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LOCAL News :: Poverty

No On HR 1999! Save Section 8!

Save Section 8!
From Roll Back The Rents
To join this group, just send an e-mail to;

Making the news!!! Americans are fighting back to Save the Section 8 Housing Program and Public Housing!!!

Sign Our Petition!

---SAVE SECTION 8- NO ON HR 1999---

Learn what you can do to Save Section 8!!! See info below...

If passed, HR 1999 & it's companion bill S.771 will be the death of the existing Section 8 housing voucher program for the poor, the elderly and the disabled...

HR 1999 is scheduled back for it's next Hearing in the Financial Services Committee at 2:00pm on May 17th, 2005.

2:00 PM
2128 RHOB
Hearing entitled "H.R. 1999, The State and Local Housing Flexibility Act of 2005."

Click below to find schedule on right side of screen...

If HR 1999 and S.771 become law, the following report helps to explain what may occur...


May 9, 2005

Plan Turns Voucher Program into Block Grant and Provides HUD Sweeping Authority
to Override Laws Governing Housing Vouchers and Public Housing

By Will Fischer and Barbara Sard

An Administration proposal, recently introduced in Congress as the “State and Local Housing Flexibility Act,” would make fundamental changes to two of the nation’s primary low-income housing assistance programs — the housing choice voucher program and public housing.[1]  The proposal would lay the groundwork for future cuts in funding for housing assistance and leave the more than 3 million low-income households assisted by these programs vulnerable to sharp rent increases and other harmful changes.

Click below for full report...


What you can do to reach the Committee Members that will vote for, or against (HR 1999), the scheme to kill the Section 8 program for the poor, elderly and the disabled.

Say no to HR 1999!!!

Click onto the website listing below... The Republicans are on the left side of the list, and the Democrats are on the right side of the list, with Rep. Mike Oxley the Republican Chair Member and Barney Frank the Ranking Democrat Member.

You may use the Toll Free number to contact the office in Washington DC, for each of the Committee Members... Pick a name from the list of committee members and give them a call to say no to HR 1999 and why you oppose it...

Call each of the members...

TOLL FREE NUMBER-- 1/888/818-6641

Call 1/888/818-6641 to reach the Representatives on the committee... Say NO To HR 1999!!!


Some have already sent e-mails to some of the Republicans, and some of the Democrats including Barney Frank. Please speak out in opposition to HR 1999. Please join us in an effort to contact them all again!!! It will take a little time to reach them by e-mail. Send them an e-mail now!!!


How to reach the committee members that will vote on HR 1999.

Click onto the website below and then you can click onto a name of the Committee Members.

Click onto one of the names of the House Members in the Committee where HR 1999 is going before on May 17. Once you are transferred to the Congressional site of the member, look for the CONTACT site to click onto.

IMPORTANT-- As an example, the following is the contact site for Rep. Jim Leach... Jim Leach has a local office in Burlington...


214 Jefferson Street
Burlington, IA 52601

(319) 754-1107 Fax

---Important Numbers---
Burlington's Zip Code is 52606, and the area code is 319. To send Jim Leach an e-mail, he may want you to give a local address and phone number to send him an e-mail. What rubbish!!! Anyone can send Jim an e-mail, whethor he likes it or not! He is a public figure! A US Congressman! Give Jim what he wants!!! A local address & phone number...

Send Jim Leach a message in opposition to HR 1999! If needed make up your own local address and phone number for the Burlington area to get around his attempts to stop you from sending him an e-mail!

The Zip Codes may ask for an extra 4 digits, and I found that 4444 seems to always work to get through when sending an e-mail to them.

Each website may be very similiar to screen out people sending e-mails, and the info for their local offices are usually in the CONTACT part of the website. Just write down the local particulars including the City, Zip Code and Area Code of the local District to use as a means to gain access to sending them e-mails. Give them a local address when filling out the form... It takes only a moment and it works...

Click below to CONTACT Rep. Jim Leach, and once inside, then you must click onto "e-mail Jim" near the bottom of the screen. Then fill out the forms to send an e-mail to Jim Leach... It's easy... Say no to HR 1999, and tell Jim why he must not vote for HR 1999...

Examples of how you may reach the Committee Members...

Each of the below are committee mambers that will vote on HR 1999...

Say NO to HR 1999 and tell why you are in opposition to HR 1999...

Click Below To Contact Jim Leach...

Click below to contact Rep. Richard Baker...

Click below to contact Rep. Deborah Pryce

Has local office in Columbus Ohio, Zip code 43215, and Area Code her phone number is 614/469-5614...

Click below to contact Rep. Spencer Baucus...

Click below to reach Rep. Mike Castle, and click onto Write Your Rep on the left hand side of the website to send Mike an e-mail...

Click below to reach Rep. Peter King...

Click below to contact Rep. Ed Royce...

Click below to contact Rep. FranK Lucas...

Click below to contact Rep. Bob Ney...

Click below to reach Rep. Sue Kelly...

HR 1999 goes before the Financial Services Committee again on May 17 at 2pm...

Say No to HR 1999!!!

Contact the committee members now to Save Section 8!!!

Click below to reach the full list of Committee Members, so that you can click onto a name to send them an e-mail to say NO to HR 1999!!!

---The List of Committee Members---

Michael G. Oxley OH -- Chairman
James A. Leach IA
Richard H. Baker LA
Deborah Pryce OH
Spencer Bachus AL
Michael N. Castle DE
Peter T. King NY
Edward R. Royce CA
Frank D. Lucas OK
Robert W. Ney OH
Sue W. Kelly NY Vice Chairman
Ron Paul TX
Paul E. Gillmor OH
Jim Ryun KS
Steven C. LaTourette OH
Donald A. Manzullo IL
Walter B. Jones, Jr. NC
Judy Biggert IL
Christopher Shays CT
Vito Fossella NY
Gary G. Miller CA
Patrick J. Tiberi OH
Mark R. Kennedy MN
Tom Feeney FL
Jeb Hensarling TX
Scott Garrett NJ
Ginny Brown-Waite FL
J. Gresham Barrett SC
Katherine Harris FL
Rick Renzi AZ
Jim Gerlach PA
Stevan Pearce NM
Randy Neugebauer TX
Tom Price GA
Michael G. Fitzpatrick PA
Geoff Davis KY
Patrick T. McHenry NC   

Barney Frank MA
Paul E. Kanjorski PA
Maxine Waters CA
Carolyn B. Maloney NY
Luis V. Gutierrez IL
Nydia M. Velázquez NY
Melvin L. Watt NC
Gary L. Ackerman NY
Darlene Hooley OR
Julia Carson IN
Brad Sherman CA
Gregory W. Meeks NY
Barbara Lee CA
Dennis Moore KS
Michael E. Capuano MA
Harold E. Ford Jr. TN
Rubén Hinojosa TX
Joseph Crowley NY
Wm. Lacy Clay MO
Steve Israel NY
Carolyn McCarthy NY
Joe Baca CA
Jim Matheson UT
Stephen F. Lynch MA
Brad Miller NC
David Scott GA
Artur Davis AL
Al Green TX
Emanuel Cleaver MO
Melissa L. Bean IL
Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL
Gwen Moore WI

Bernard Sanders VT *

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