Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Media

Update on Flag and

The server hosting,, and related websites and email lists has been offline since Monday, June 6.
Update on Flag and

Infoshop News | June 13, 2005

The server hosting,, and related websites and email lists has been offline since Monday, June 6. We apologize for this inconvenience to our many visitors, fans, and users. The downtime is the result of our server being unplugged by the person who has provided free hosting to us for many years. As, Flag, and related websites have gotten more popular, this has monopolized most of the bandwidth that our good friend graciously provided to us.

We are currently working our new hosting arrangements for the project. We are setting up a new server computer at the new hosting service. The server will run on the stable FreeBSD system. The new server and additional bandwidth should result in faster service for all users. After we get the server up and running, we will be working on setting up a second server and are planning to arrange mirroring with friendly tech servers.

We hope to have the websites and related services back online by the end of this week.

This interruption of service may be a temporary annoyance, but we think this will ultimatley improve service for our users.

This outage affects the following websites and services:

* Infocities Blogs
* The anarchy-list discussion email list
* All and email lists
* An Anarchist FAQ
* Anarchist Image Archive
* The Anarchist Library
* Anarcho-Syndicalism 101
* Infoshop & Infoshop News
* Institute for Anarchist Studies
* Institute for Social Ecology
* Kate Sharpley Library
* The Memory Hole
* A People's Libertarian Index
* The Life and Works of Rudolph Rocker
* World Wide Anarchism
* All City Anarchists
* Anarchist Groups of New York
* Heatwave
* London Class War
* Struggle
* Words of War
* Worker's Solidarity Movement
* Zapatista Index
* Black Flag
* Folkmakt
* Harbinger
* Left Green Perspectives
* The New Formulation
* Oompa-Lumpen
* Red & Black Revolution
* Workers Solidarity
* Global Action
* Psychological Freedom Now!
* FreeBSD for the Lazy and Hopeless

Thank you for your patience,

for and

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