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News :: Drugs

Alcohol: A Million Deaths A Decade Fueling Law Enforcement


The Kennedy assassination was many things: punishment by the world bankers because America wanted its own currency back; preppy wars amongst the clans, most notably the bush-nixon machine against the kennedys; and on and on, ad nauseum; but most important of all, the Kennedy assassination was what is called the Ritual of the Killing of the King.

The Killing of the King is perhaps the greatest psychological demoralization tactic known to man. It is certainly the most practiced. There are very few aspects of murder in this barbarity we inhabit that have been studied more than the Ritual of the Killing of the King. Old old ritual of the conqueror. Spoils of war. What a bunch of monkeys we really are.

So after the killing of the King here, which again, was the ritual and oh so public slaying of the leader Kennedy, certain aspects of controlled psychological trauma were expected, and as expected, became manifest. The circus surrounding the act of the Killing of the King, and the very dissatisfying results concerning the investigations, caused many to doubt the law in general, so that compliance to the so-called American System, newly defined by the takeover government who did Kennedy and GOT AWAY WITH IT, became, by necessity, Enforcable. The needs for enforcement of all types grew and grew, after the Killing of the King. They grew 10 times and then some.

A lot of mind control had gone down well before the Killing of the King, which, by the way, was orchestrated largely by paperclip types of german extraction out of Huntsville Alabama, and the Ritual of the Killing of the King never enjoyed greater popularity than among the teutonic hun monkey tribes. FYI. Same tribe are great fans of mental coercions of all types, high science. Rocket science at Huntsville PALES in comparison to the mk stuff that has gone down at redstone arsenal since the late 40's-a-thud-a-gallop.

These mind controllers, these psychological vivisectionists, have been busy for a very long time. Now we are being herded by fear we are going to run out of oil, and being herded, incidentally, by the very same people who did Kennedy, and began the police state with intentional and intensive mind control which constitutes an ATTACK on the American populace, the SAME PEOPLE STILL, except now its the next generation. All electronic and stuff now. Lines in the Sky. High Human Experimentation. Impeach and Execute bush.

For the record, all evidence points to the fact that these people possess one thing in common, across societys, and finance, and kinships--these families like the bush family, are, and always have been, paracticioners particip[ants and profiteers of illegal drugs. With the bush family it is mainly opium and cocaine, with a distinct possibility that the opium concesssion actually goes back to an endowment by the crown and is a couple centuries old, at least. The cocaine came into being when many of the nazis who could not get into America had to go to South America. Their main benefactor was none other than Prescott bush, and it is Prescott bush who is credited as having introduced a certain strain of opium poppy to south America. Way back when.

The reason alcohol is legal to drink is because it effects the mind of its users in ways predictable and totally in synch with the growing of law enforcement and the police state. It makes violence. Violence makes police necessary, or more necessary, according to the takeover machine called the federal reserve, which bush and all the rest are just fronting for. A foreign government which employs americas politicians. A foreign government representing themselves now as AIPAC. The real perps who did Kennedy, who paid to jhave kennedy done. Many names many faces, same familys for 100 years now, or more. They suck. They are not Ameicans. They run media, and the currency. They hate you, America. Boy george bush is just part of the payment to the hands-on grunts who spilt the actual blood. You better know that right up front, kidz.

Anyway, notice the tight reins kept on the production of alcohol. This is because alcohol is so easy to make it is ridiculous. So the costs must be kept down far enough to keep the people drunk and surly without costing too too much. Squeeze 'em, for sure, they are, afterall, the marks, but do not give them any ideas about making alcohol, because the real reason alcohol production must be controlled and covered up is because gasoline engines can burn alcohol. Alcohol is good for law enforcement profits, but bad for oil profits, unless the marks are kept in front of their TV's in a haze when not at work in a factory somewhere.

As a tool of MK (Mind Kontrol) alcohol is also desirable because it makes many people maudlin and sappy, and twists their brains badly when they see a certain bloody figure hanging from a crucifix -- what a bunch of self flagellating monkeys they are. The MK out of Huntsville pertaining to fundamental Christianity as a ready made mind control matrix, and with Huntsville as the heart of the bible belt and all, dovetails rather well, and together with much more.

So even though alcohol can fuel your cars, cleanly, and cheaply, the people who got into your brains and the brains of your children with an age old and filthy ritual trick called The Killing Of The King, are still running you so that you go around drinking a flammable liquid and are always confused and upset, instead of say, smoking a nice hemp flower, and putting the alcohol in your gas tank, where it belongs. Speaking of hemp, that is illegal because it is very easy to make wood alcohol from, in great clean quantities, and that is some of that mind control that they laid down a long time ago. All competition with the petroleum they control was put down long ago. This is just the mop-up.

They saw this day and planned for it well. They are so much liars that it would be better for most people to posit exactly 180 degrees away from what is being said by them, so that something of reality could be glimpsed, through the pall and construct of satanism and hate.

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