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Former Cuban Astronaut Says Russia Wants Collabs

Former Cuban Astronaut Says Russia Wants Collabs
Moscow, Jun 21 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Cuba-Russia Friendship Parliamentary Group Arnaldo Tamayo emphasized Tuesday in this capital prospects to foster ties between Russian and Cuban parliaments and peoples.

After winding up a four-day working visit to Moscow, the first Cuban astronaut told Prensa Latina that bilateral relations are now at their best moment.

"We appreciate a firm willingness in Russian authorities to advance in agreements signed in April during the 6th Intergovernmental Commission on Economy, Scientific and Technical Collaboration held in this capital," noted Tamayo.

Cuba is showing its willingness to strengthen relations in all spheres, particularly in energy, machineries construction, mining and tourism, and Russia has expressed interest in modernizing power plants, built in Havana with the collaboration of the former Soviet Union.

Tamayo held meetings, among other authorities, with top State Duma president Liubov Sliska, who attended in Havana a political and military ceremony on occasion of the defeat of fascism.

Moscow and Havana celebrated in November 2004 the 40th anniversary of the creation of friendship associations in both countries, founded by the first world cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and Argentinean-Cuban legendary guerrilla, Ernesto Che Guevara.

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