News :: Biotechnology
Gulf War Illness Symptoms -- HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE???

This condition has been called Gulf War Illness or Desert Storm Syndrome, and its origin and cause(s) have remained ellusive. The most common symptoms of Gulf War Illness include aching joints, chronic fatigue, memory loss, headaches, sleeping difficulties, skin rashes, loss of concentration, depression, muscle spasms, nervousness, diarrhea, blurred vision, anxiety, problems breathing, chest and heart pain, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, sight sensitivity, loss of balance, hives, frequent coughing, chemical sensitivities, bleeding gums, eye pain and other vision problems and bleeding gums and other dental problems (see the Figure). Not shown in this figure are the autoimmune-like symptoms (thyroid, CNS, GI) seen in some veterans. In some cases, immediate family members have also presented with similar symptoms, suggesting that in a subset of Desert Storm veterans the disorder is transmittable. Veterans Administration data indicate that at least 1,300 veterans have died from cancers and several thousand more have died from other diseases.