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In our country, the murderers, the people up to their neck in Susurluk (*)
are celebrating and shouting with triumph.
DHKC:Date: May 6, 2002 Statement: 253


In our country, the murderers, the people up to their neck in Susurluk (*)
are celebrating and shouting with triumph. Because the European Union has put
the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front) and the PKK
(Kurdistan Workers' Party) on a "terrorist list"! The European press echoed
this development, calling it a "victory for Turkey".

Wrong. If it was a victory, it was not a "victory for Turkey", it was a
victory for Turkey's murderers, the people implicated in Susurluk, the
torturers and the death squads. This celebration, this victory is a European
Union present to fascism in Turkey. And the "victory" of fascism in Turkey is
a defeat for the bourgeois democracy that Europe boasts about so much.
With this decision, the European Union showed that it is not democratic and
it does not defend rights and freedoms. It has shown that it will sacrifice
everything for its economic interests. It has shown that the European Union
conception of equality, democracy and justice is false. It has shown that
Europe does not have an identity or politics independent from the USA's. The
European Union's decision was not a decision about some ordinary list or
other. With this decision, Europe showed that it approves of fascism. It
approves of the Susurluk people, those who carry out disappearances,
executions, massacres and torture.

The European Union's decision will be added to the crimes of European
colonialism. In our declaration dated April 30, we said that "we invite the
whole world to look at the true face of Turkey. To give in to the demagogy of
the murderous General Staff is to approve of fascist tyranny and the American

With its list, the European Union (EU) has indeed given in to the demagogy of
the murderous General Staff and has shown its approval of fascist tyranny and
the American empire. This is the only significance of the "terrorist list".
Europe's democrats, social democrats, greens, liberals and conservatives

Again, in the same statement, we had said: "We will see who is a democrat,
who is on the side of democracy and who supports fascism!"

We have seen it. Europe has shown that it is not democratic and not on the
side of democracy, but is a supporter of fascism. Henceforth Europe will bear
even greater responsibility for the blood spilled in our country than it had
previously. Because with the decision it reached, Europe is saying to fascism
in Turkey, "Continue to spill blood and take away rights and freedoms." You
are searching for terrorists. Look at Sharon in Israel, Bush in the USA and
Ecevit in Turkey. Those who call people who in their own countries resist
fascism and tyranny for the sake of bread, democracy, rights and freedoms
"terrorists" do not call the Sharons, the Bushes, the Ecevits terrorists!
Leave to one side calling people terrorists. For their massacres, their
attacks, their injustice were right before your eyes but you did not even
look into them, let alone make them the subject of proceedings. If there is
terrorism, here is an example. Look at December 19, 2000, in the prisons of
Turkey. (**)

If there is terrorism, the Jenin massacre is terrorism. Those who did it also
do not bother to hide it. That is Jenin! The "international cooperation" of
terrorists and their alliances were also in evidence in Jenin. Israel's
murderer-in-chief Sharon burned, destroyed and slaughtered in Jenin and now
says, "no, nobody can have me investigated"! The United Nations delegation
which intended to look into Jenin was left twisting slowly in the wind. What
does the EU say to such contemptible behaviour? In the face of such vileness,
will it react by preparing a "list"? Sharon commits massacres, and US
President Bush says he is behind him all the way. In the UN's institutions,
he obstructs all manner of resolutions there that are aimed at Israel. So
what is Europe doing? What will it do to oppose such terrorism? Nothing!
Because the interests of its own monopolies prevent it from doing anything.
Now this is also the case with the "terrorist list". All Europe's "values"
and "criteria" are crushed by the interests of the monopolies! And this is
also the answer to the question, who and what is a "terrorist". "Terrorists"
are a matter of the wishes and the interests of US imperialism and fascism in
Turkey! The interests of European monopolies also weigh heavily in those
wishes and those interests.

What an interesting coincidence: EU bodies serve the wishes of fascism in
Turkey by declaring our revolutionary organisation to be "terrorist", and at
exactly the same time Europe's monopoly bourgeoisie says, "We must sit down
with Turkey, discussion of its membership must go through, Turkey must become
an EU member, our markets will then be expanded correspondingly." The
interests of the monopolies take precedence over the "democracy" of the
social democrats, the "liberalism" of the liberals, or the famous "values" of
European democracy. These interests determine their "list". Their "list" is
about breathing life into fascism! The aims of their list are not about
preventing "terrorism". Look at it carefully: from start to finish, you will
see that it is a list of those, in one part of the world or another, who
struggle against fascist regimes or resist the American empire. You won't see
Sharon in the list, nor will you see the death squads!

The aim is to destroy the opposition to the monopolies and their
collaborators in the neo-colonies. With its decision, the European Union
gladdens the hearts, not of the people of Turkey, but of the General Staff,
those involved in Susurluk, the contra chiefs and the thieving, plundering
bourgeois politicians. And isn't even this enough to explain the ideas behind
the decision? For this decision is about breathing life into fascism. This
decision is about breathing life into the American empire. There is fascism
in Turkey. There are fascists in Turkey's government whose world view in no
way differs from Le Pen's. And Europe offers such a government every kind of
economic, political and military support. It opposes Haider and Le Pen. But
it does not oppose a certifiably fascist government, or certifiably fascist
parties. After all this, is Europe democratic? No, it is not!

By putting democrats and patriots on a "terrorist list", the falseness of
Europe's claims to defend democracy and human rights is demonstrated. Why do
Le Pens emerge? Here is the answer. While this system, this mentality, these
policies continue, more and more Le Pens will be produced. An idea of
democracy that bows and scrapes to the demagogy of hypocritical monopolies
and their interests can really produce nothing else. What a source of shame
this decision is for Europe! America speaks and a bit later, Europe does the
same. The partnership of American and European monopolies has made European
and US policies the same. There is no independence or individuality to their
politics. The US Secretary of the Treasury declared that the list was
prepared "jointly". Will Europe defend democracy by acting "jointly" with the
USA as it wages war on the whole world? The future of such an EU can only be
as a US satellite. For those who say, "There is democracy, justice and
freedom in my country," acting in the interests and according to the whims of
the USA and fascism in Turkey can only be a source of shame. Tomorrow, those
who defend democracy, rights, freedoms and justice will be ashamed of this
decision. People of Europe, one does not need much imagination to see that
those who have called us "terrorists" can easily declare the struggle for
rights and freedoms of their own people to be "terrorism".

Because as we have said from the start, the aim of "terrorist lists" is to
destroy every kind of opposition to exploitation and tyranny. The struggle
against "terrorist lists" is a struggle for the rights and freedoms of
Europe's own people. When we rely on our people, our feet tread upon the soil
of our own country and set out along its road. We will continue to fight, and
to march along this road! We will continue our war against the oligarchy on
our soil. This or that decision by the USA or EU cannot affect or prevent our
war. The "terror list" does not cast even the smallest shadow on the justice
and legitimacy of our war, it only casts a shadow on the claims of European
democracy to be defenders of democracy and freedom. We fight for democracy
against fascism in a country where there are massacres and a tyrannical
system, and Turkey is just such a country. Those who oppose our war and try
to prevent or weaken it are on the side of fascism.


(*) Susurluk, a town in western Turkey, was the scene of a car crash in
November 1996 which revealed the extent of the political elite's corruption
and associations with fascist gangsters and murderers.
(**) On this day, army and police attacked political prisoners in jails
across Turkey, killing 28 and wounding and mistreating many more to force
them into isolation prisons. Many more prisoners and their supporters have
died in hunger strikes and death fasts to protest against the government's

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