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Censorship by Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now'

Censorship by Amy Goodman and 'Democracy Now'
I was at the speaking event with Amy Goodman (of and Tariq Ali in Los Angeles earlier tonight and Amy Goodman lied when she mentioned that she had had esteemed US intelligence writer/author James Bamford on the air to discuss his 'A Pretext for War' book which is about how the war in Iraq was for the 'A Clean Break'/War for Israel agenda of the Likudnik (JINSA/CSP/PNAC) Neocons:

In addition, there was a 'NOWARFORISRAEL.COM' banner hanging from the balcony and a security guard asked the persons who placed it to remove per instructions from his boss. However, the Pacifica cameraman (who was shooting for the Pacifica archives) said it was fine to have a banner on display. When the people who placed the banner refused to remove it, the security guard promptly removed it.. Amy Goodman still has the best program on the air.. However, she censors as well in that she would rather focus on the Iraq war being for oil (instead of the real motivation which was for Israel as conveyed by Bamford in his excellent 'A Pretext for War' book). It was incredible how the 'NOWARFORISRAEL.COM banner was removed as well.. So much for the 'FREE SPEECH' and the FIRST AMMENDMENT at Pacifica Radio.

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