Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Biotechnology

BIOdemocracy Spokescouncil ::: June 4th in Philly

*Reclaim the Commons* / BIOdemocracy 2005
Spokescouncil ::: Saturday June 4 in Philadelphia
*Reclaim the Commons* / BIOdemocracy 2005
Spokescouncil ::: Saturday June 4 in Philadelphia

Saturday, June 4, 1 to 5 pm
The Kind Cafe (724 North 3rd Street) (see map + directions below)

In less than 3 weeks, from June 19 to 22, 2005, the Earth’s largest consortium of biotechnology corporations -- the Biotechnology Industry
Organization (BIO) –- is holding its annual international convention in downtown Philadelphia. Join us to say NO to their agenda of genetically
engineered (GE) agriculture, medicine for profit and bioweapons proliferation!

Activists in Philadelphia and throughout the East Coast are hard at work mobilizing a diverse smorgasbord of activities to challenge the
biotech industry with our own vision of peaceful, sustainable and GE-free grassroots democracy. It's not too late for you to be involved. Please come to this Spokescouncil meeting to help plan and participate in these important events!

The June 4th Spokescouncil will take place in a meeting room in The Kind Cafe, a restaurant in the Northern Liberties neighborhood of Philadelphia that specializes in meals created from organic, vegan and raw foods. To arrive via subway, take the Market-Frankford line to Spring Garden St, then walk about one block north and four blocks
east, or see other options at A map can be seen here:

What is a Spokescouncil? A Spokescouncil is a participatory, democratic body intended to facilitate cooperation and action in an open meeting of equals. At its most basic level, a spokescouncil is simply a way for people who share a similar vision of the world to meet together and
plan concrete actions, in order to make that vision a reality. Please see more details: *Reclaim the Commons* / BioDEMOCRACY 2005
Spokescouncil ::: Saturday June 4 in Philadelphia

To confirm your participation in this Spokescouncil or for more info, please write to, call 215 222 4711 (Nathaniel at Student Environmental Action Coalition), or leave a message toll-free
at 877-806-2871.

Spokescouncil meetings will also happen in Philadelphia on June 11, 15, and 17-20. For a full schedule of June 18-21 BioDemocracy 2005 events
in Philadelphia, please see:

The BioDEMOCRACY Mobilization is co-sponsored by Philadelphia RAGE (Resistance Against Genetic Engineering), Institute for Social Ecology,
SOS Foods, White Dog Cafe, Organic Consumers Association, Mobilization for Global Justice, Under the Pavement Collective, and Student Environmental Action Coalition.

"Because disease and starvation will not be solved by corporations!"

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