News :: Crime & Police
Butchering of the language
If English language was a protected species, a whale, a rabbit or a deer, this type of language butchering would provoke a massive uprising all over the world, but since it is not a real tangible entity, we stand by – while the language is being butchered left, right and center.

Some of the "insurgents" are better armed than the entire military of an average nation
Butchering of the language
If English language was a protected species, a whale, a rabbit or a deer, this type of language butchering would provoke a massive uprising all over the world, but since it is not a real tangible entity, we stand by – while the language is being butchered left, right and center.
Consider the recent news articles:
1. “At Least 10 Iraqis Killed in Insurgent Attack” by VOA
2. “Insurgent Attack Kills 2 U.S. GIs in Iraq” by Newsmax wire
3. Iraq suicide bomb kills at least 125 - Deadliest single insurgent attack of war by CNN
A quick look at Merriam-Webster suggests that an isurgent is:
Main Entry: 1in•sur•gent
Pronunciation: -j&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise -- more at SURGE
1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent
2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party
What is it that has compelled us to endow these criminals with such a noble position of being “insurgents”. At best, these can be considered animals and inhuman Islamist Jihadists, with a sole purpose of terrorizing the West – while here, at the West we are being God – fearing and calling them “insurgents” in spite of the atrocities, disrespect for human life, killings of civilians, kidnappings, bombings and similar acts of terror. I beg do differ.
Iliya Pavlovich

A book of matches with a little gasoline is an equally good weapon

Israel has been a proud host to many of these "insurgent's ideas"

The Middle East promisses to continue as a hotbed of "insurgents" and/or crisis