Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Travelling Critical Mass VideoZine!CALL FOR WORK AND INTERVIEWS!

Travelling Critical Mass VideoZine!CALL FOR WORK AND INTERVIEWS!
Travelling Critical Mass VideoZine!

In the wake of the New York Republican National Convention police and major media outlets have repeatedly attacked the monthly Critical Mass
bike ride. Police Commissioner Kelly has even gone so far to make a connection between Critical Mass and terrorism. The city has attempted to get an injunction barring the ride, and the promotion of the ride, without a permit. How did this happen? And why is Critical Mass now perceived as a potentially dangerous movement? Is this about traffic flow or stifling dissent and policing public space?

In pursuit of these questions, a small group of ardent bicyclists and experienced media activists are compiling a VideoZine about the Critical Mass maelstrom. We need your help. We are working to document repressive interference in the rides from police and bystanders, as well as the response of the riders to that interference, in order to develop a broader analysis of how these events are connected, as well as to share resources and strategies for organizing around the repression. We will be traveling to cities whose critical mass bike rides have, in the past ten years, encountered repressive interference from police, motorists, or media.

If you are now, or in the past have been a participant in your local critical mass rides, and have a story or opinion related to repression of the rides in your city, we would love to speak with you. We are looking for:
-People willing to be interviewed about police interference, motorist or bystander violence arrests and abuse.
-People willing to be interviewed about how their city’s ride has been affected
-People willing to be interviewed about how their city’s ride has organized in response to interference
-Photographs or video footage of the rides,
-Photographs or video footage of police interference
-Photographs or video of motorist and bystander interference
-Old and recent Critical Mass flyers
-Old and Recent newspaper clippings about Critical Mass
-Taped TV news coverage of Critical Mass
-Creatively shot bicycle imagery

Our goal is to start a dialog with an audience beyond New York City's cycling community. We are curious what an attack on Critical Mass in the courts means to our right to assemble, our right to be critical, our right to the road, and our right to ride.

The movie will feature interviews with advocates,
Cyclists, arrestees, city and state level officials, as well as footage from Critical Mass rides, press conferences, community events, and mainstream media coverage.

If you might be able to help,

For more info on NYC Critical Mass see

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