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Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Is Wal-Mart Good for America?


Dear Working Families e-Activist,

As the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart is setting the
standard for America's workplaces--and it's a standard of low
wages, poor benefits and worker abuse. Learn more about the
Wal-Mart way of doing business and how this one retail giant is
changing the American economy in the PBS Frontline documentary
"Is Wal-Mart Good for America?"

Order this 60-minute documentary in VHS or DVD format now from
The Union Shop Online--the AFL-CIO's retail store for working
family activists. Click on the link below:

In "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?", correspondent Hedrick Smith
examines Wal-Mart as a global force changing the balance of
power in the business world--and leaving workers behind. You'll
hear from an IBEW member who worked at television manufacturer
Thomson Industries and see Rubbermaid's equipment auctioned off
to Chinese buyers, illustrating what many consider Wal-Mart's
strong-arm tactics on suppliers to lower prices that have driven
jobs from once-solid American companies to low-wage operations

You must see this show before you shop.

Think about hosting a "watch party" at your home, union hall or
community center so you and friends or co-workers can get
together to watch "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" and talk about
what shoppers looking for bargains really buy at Wal-Mart: low
wages, poor benefits, discrimination, workers' rights violations
and union-busting. Click on the link below to order the
documentary now:

Let other working family activists know they can order "Is
Wal-Mart Good for America?" from The Union Shop Online by
forwarding this e-mail.

Enjoy the documentary--and enjoy your shopping at The Union Shop
Online, where you can always find high-quality,
union-made-in-the-USA gear and gifts.

In solidarity,

Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
June 1, 2005

P.S. Find out more about Wal-Mart at and

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