Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Crime & Police

Tuesday May 3rd: Kristian Williams presents "Our Enemies in Blue"

"Our Enemies in Blue", examines the history of police violence from a
radical but pragmatic perspective. Uniting theory and practice, the
book provides a resource useful to activists, scholars, and citizens
concerned about the encroaching police state.
Kristian Williams traces
the evolution of modern police forces from slave patrols and
protection rackets, critiques "comunity" policing, explores racism in
law enforcement, and suggests strategies for combating police
violence. "Our Enemies in Blue" shows that police misconduct isn't
just a matter of "bad apples" but is a function of the very nature of policing in the United States.

"[this] is imperative reading for anyone in the least concerned by the
implications attending the rampant growth of police power and violence
in the United States"
-Ward Churchill

We are delighted to host the author of this book, and expect a lively
discussion afterwards, your attendance would be most welcome.

7 PM
Red Emma's
800 St Paul St.

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