LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD
Workers Ready for Angelos Protest
Peter Angelos promised the temporary workers at Camden Yards that he'd make sure they'd get paid living wages. But when it came to bat, Angelos struck out.
Angelos says he's a friend of labor. But he's more a "Shoeless Joe" than a true friend, saying he's on labor's team when he's really playing for big business and baseball billionaires. A friend of labor doesn't stand by and let hard working folks get paid poverty-wages. And a friend of labor keeps his word to labor. Period.

* Who: United Workers Association, Casa de Maryland, Allied unions & friends
* What: Protest and rally to call foul on Angelos
* When: Friday June 17 at 6:30 PM (Union Night at Camden Yards)
* Where: Main Gate at Camden Yards (Eutaw St. entrance)
* Why: Angelos is breaking his promise to pay temporary stadium workers a living wage
There's a lot of back-breaking cleaning up to do during and after the game. Our tax dollars go towards paying to keep the stadium up and running, including clean-up. The Stadium Authority uses this money to pay contractors, who then pay other contractors, who then pay workers poverty-wages. The Authority's money goes to contractors - not workers - even though it would cost less to employ workers directly (even with living wages). Union busting cronyism and poverty-wages has no place in Baltimore.