Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Globalization

Action Against The G8, Ottawa June 26-27

While the G8 leaders hide away in Kananasis this june we'll be taking the initiative and organizing a regional convergence in Canada's capital. Join us this June 26 and 27 for to days of action.

OTTAWA, CANADUH -- JUNE 26-27, 2002

This coming June 26-27, the executive board of global capitalism is retreating to the foothills of Alberta, Canada. Jean Chretien, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and the other so-called leaders of the industrialized world continue planning for war at home and abroad, surrounded by pristine wilderness, putting greens, and thousands of police and soldiers.

The self-serving "war on terrorism", orchestrated by the leaders of the G8, continues to militarize and brutalize the world, while cynically making appeals to civilization and freedom. From Afghanistan to Colombia, from the Philippines to Somalia, Western powers continue to exercise their self-proclaimed right to dominate and determine the destiny of the global South at an ever more accelerated pace.

The war also continues at home. All levels of government, in particular the far-right governments in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, unabashedly pursue economic policies at the service of big business, contributing to poverty, environmental destruction, social service cutbacks and more. Their arsenal ranges from privatization schemes to well-armed tactical police units. The agenda of capitalist globalization -- embodied by institutions and treaties like the IMF, World Bank, WTO, NAFTA, FTAA and G8 -- is the relentless transfer of power and wealth to the economic and political elites of Canada.

In particular, the war at home includes the scapegoating and attacks on immigrant and refugee communities, as well as so-called "anti-terrorist" laws that are nothing but a judicial assault on civil rights and political organizing, with clear racist implications.

Last July, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Genoa, Italy against the G8, and were met with state-sponsored police brutality that included the murder of activist Carlo Giuliani. The Genoa protests were accompanied by protests worldwide in opposition to the agenda of the G8.

The global uprising is led by grassroots movements in the global South. The recent popular rebellions in Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia stand out as inspiring and empowering examples and models of resistance to imperialism and capitalism, in the face of violent day-to-day state repression.

And so, in clear opposition to the G8, in solidarity with protests in Alberta and worldwide, and in ongoing support of local and regional grassroots social justice efforts, activists from Ontario and Quebec are making a call for two days of action in Ottawa -- Canada's national capital -- on June 26-27, 2002.

We invite all organizations, affinity groups and individuals in Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and the Northeastern United States to join themobilizing, organizing and awareness-raising efforts for the days of action in Ottawa.

The two days of protest will involve demonstrations of all kinds, popular education, civil disobedience and direct action, targeting the many manifestations of political and economic power of the national capital. We are organizing on the basis of a respect for a diversity of tactics, meaning manifold forms of resistance in mutual solidarity and respect, while aiming to ensure the safety and defense of all participants.

Join us in Ottawa in June as we take the capital!

For more information, or to get involved:
613-788-3310 (messages only)

If your affinity group or organization endorses the callout above, please let us know.

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