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News :: Animal Rights

PETA Exposes Kosher Slaughter Horror

From Bill G


Let me urge you to set aside a moment to check an item that you need to have in your archives for future purposes. I think we need to move on this one before it 'disappears.'
I have long been aware of the vicious, gratuitous sadism of rabbinical kosher slaughter of meat animals. The liberal activist group, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, unlike such worthless, possibly sold-out outfits as the ASPCA, recently decided to do something about a particularly horrific situation at a slaughterhouse run by New York based, Lubavitcher-type rabbis in a small Iowa town.
Using hidden cameras, they got footage that is almost unbelievable. After watching it, I was shaken and depressed for a day or two--and I have a rural background, and have seen humanely conducted slaughter a number of times, even in large commercial operations.
If you will go to, click on Video Archive, and scroll down to "Mutilations at AgriProcessors Slaughterhouse," you'll see what I mean. You might want to steel yourself beforehand, however, and not approach the project casually. I particularly wanted to suggest that, if you have or know someone who has high-speed Internet access, you download the full 40 minute version. I was unable to accomplish this, as I have only the slow, dial-up access.
In my opinion, this is political dynamite and can be tied in with the atrocious kosher tax racket on all sorts of other food products that is raking in vast, untold sums to the same New York koshering outfits that are perpetrating the AgriProcessors meat plant horror.

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