LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
Three Strikes. Angelos Out.
Support comes in for convergence on June 17th at Camden Yards. The United Workers Association is organizing a Summer of Honor kick off rally set for 6:30PM at the Eutaw St. entrance to Camden Yards. We are pleased to announce support from the local union movement including AFSCME and the Teachers Union among dozens of supporting unions, Casa De Maryland, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, Baltimore IWW chapter, Health Care for the Homeless, and students from across the region including University of Maryland.

Camden Yards is more than just a place where multi-millionaires hit a ball and run around a diamond. Camden Yards represents what is wrong with working conditions in Baltimore and in this new economy. Like other mega projects that get developed with a lot of hype and attention such as the Harbor, millions and millions of dollars are generated. Yet only a few are the recipients of such wealth. The majority of us are invisible, bussing tables, stocking shelves, selling merchandise, and cleaning stadiums. The majority of us work for poverty wages. At Camden Yards there are almost 200 hundred cleaners who pick up trash during games and after everyone leaves. We pick up the trash by hand or with gasoline powered blowers. Public money pays for the stadium to be cleaned. That money ends up at temp agencies who then pay us poverty wages.
Peter Angelos considers himself a friend of labor. This is why we approached him last season to seek a resolution to the conditions we experience as cleaners. He made a committment to us that this season would be different, that we would earn a living wage. He told us he believes in the living wage like we do.
It turns out Peter Angelos is no friend of labor. Peter Angelos is pulling a "Shoeless Joe" by pretending to play on labor's team when in reality he plays on the team of big business billionaires.
Camden Yards remains a symbol of what's wrong with Baltimore, as a large sweatshop that pays poverty wages.
On June 17th Unions, students, and community groups are standing together. We cry foul on Angelos for cheating workers out of promised wages.
So join us June 17th at 6:30pm at Camden Yard's Eutaw St. Entrance. You can meet us at 190 W. Ostend st. AFSCME office at 6pm (free parking) before we head to the rally. There will be t-shirts and refreshments as well!