Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Urban Development

Youth Squatters Arrested In Long-time Abandoned Home.

Youths arrested while living in abandon houses.
Two youths were arrested last night (Friday, 5/10/02) while living in an abandoned house in Towson, MD. The house that they were living in has been abandoned for well over 15 years, and has nothing in it that belongs to anyone. The youths were charged with trespassing and 4th degree burglary and taken to the Towson precinct. Both were released before 10pm EST. Two groups (TAG and Global Toxin) with a couple of stand-by extra supporters took the streets and protested in front of the police station, chanting "Homes, not jails!"

The protest group ended up marching down the sidewalk along York Road in Towson with make-shift percussion intruments, a banner and a sign. When the police caught up with them, one officer requested that the activists stop their actitivities, calling it "unlawful assembly," and urging the activists to "read the county code about such things, because they ARE illegal." He then went on to say that we (I was part of the group.) were loitering in front of a business, when the only reason we had stopped there was because he ordered us to stop there and listen to what he had to say. He then claimed that he could arrest the entire group for loitering.

One activist was later arrested on a warrant after jay-walking.

A Homes Not Jails rally is planned for sometime soon.

more info to follow

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