country.


Killing people
for no good reasons really sucks. I hate bushites.

Let's get the Patriots together and bag US some Rumsfeld

I just so much hate that demon antiChrist bush, and his
cabal of war mongers, it hurts. Let's just kill George
W. Bush for being qualified to lead but only himself
and Rumsfeld directly up to our NRA's firing squad, for
almost foolishly thinking they would actually escape the
planned murder of US thousands in New York City on 9/11,
then continuing by sacrificing dumdum nazi soldiers on a
cross in a completely unnecessary war against
civilization. What is it that the evil bushites can do
now in Iraq, before murdering untold thousands and
thousands, but for stealing even more of God's good will
towards all Mankind as loved?

[ S I L E N C E ]

No words from the bushites who rule our communications
through corporate news censorship, while Christian
parents call out unheard: why has corporate america
allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God
for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the
up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign? As I
suggested before, (If there are no real men in the
marines) why not just give the unarrested bushmob all
the money they want, so we can forgo all the needless
death and suffering against our friends and family?

[Look, usenet's can be the place anyone
in the world can offer any irrational thought on why
bush shouldn't be immediately arrested or executed as
traitor, but guess what? bushite nazi brethren, either
mostly don't exist in our real world, or can't think to
save themselves as bushwhore nazi dumdums. Dumdums who
advocate the senseless murder of innocent People, and
the continuing destruction of America's America.]


W's Reality Gap

" Whenever President Bush is now confronted with an
unacceptable reality, he either changes the subject -
is steroid use really more important than the environment?
- or expresses confidence in his certainty. "I'm absolutely
confident that..." he'll say, as if the issue is his
determination rather than his conclusion. "

It's his faith infinitive as the antiChrist, where he
has hypnotized the dopey with merely the power of
suggestion, that has brought him to US as foolishly not
conceiving, or most importantly, truly understanding.
So, do we feel sorry for his ignorance as fallibility we
are all prone to own as the human rendition? No. But
for stupidity thinking he could murder US as the
innocent to steal our free values, and just get away
with it by lying to no one continually, is where the
Lord makes our stand for God unseen as miraculous.

The demon bush dictate is not exceptable for my just
little man universe. I knows too much about freedom to
go on dying in bush's forsaken place as innocent
sacrifice. With corporate america's unarrested demon
bush forcing my hand, I would decide to defend by
concluding, he is truly, the enemy of all America.
America: weak without leadership, yes, but not as dumb
as some would have us believe. When is it that we feel
sorry for the thousands of lives bush's deliberate
actions of mass murder have taken for no good reasons?
Their ain't nobody to defend america's overlord, but
through corporate censorship of the reality of who's
really dying for the demon bush liar. I'm the one
anyone would ever have a legitimate fear of getting on
the wrong side of, and if your not in the process of
attempting to get away with murdering some defenseless
family for nothing but to rob from, to each, his or her
own, mostly, right?


U.S. pays millions to discredited Iraqis

" The letter appeared to contradict denials made last year
by top Pentagon officials that they were receiving
intelligence on Iraq that bypassed established channels
and vetting procedures. "

Bypassing America as undefended freedom,, sacrificed to
die for slavery under the unconstitutional as blatant
evil, bushite decrees. Demon bush tells America, and
indeed the World, since 9/11, evidence will no longer be
a requirement to convince US who is a mass murderer, and
corporate news america sells on without the human
opinion present evaluating his true asking price. Man,
that demon bush is sure one true evil bastard when you
think of what he, rummy, and Ashcroft is stealing in our
names censored through nazi fascism. [Granted, I am

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our
Mr. bush Jr. very much.


New Moon

To steal public utility services paid already as owned
completely by IRAQI, (America dying for the bushite
American pension thieves at WorldCom or Britain's
"Dutch"-Shell,) ain't gonna change the business
locations. The evil unAmerican cop killing bushites
think they're gonna party in Manhattan on our dime in
apartments for around $15,000 a month, while sneering at
a homeless beggar on the streets, who thought he was
still in Vietnam.

An oil-for-Iraq program needs to be reestablished, but
transparent to all as addressing the immediate emergency
needs of Iraqis. Private, in the secret back room with
the bushmob nazi bankers, and their private inept
collaborators flustering as international fraudulent
behaviors, just wont do., try as bush might to murder
perhaps millions of Americans uncovered by his
criminally enforced, reduction in health care coverage


The evil bushites think they're gonna party
in Manhattan on our dime in apartments for around
$15,000 a month, while sneering at a homeless beggar on
the streets, who thought he was still in Vietnam.

Perhaps, he is.

Another American soldier owes me a beer, or will be
dying to steal life from themselves as sacrificed for
the evil criminal dictate of Their Mr. bush Jr.. Don't
go silent as the unknown dying enemy to God and
humanity, stand with Justice and freedom in America for
Americans, and I swear, we won't kill ya as the good
guys in the epilogue.

By the bushmob attempting to create unrest, so
Halliburton at al, can continue in the tommy franks
chaos to rob America blind with false billing, instead
of cash paying, is costing the lives of American teen
soldiers. Who god love'em or hate'em, don't have the
intellect to strategize their way out of an open paper
bag, never mind evil bush's false creeds without real
leadership present as living for. Instead of bruising
our egos, the bushites are dropping bombs illegally on
the family.


Ask a dying soldier how it sits to know commi
Halliburton pocketed Humanitarian Aid? Go ahead,
ask'em?! Then ask'em why they die as cowards by rummy
cluster dud for the bushmob to rob their own direct
families left unprotected? Ask'em! You know what
they'll tell you? They're not happy about these bushmob
war crimes truly destroying America in America,
"freedom", "democracy", Johnny Wizard or otherwise., Or
instead they'll mumble something incoherently while
jaunting away to murder some one found defenseless, or
innocent to pay further while dying to slave under the
criminal dictate of the really evil demon bush Jr..

A proud bushite is a toxic bushite halting from warring
the innocent by stealing your human values truly.

We need to see an apology to come from America, an
apology to Humanity for this carnage waged unnecessary,
but for these contemptible war profiteering practices as
direct assaults to all as God is. Assaults that we have
been unable to remedy by openly communicating to bush's
secret White House, rumsfeld's secret Pentagon, or
Ashcroft's secret Justice Department.

Just who's running this show anyway, I wanna know.

A - g - a - i - n

Will Americans save themselves with help from the rest
of US, by arresting bush and rumsfeld immediately for
high treason?, or will they cower and DIE as the
innocent, in false gratitude to the lying traitors
bushmob? To with their dying breath proclaim
unattested, to be ridding the Universe of their
continuing criminal behavior.. a.k.a. evil?

Evidence is a must to establish a crime scene
provocateur, to deny such privilege is to deny freedom
be served as consented through any government.

Hint: Demon bush, rumsfeld and Ashcroft, they ain't no
struggling democracy entirely.

Look, the thing about God coming down, and having it out
with humanity on some various critical issues, isn't
like going to happen, it is doing.

We had complete unrestricted access throughout Iraq
prior to murdering any innocent child in america's name.

These verbs will strike that antiChrist demon down for
ever and a day, and if I've gone, faded away, these
words will still remain,

till now we meet again,

as you were,

Johnny Wizard


Look at this will ya? DU killing American Patriot
Soldiers, while bush revises our continuing history,
like this ain't really happening. I can only again, beg
you as the reader, to wake up to this bush madness, and
support ME, the mythological Son of Man God King
because: my facts I bring to our table, do not change
from your summation of my unbridled character. (I don't
need votes, but a trust in the good times coming through
for trying something better.) As I have said before, you
don't have to support Johnny by donating a few dollars
for Christ sake, but, to have a care for your own
humanity. Or, will doubting me, unfortunately, change
the truly toxic composition of measured radioactive, and
gaseously microscopic, depleted uranium. For we both as
ALL suffer from the demon bush fumbles of corrupt
ineptitude, disguised as heinous war crimes against
everyone. Crimes of murder, that there is no rational
justification for., then, or now. No good reason to
have bombed, then stole from the billed Iraq as
Dutch-Shell victims. Only irrationalisms. Examples:
What can we do now in Iraq, that we couldn't have under
Saddam? Spend tens of billions in investments on
universal health care, or education perhaps? Why bomb
anyone, when we had complete, unrestricted access? What
could bush have demanded for Iraq justly, when his
un-elected entourage is responsible for outrages 9/11,
the Patriot Act, and Guantanamo? So see, now, we have a
really big ego problem. By god, You humans are truly
blind without ourselves to be seen as.

Well, not quite.

Don't forget, Our Mr. bush Jr. also participated
directly with the 9/11 strategy's, top secret
Presidential Directive, of offering no evidence against
Bin regarding some crime that wasn't galvanizing the
world like the lucky, World Trade Center incidents did
in time sensibly. Without 9/11, what would Powell look
like from when in August he gave the Taliban 43 million,
to then in September, going after those that funded the
Justice supporters? How? And, where is the Saddam
money gone for the food shipments?! Our Mr. bush Jr.
has it secretly he writes. He also writes he will not
be accountable to any rules of Law in this Universe
regarding the ownership of said monies he has stolen
through the UN not chirping. I told you, no leadership.
(Good thing we showed up to raise the dead eh? Nudge

Justice and Freedom, like God as Nature, be not feared
as of.

A friend and myself were discussing political
deceptions, and he asked me if I knew what the secret to
the universe was, and I said no, what?, he replied,
there is no secret.

The politics of living is Humanity's survival, and is
what should be as our interests recognized, to be
representative. However, there is often dismal public
failure to characterize hugely heinous criminal attempts
to harm our universal freedoms through unbiased
corporate conduct. Justice must be prime, and maybe You
as the forever unknown still. It's just, that we don't
have customers at National Newscast Central to invest in
ourselves as interested benefactor. Why can not the
widely publicized, and FREEDOMly available, central
questions on 9/11 be asked without answer by Blitzer, or
Aaron? Do they actually have US believing it is in not
our interests to say as much for Justice? For America?
For God as victim? How far would CNN go to discrediting
American soldier after American soldier, blindly
sacrificed for WorldCom bush and Dutch-Shell bremer,
before CNN finally reports on bush's other partners in
crime, like Ahmad, the funder of the 'mastermind', Atta.
Why continue? For as the bushmob, to murder cowardly
Americans while stealing pensions and selling heroin, is
just stupidly dumb, evil and wrong man. So wrote the
holy god guy from beyond his own comprehension as a
timeless wonder, demon slayer. The dumbass bush crimes
against US as God, I will remind you, are very real, and
toll many innocent souls. The criminal sabotage bush
inflicts in his public responsibilities as America,
yearns eternally for accountability to our suffering
World, God included.

I will not go silently.

No, it wasn't Iraqi planning, or of Afghanistan's
students, it was bush, rumsfeld, Condoleezza,, Ahmad,
and likely Mueller as traitors, who decided your wager
as American to be devalued into official, unrepresented
criminality as bound tyrannical. (Tenant and
checheCheney, maybe also..) See, this is why the Patriot
Act rears it's direct onslaught against every American,
barely too, unchallenged by Blitzer, or Aaron. No
Justice for terrorists, is no freedom for bush's america
TRULY. As a result, the fascist sympathizing bigots,
racists, and war crime advocates, will argue they're
inept to comprehend what they know not of, and as we
witness, gain easy unchallenged corporate access by
ignoring our public sentiment. You don't have to look
far for major problems with the, "but bremer said they
were freed Iraqis", or the official 9/11 story line, but
as a CNN news caster, Y

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