Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Civil & Human Rights

I am going to skewer the Georgia Bureau of Investigation

Here is my beef with the GBI and exactly what I am going to do about it.
I want to make a civil rights complaint against the GBI. The civil rights people, theoretically, are the folk in the FBI. So I went to their office this morning to set a date when I could bring in my papers and make a complaint. Agent Allen sat down with me. He read the letter, which documents that the GBI flat out refused to investigate a complaint against their agent. He did not see any of the rest of the materials I had. He stated that if the GBI refused, they must have had a good reason. He stated that refusal to investigate is not a civil rights complaint.
I said yes it is. If Denny's repeatedlly refuses to serve blacks it's a civil rights complaint, and if a public agency repeatedly refuses service to women its a civil rights complaint. He said no its not. He went into some long winded verbiage about the FBI doesn't do this and can't do that. I said you dragged Noriega up here and tried him in a U.S. court on drug charges. You can do anything you want to do. He said not really.
Skipping to the end, he said I would not even bring in my papers and present them to an agent. Period.

Anyway, he finally just came out and said that he doesn't believe that any agency would refuse service just because it didn't like women. And that is exactly the issue. I say that nonfeasance is not just a matter of gold bricking employees, it's a violation against people on the basis of political, racial and/or gender related issues.

So anyone out there ... gay, female, nerd, skinhead, anarchist, whatever ... who has ever tried to report crimes against themselves, only to have the police run them out without so much as jotting down a name, please call the Atlanta FBI and tell them that nonfeasance IS IS IS a civil rights issue. Their number is 404-679-9000. If you are in another city, please look up your local office and do the same.

Meanwhile, I have put together a plan for skewering the GBI. Here is a copy of the letter I am sending to them to outline the project.


Inspector Malueg,

This letter is to advise you the local office of FBI refuses even to look at my papers, let alone to consider a civil rights complaint. Therefore I am undertaking a campaign against the GBI. All names of agents I have worked with and all information to which I am privy are fair game for this campaign.

* The goals of this campaign are as follows:

1) To make the GBI pay what it owes me. If it will not pay me directly, then I will see to it that the GBI spends money on this issue to exceed that amount. I figure the most the money damages total would be about $300. Because I have already raised the ire of the GBI by publishing the names of some of its agents and my original complaint, I am certain that the GBI has already spent many times that amount trying to root out some quirk of law that they could use to nail me. Any actions against me because of this upcoming campaign will force the GBI to pay even more because of its original violation.
2) To get the GBI and FBI to change their policies regarding nonfeasance and classify it as civil rights violation and to incorporate that perspective into their training materials for all law enforcement agencies.
3) To put Agent Mefferd on some other job where he can't do any harm.

* The elements of the campaign are as follows.
1) The last time I published material about this problem I circulated it in a mass mailing. This time I will send it to one contact at a time. I will include my own name and those agents/officers that are relevant to the issue.It will also include phone numbers. I will continue sending it out at intervals to political reps, lawyers and media entities until one of them decides to take up the issue and help me.
2)Each time I contact a new person and am turned away, such as this morning at the FBI, I will write a new story about it, and publish it. I will include the names of any agents that are relevant and will include phone numbers.
3) I will keep all the stories and if I get all the way to the end of my list ... which could take a couple years ... I should have enough material to make a book. At that time the focus will turn to raising the money to publish it. Should I go that far, I can then do a mass mailing to the whole list again, mailing at intervals to batches of addressees small enough to be affordable. I can sell the rest to radical organizations as a sort of how-to on tackling the corruption of the GBI.

Here I am, too poor to afford a lawyer, and I am tackling the legal division of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Should the GBI haul me into court for any of this then I will get the opportunity to make my complaint to a judge. If I am charged with a felony, I will get a lawyer, at state expense, thus assuring success in part 1 of the goals of this campaign, as written above. Any public records it generates can be added to beef up my story publications and possible book. All legal actions create documentation, so this will be like a big, extremely mean spirited snowball fight. Any thing the legal department throws at me, I can then pick up and add to my own arsenal.

The prospect of jail ... or even a bullet in the head, as I will have to put out my own name and the klans will find out I have been informing on them ... those prospects are no deterrent. That is because the issue at hand is far more important than I or any of the agents or the agencies or the organizations involved.

If you don't like it, feel free to come get me.

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