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Hey America, Meet Your New Police


These are used in conjunction with Time domain Technology (Through Wall Radar ++) and other antennae deployed harassment-mind-control, and surveillance technology, as well as satellite beacons and actual spreading machinery during chemtrail operations. The drone are also known to be deployers of microwave and laser beam Directed Energy Weapons, and are used for straight up camera surveillance too. Many are cloaked with the flat screen tv chameleon technology, but you can hear them fine...if you are under surveillance by the bush nazi chimps you will hear them every time you leave your house...THESE CAN BE DISABLED EASILY AND WITH NO THREAT TO HUMAN LIFE WITH RIFLES AND HAND HELD LASER...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are remotely piloted or self-piloted aircraft that can carry cameras, sensors, communications equipment or other payloads. They have been used in a reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering role since the 1950s, and more challenging roles are envisioned, including combat missions. Since 1964 the Defense Department has developed 11 different UAVs, though due to acquisition and development problems only 3 entered production. The US Navy has studyied the feasibility of operating VTOL UAVs since the early 1960s, the QH-50 Gyrodyne torpedo-delivery drone being an early example. However, high cost and technological immaturity have precluded acquiring and fielding operational VTOL UAV systems.

By the early 1990s DOD sought UAVs to satisfy surveillance requirements in Close Range, Short Range or Endurance categories. Close Range was defined to be within 50 kilometers, Short Range was defined as within 200 kilometers and Endurance as anything beyond. By the late 1990s, the Close and Short Range categories were combined, and a separate Shipboard category emerged. The current classes of these vehicles are the Tactical UAV and the Endurance category.

Pioneer: Procured beginning in 1985 as an interim UAV capability to provide imagery intelligence for tactical commanders on land and see at ranges out to 185 kilometers. No longer in the Army inventory (returned to the US Navy in 1995).

Tactical UAV : Designed to support tactical commanders with near-real-time imagery intelligence at ranges up to 200 kilometers. Outrider Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) program terminated. Material solution for TUAV requirements is being pursued through a competive acquisition process with goal of contract award in DEC 99.

Joint Tactical UAV (Hunter): Developed to provide ground and maritime forces with near-real-time imagery intelligence at ranges up to 200 kilometers; extensible to 300+ kilometers by using another Hunter UAV as an airborne relay. Training base located at Fort Huachuca, with additional baseline at Fort Polk to support JRTC rotations. Operational assets based at Fort Hood (currently supporting the KFOR in Kosovo).

Medium Altitude Endurance UAV (Predator): Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration now transitioned to Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP). Provides imagery intelligence to satisfy Joint Task Force and Theater Commanders at ranges out to 500 nautical miles. No longer in the Army inventory (transferred to the US Air Force in 1996).

High Altitude Endurance UAV (Global Hawk): Intended for missions requiring long-range deployment and wide-area surveillance (EO/IR and SAR) or long sensor dwell over the target area. Directly deployable from CONUS to the theater of operations. Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) managed by the US Air Force.

Tactical Control Station (TCS): The Tactical Control Station is the software and communications links required to control the TUAV, MAE-UAV, and other future tactical UAV's. It also provides connectivity to other C4I systems.

Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (MAV): DARPA program to explore the military relevance of Micro Air Vehicles for future military operations, and to develop and demonstrate flight enabling technologies for very small aircraft (less than 15cm/6in. in any dimension).

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle


Payload Weight

Altitude Capability


AQM-34N Firebee hr. lbs. ft.
Aquila hr. lbs. ft.
COMPASS ARROW hr. lbs. ft.
COMPASS BIN hr. lbs. ft.
COMPASS COPE hr. lbs. ft.
COMPASS DAWN hr. lbs. ft.
Condor hr. lbs. ft.
CR-TUAV hr. lbs. ft.
CR-UAV hr. lbs. ft.
Darkstar 8 hrs. 1,000 lbs. 45,000 ft.
Dragon hr. lbs. ft.
Eagle Eye 8 hrs. 300 lbs. 20,000 ft.
Exdrone 2.5 hr. 25 lbs 10,000 ft.
Firebee 1.25 hrs. 470 lbs. 60,000 ft.
Global Hawk 42 hrs. 1,960 lbs. 65,000 ft.
Gnat 750 48 hrs. 140 lbs. 25,000 ft.
Hunter 12 hrs. 200 lbs. 15,000 ft.
Model 324 2.5 hrs. 200 lbs. 43,000 ft.
Model 410 12 hrs. 300 lbs. 30,000 ft.
MR-UAV hr. lbs. ft.
MRE hr. lbs. ft.
Outrider 4 hrs. 160 lbs. 15,000 ft.
Pioneer 5.5 hrs. 75 lbs. 12,000 ft.
Pointer 1 hr. 2 lbs. 3,000 ft.
Predator 29 hrs. 700 lbs. +40,000 ft.
SEA FERRET hr. lbs. ft.
SENIOR BOWL [D-21] hr. lbs. ft.
VT-UAV hr. lbs. ft.
VT-UAV Dragonfly hr. lbs. ft.
VT-UAV Vigilante hr. lbs. ft.
VT-UAV Guardian hr. lbs. ft.

Sources and Resources

• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicles, Defense Science Board, February 2004 (850 KB PDF file)
• Force Structure: Improved Strategic Planning Can Enhance DOD's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Efforts, General Accounting Office report GAO-04-342, March 2004
• Access 5. Access 5 is a national project sponsored by NASA–with participation by the FAA, DoD, and industry–to introduce high altitude long endurance (HALE) remotely operated aircraft (ROA) to routine flight in the National Airspace System (NAS). October 2003
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress (PDF), April 25, 2003
• Pentagon Briefing on UAV Roadmap Report, March 18, 2003
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Roadmap: 2002-2027, Office of the Secretary of Defense, December 2002 (8.7 MB PDF file)
• Joint Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Joint Test & Evaluation, official home page
• SATUMA Pakistan develops unmanned aerial vehicles, including high speed target drones and multipurpose aerial surveillance aircraft.
• EE-1 Video Server Testbed, to make UAV data available via web browser in real time, Defense Information Technology Testbed, Center for Army Lessons Learned, 14 July 2000
• UAVs: DoD Press Briefing October 31, 2001, Briefing Slides:

• UAV Evolution - Where are we?
• Army Tactical Umanned Aerial Vehicle.
• Brigade Shadow 200 UAV.
• Hunter TUAV Today's Workhorse.
• Evolving TUAV Capabilities Include...
• Predator UAV (Air Force).
• Global Hawk (Air Force).
• Navy UAVs.

• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): An Assessment of Historical Operations and Future Possibilities Air Command and Staff College 1997
• Tactical Reconnaissance: UAVs versus Manned Aircraft Rajesh Kumar; Charles D Cunningham (Faculty Advisor) Air Command and Staff College 1997
• The Pilotless Air Force? Robert C Nolan Air Command and Staff College 1997
• A Moderate Course for USAF UAV Development Michael W. Kennedy; Lance A. Forbes (Faculty Advisor) Air Command and Staff College 1998 - USAF UAV course charted after its mid-1990s UAV acceptance was founded on unproven technology.

• 1998 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Conference Ft. Huachuca 3-5 Nov 98
• 1999 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Conference Ft. Huachuca 21-23 Sep 99
• PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors

• Army Science Board Briefing 9 June 1999
• Team C4IEWS - Business Opportunities 18 May 1999
• AUVSI ‘99 Unmanned Systems 14 July 1999
• TUAV Update: AUVSI Pax River 15 September 1999
• A Perspective on Army UAV Needs and Initiatives 23 September 1999
• TUAV Overview 6 October 1999

• Naval UAV Executive Steering Group

• Executive Steering Group Meeting -- 24 Feb 1999
• Executive Steering Group Meeting -- 16 Oct 1998
• VTUAV Modular Mission Payloads -- 15 October 1998
• Pioneer TCDL Integration -- 09 October 1998

• Unmanned/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Command and Control (C2) Workshop, NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) 9-10 February 1999
• UAV Characteristics Table DARO UAV Annual Report November 1996
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: DOD's Acquisition Efforts GAO T-NSIAD-97-138 April 9, 1997
• Options for Enhancing the Department of Defense's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Programs Congressional Budget Office - September 1998
• Eyes in the Sky Aerial Systems Colonel Ronald W. Wilson Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin July-September 96

• Wings of Change: The Future of Flying, National Geographic Magazine, December 2003
• PMA 263 -- NAVY Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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Created by John Pike
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated May 10, 2004

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