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Baltimore IMC

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Our people:
Despite the deep censor ship being practised against our resistance to tyranny and isolation, we are continuing our resistance in the isolation cells.

Our people: Despite the deep censor ship being practised against our resistance to tyranny and isolation, we are continuing our resistance in the isolation cells. The revolutionary prisoners wrote epics of their resistance in the years after the September 12, 1980 military coup, in the face of multi-faceted censorship. We are certain that the epic of resistance currently being written in the F-Type prison cells will reach our people one way or another. We are certain that the power of the resistance to all wrongs will grow, with the determination to resist tyranny that we have shown. We are certain that tens of millions will put into effect the ideals that we have defended against tyranny at the price of our deaths. Up to now our will has never been broken. Nor will it break in the future. Our people! To show once again the willpower and determination of our resistance, another group of our comrades started the Death Fast on May 1, 2002, as the Eighth Death Fast Team. On the same day all DHKP-C Trial prisoners started a hunger strike, which will last until May 15.

Our Eighth Death Fast Team started the Death Fast on May Day, the day when our people, in our country and the world, go out into the streets to demand justice and freedom. On May Day, while red banners were being carried out into the city squares, our comrades in prison accompanied them by tying new red headbands around their foreheads. Our people?s shouts of anger in the streets and squares on May Day against the F-type cells and against isolation even reached our cells. The voice of tens of thousands shouting ?Long live our Death Fast resistance? filled our cells. This voice is the voice for whose sake we are resisting. This voice is the voice we trust under all conditions. This voice is the voice of confidence in us. Up to now, we have not disappointed those who trust in us and believe in us, and we never will. Our fight is the same, whether in city squares or isolation cells. One front in this fight is against isolation, another is against the IMF, while yet another front opposes the USA and Israel. The struggles of various sections of our people, with their different demands, form streams that unite into one river. We are a mighty river of fighters and resisters. This river will flow on to the liberation of our people. And sooner or later it will flow into the sea! This is our word to our people, from the cells in which we resist; in each and every area we call on the resistance to grow. In total there are eight of our comrades in the Eighth Death Fast Team. One in Edirne F-Type, one in Tekirdag F-Type, two in Kandira F-Type, two in Sincan F-Type, one in Kiriklar F-Type and one in Bakirkoy Prison for Women and Children. On May Day our eight comrades tied red ribbons round their foreheads as flags in our war of resistance to tyranny, and they will bear them with honour like our comrades who have been martyred. The murderer Justice Minister Sami Turk can continue to count our dead. Our resistance war against the isolation in the F-Type prisons and the policies that turn the entire country into an F-Type prison cannot be ended.

May 3, 2002 DHKP-C Prisoners' Organisation

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