Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Bike Bloc Call out for Counter G8 demo ins Richmond

Wooo!!! All hands tot heir bicycicles, its time to shut down king coal!
On July 8th, at noon in Monroe Park, there will begin a large demonstration in solidarity with those protesting the G8 in Scotland. As a part of the resistance to global capitalism, especially the control which energy companies maintain over our communities and Earth, this day will be focused on opposition to mountain top removal coal mining, and specifically Massey Energy.
And what better way is there to show our desire for clean, sustainable energy alternatives than to ride bikes!! So, in solidarity with Appalachian people resisting King Coal, let's get our friends together, get some bikes, and come show our disgust at those who control the future of our economy, our Earth, and our communities.

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