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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Nixon’s Watergate, JFK’s Murder: Connecting the Dots!

Richard Nixon was forced to resign because of Watergate and the “feeding frenzy” over it initiated by the Washington Post. Yet, this same Post has been silent about the Iraqi-related lies of George W. Bush! Why did the Post ignore the CIA connections to Watergate? Did a Shadow Government bring Nixon down because of his peace overtures to Vietnam and the Soviet Union?
The White House.jpg
Richard M. Nixon won the 1972 presidential election by a massive landslide of votes. He carried 49 of the 50 states. His opponent, Sen. George McGovern, failed to carry even his home state of South Dakota. Only faithful Massachusetts stayed in the Democratic column. It was an embarrassing blow! Yet, incredibly, by Aug. 8, 1974, Nixon was forced to resign from the office of the presidency as a result of the Watergate scandal! (1)

Watergate was a grand comic opera that Nixon had helped to cover up at the urging of White House sleaze bags. Some of them are strongly suspected of having had a personal interest in the break-in that they wanted to keep from the public eye. (2) Even G. Gordon Liddy, an organizer of the break-in on June 17, 1972, of the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., couldn’t figure out the value of that insane enterprise. The CIA, thanks to one of its operatives, the late E. Howard Hunt, was also directly involved in the Watergate crime. Come to think about it, what exactly was the CIA’s interest in Watergate? Why wasn’t this question ever addressed by the Washington Post? There is definitely something here way beyond Nixon’s political ambitions. (3)

There isn’t any doubt, that the country was seriously destabilized by the political crisis surrounding Nixon’s resignation. A personally flawed man, Nixon was his own worst enemy. He was a master of “dirty tricks.” One might say that God’s great law of Karma finally caught up with him. He was also a first class liar and a mean-spirited man. I’m writing this piece not to minimize Nixon’s role in Watergate, but only to get readers to look behind the Controlled Media’s spin on it. Recent disclosures indicate that W. Mark Felt, the then-No. 2 man at the FBI, was “Deep Throat.” Felt now claims, after lying about it for over 30 years, that he was “the” source for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Post. They, along with Federal Judge John Sirica who presided over the burglary case, broke the Watergate story. The reporters agree Felt was their source. Well, he may have been “a source,” but was he the “only” one? Was he really the “primary” source? Or, was “Deep Throat” a composite of sources? Is the Post again deliberately misdirecting us away from key figures, at the then-Nixon White House, who may have been “CIA plants,” and who had agendas of their own with respect to Watergate? (3)

Consider this: If there is a scandal at a local City Hall in any town in America, are the people who are in the know about that scandal going to be the local cops investigating the affair? Isn’t it more probably true than not, that the real authorities about what truly happened at City Hall will come from someone who worked in the highest echelon of offices there?

Question: “Why would the Establishment of that day want to get rid of Nixon over a burglary?” It doesn’t make any sense! Nixon was its man and it had just spent tons of money getting him elected to a second term. The Post’s version of what happened has huge holes in it. Meanwhile, as I write, President George W. Bush has lied us into an unjust, costly and deadly war with Iraq, with no end in sight to that conflict. Yet, the Post is maintaining a strict vow of silence about that. Why isn’t it howling for Bush’s Impeachment? This is the same stealth-like position that it took when President Ronald Reagan was lying his a.. off about Contragate. The Post also didn’t dare to disturb the demented Reagan as he was going about his anti-American plot of repealing the progressive gains of “FDR’s New Deal.” This is the same rotten scheme that Bush, again without any opposition from the Post, is finishing off. Who is watching the store? Not the self-glorifying Post, that’s for sure.

There are more questions. It’s beyond dispute that Woodward is a fine writer, but how did he get a job at the Post as a reporter with so little experience? He wrote for one year for a small newspaper in Montgomery Co., MD, covering mostly boring local items. Then, he was hired by the Post’s Metro Editor, Harry Rosenfeld. Earlier, Woodward was a Lt. in the U.S. Navy, whose duties took him to the White House, where he claims he met Felt, in 1970, for the first time. Did he also meet Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger or E. Howard Hunt there? What exactly were his duties in the Navy? He doesn’t tell us. As for Bernstein, Watergate was his first and last dubious claim to fame. When I see him on TV babbling about some issue, I wonder: “Could this character get a job today as a taxicab driver in Washington, D.C.?” As for Woodward’s account of his relationship with Felt, it sounds shaky, artificial and contrived to me. It doesn’t pass the smell test. I don’t believe him! (4) Did Woodward have a journalistic conflict of interest in covering Watergate because of his past White House and intelligence communities connections?

Based on all of the above, I believe that the thing that we call, “The Establishment,” isn’t the real power in the land! It’s mostly a front, like that over-hyped “Wizard of Oz,” was proven to be in the famous novel by L. Frank Baum. (5) I suspect that the Establishment didn’t get rid of Nixon, but a powerful “Shadow Government” did! This clique, acting behind the scenes, cleverly orchestrated the “feeding frenzy” over Watergate. The Post, either consciously or unconsciously, was a part of that gambit. The “Shadow Government” is made up of many parts, some foreign based. (6) In my opinion, Nixon’s fall from power greatly increased the influence of one of that ilk - the Military-Industrial Complex - the same one that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about in his Farewell Address. (7)

What motives could the Military-Industrial Complex have do it? According to author Peter Dale Scott, this group got deeply concerned when Nixon began “secret negotiations with Hanoi for disengagement from Vietnam.” These worries were all “significantly advanced by his May, 1972 visit to Moscow, where he signed the first Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement.” (8) If Nixon got the boot, it would surely be better for those in the business of perpetual war-making. And, it goes without saying that is why, today, the Military-Industrial Complex just loves Bush! He is the Mother of all War Hawks and a fanatical “Free Trader,” which pleases the Globalist intriguers, also. (6)

What else was Nixon intending to do in his last term in office that so spooked the gangster-like Shadow Government? Did Nixon and his top aide, the late Bob Haldeman, take those secrets to the grave? Or, are Nixon’s plans on those White House tapes waiting for some scholar to discover them? (9) Author Scott believes, “Dishonesty, manipulation, and even self-deception are widespread in our nominal political democracy...A deep political analysis of [it] will lead to not a few bad people,” he asserts, “but to the institutional and parapolitical arrangements which constitute the way we are systematically governed. The conspiracies I see as operative, in other words, are part of our political structure, not exceptions to it.” (8)

Keep in mind that one of the salient points that Scott makes in, “Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,” and in his other brilliant tomes, is that there are ongoing incestuous, insidious and covert relationships existing between important elements of the federal government, the Mob, the CIA, the FBI, Drug Cartels, the Controlled Media, Big Business, Intelligence agencies and corrupt politicians. “A deep political system,” Scott argues, “is one where the processes openly acknowledged are not always securely in control, precisely because of their accommodation to unsanctioned sources of violence, through arrangements not openly acknowledged and reviewed.” (8)

Finally, Nixon, after Watergate and his resignation, spent his senior years writing his memoirs. He was a really lucky man! The time before that, when the Shadow Government connivers wanted a president put out of the way, it manipulated him into taking a trip to Dallas, Texas, and to riding in a convertible, with its top down, through the town. That man was John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the fateful date was Nov. 22, 1963! Kennedy was murdered only “two days after his announcement of detailed plans for a disengagement from Vietnam.” There are a lot of dots between the criminal coups that removed JFK and Nixon from power. Someday, the American people are going to wake up and connect those dots! (8)


2. “Silent Coup: The Removal of a President,” by Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin.
3. “Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA,” by Jim Hougan.
4. “How Mark Felt Became ‘Deep Throat,’” by Bob Woodward.
5. “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” by L. Frank Baum.
6. “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300,” by Dr. John Coleman.
8. “Deep Politics and the Death of JFK,” by Peter Dale Scott.

© William Hughes 2005

William Hughes is the author of “Saying ‘No’ to the War Party” (IUniverse, Inc.). He can be reached at

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