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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : U.S. Government

baltimore PD conduct illegal search

six BPD vehicles appeared on a quiet residential street near Loyola University and engaged in what appeared to be highly illegal searches and intimidation tactics.
six bpd vehicles appeared on a quiet residential street near loyola university on june 14th and engaged in what appeared to be highly illegal searches and intimidation tactics.

4a: bpd pull up onto a tree-lined side street and proceed to ransack a legally parked vehicle without a warrant.

4.15a: one officer states "the number of occasions on which we can search a vehicle without a warrant are too numerous to list."

4.30a: eight police officer adjoin to a nearby yard. when politely asked by the owners to leave the premises, three officers charge onto the porch.

4.35a:they proceed to tell the homeowner that they'll go in and get the owner of the car themselves, saying "we can walk into your house anytime we want to".

wake up, bpd. where are you stationed, baltimore or qatar? of course, badges numbers were difficult to obtain. two license plate numbers on the scene were 1951 and 1837.

baltimore cop watch

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