Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: War in Iraq

Pedagogy of Naivity

There's something really twilight-zonish going on in America these days. What potent opiate could be affecting so many people? God only knows.
There are thousands, zillions of various world views but these may be condensed to a more manageable number. Some specific world views are predicated on some core beliefs and values. There is one such category of world views that the president of the United States must understand very well. He must understand his own constituency of supporters if he is to pull off what he seems intent on pulling off.Those that support him and support his rationale for going to war seem eager to believe whatever he says.

First he said that he will wage war in Iraq because Hussein posed a threat to the United States and had "weapons of mass destruction". He also suggested that there was a link between Osama bin Laden, whose capture is so important he invaded another country, Afghanistan, and killed thousands of people in the process, and Saddam Hussein. Many of his supporters still believe this. In his hawkish call to war, he spun many images in the minds of believers and supporters. There was the axis of evil and the war and terror and so on. He suggested that the threat of nuclear attack is looming in the not too distant future. These threats called for the creation of laws to allow his agents to capture sinister Arabs in America and abroad and also for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

To understand the Bush spin, it is helpful to argue with and listen to the naive world views he aims to appeal to. Fortunately for Bush, logical reasoning is not necessary for him to spin out legitimate reasons to kill people. He can easily appeal to fear and a naive belief that the American way of life can and will be spread throughout the world, regardless of the culture or history of any given society. Not only that, it is necessary to secure American liberty. It is worth noticing that part of this process is passing laws that allow the detention and torture of people without charge or trial. What is disturbing at this point is that Bush is no longer focusing on specific threats. The enemy has become far more abstract. Evil forces are 'out there' and they are enemies of freedom and democracy, according to Bush. As long as these elements exist, they pose a threat to the United States. They must be eliminated. Bush will free oppressed people all over the globe.

Holy fuck!

Is this code for, 'we are going to take over the whole world'? The standards that need to be met in order for Bush to rationalize military attacks have suddenly become very subjective. He doesn't have to find something hard like weapons of mass destruction. He can use his persuasive power to the American bubble gum media and make anyone into a tyrant to gain the green light for an attack. As far as the idea of enemies of America goes, there are new enemies created every day. People are becoming increasingly intolerant American chauvinism. Travel abroad and you will see enemies of America everywhere. In the past four years, America has become immensely hated throughout the world. Even in lukewarm Canada, many people have become noticeably anti-American.

Bush is sending out a message to the naive; and this is not just the fanatical religious zealots in the south. It is congress, it is the senate and it is the American media. His message is; prepare for more war. We have a lot of work to do to protect ourselves from anti-American elements. We may have to strengthen that patriot act some more because it is not only the Arabs that hate us. We will have to kill many more 'enemies' of freedom.

No doubt there are thousands of people that are living right now that will soon be dead because of Bush is his mob of naive supporters.

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