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A Cardinal of Empty Churches Enters the Papacy of A Church with an Empty Soul:

if the Church refuses to immediately recognize Oscar Romero as a martyred saint and to resurrect the spirit of a Popular Church and the doctrines and seminaries of Liberation Theology THEN The Church Is Even More DOOMED than the feeble election of poor Ratinzger-Benedict would indicate.

A Cardinal of Empty Churches Enters the Papacy of A Church with an Empty Soul: Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI or Benedict Arnold?


For background Information see:
Pope Was Right But Did Wrong!

Autopsies of Dead Faith:

At this moment I refrain from addressing the tragedies of darkness that this new Pope will inflict upon the foundations of what is left of the Catholic Church: The Poor of Latin America.

Before we can interpret Pope Benedict and the remnants of hope in religion, we must understand how and why John Paul could turn both cheeks away from a vicious US imperialism and a savage greed-driven Capitalism.

John Paul dies inside long before his death in Rome. The murders of priests by US death squads in Latin America and the fall of his beloved Poland from Communism into a debased modernism killed the spirit of the Pope who then killed the Church with his purges of Church activists.

The Pope’s weakness and his withdrawal into the safe institutions of the Church and tradition is typical (self-defeating) human nature. But his methodical destruction of the popular church of Liberation Theology in Latin America cannot be dismissed as simple minded or created by fear and defeatism. This pogrom was evil and if the Church refuses to immediately recognize Oscar Romero as a martyred saint and to resurrect the spirit of a Popular Church and the doctrines and seminaries of Liberation Theology THEN The Church Is Even More DOOMED than the feeble election of poor Ratinzger-Benedict would indicate.

Many of us can support the Church’s views on morality, homosexuality, birth control and abortion and we can be patient on women’s issues and ignore condom use in diseased regions. But we cannot tolerate, nor remain faithful, to a great institution that continues to ally itself in every way with the rich and their hypocritical polices of keeping the downtrodden pliant (compliant) and useful – be it in the mega-city slums of the Third World or the millions incarcerated at US institutions of penal corrections.

But to blame the Pope(s) or the Church is to commit the same sin that we believe is at the root of evil in modernism: The void from the Left and from religious leaders of all denominations on how to create the force needed to fix the world. Most leaders and Church people perpetuate a code of silence – a code that breeds fascism and denial.

Many of us also agree with the Pope that “The 20th century is the most evil of all of mankind's history." But we see this evil growing because the Left, the alternative the opposition to Bush and the evils of modernism is lost, confused and poorly educated about the current crisis and the way out.

It would take many volumes to begin to teach thee who have no desire to see the pain of truth. Here we will just peek inside the deformed thing that is the alternative and show what happens when selfishness triumphs over the social needs of a people, a movement, or a revolution.

Much Better Nominations for Pope Would Have Been:

The world's richest nations "must search an alternative global program where all have the possibility to integrate themselves and no one remains outside," Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes said in 2002. "There will be no future if things go on as they now stand." A book of 110 newspaper columns written by Hummes — ranging from land reform to drug abuse to human cloning — was released last week in Brazil to capitalize on the buzz about him as a contender. The book, "Dialogue with the City," includes harsh denunciations of "greedy and powerful" landholders who police believe ordered the February slaying of American nun Dorothy Stang, a longtime defender of land rights for poor settlers in the Amazon rain forest. Hummes, 70, also holds the line on Catholic teachings regarding abortion and human cloning, which he called a "serious moral crime." In September 2003, Hummes told a U.N. meeting on AIDS that it is "one of the major tragedies of our time," but must be addressed by education and sexual abstinence rather than condoms. Another Latin American cardinal, Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, 62, of Honduras, also has lashed out at inequalities. "We are not moving simply toward a globalization of markets ... but we are moving toward the globalization of poverty," he said in 2003.

Gay Sex Seduces and an Un-wiling Religion

Just like the election of GW Bush, Joseph Ratzinger owes homosexuals his victory. No, I am not speaking of (for) Carl Rove who used the gay sex trump card to assure GW Bush of every victory he has earned for 10 years or since his governor’s race for Texas. The way that gays elected Benedcit XVI involves a much more devious conspiracy of engineered ignorance: the Program and Strategy of the Left-Progressives in the US and EU.

I am not a homophobe because I lump all narrow, short term and selfish single issue thinking as evil: anti-war, environmental, women, or labor. Maybe 20 or 30 years ago one might have naively argued that single issue campaigns would yield educational benefits to all causes and that someday many people would see the interconnections of these issues and act accordingly. This was dumb and certainly did not succeed.

But you see, even from a self-centered standpoint, the gays and other single issue groups should have seen that by putting aside their issues and committing behind a broader revolutionary project they would have gotten what they wanted quicker: a tolerant and open society instead of the polarization and war mentality that now grips us all. The failed strategies of the single issue groups, the environmentalists (and Greens) and shallow leftists have probably doomed any efforts at building a conscious movement in the West. Not only did gays and others provide an easy reliable target, but the saddened truths that are now coming forward have wounded many a sincere activist who thought that the left stood for something.

Can you hear the Code of Silence?

See the article:
The Death of Environmentalism, for a clear view of the twisted, destructive nature of single issue thinking.B. Ted Nordhaus and Michael Schellenberger (S and N) :

Within this code of Silence and designed ignorance nothing is possible.

Few understand the power or the real threats of BUSH.

“To many around the globe, it seems that Americans ignore their economic and political interests, and are oblivious to world’s, because they are voting for the God party. But Bush’s appeal comes less from his faith than is thought. The good news for Europeans alarmed at American religiosity is that America is not as mired in evangelical doctrine as many now think. The bad news is that America’s sense of mission is mired not only in evangelical doctrine. Its source lies far deeper in the culture, and appeals to the religious and irreligious alike. As such, it cannot be extracted from American behavior or geo-politics. … over 40% of Americans report weekly religious worship while 2% in Britain and 10% in Germany do. In France, fewer than 10% go even once a year. In the U.S., 42% of Americans describe themselves as born-again Christians. They have now spawned a new generation of alternative punk-rebel-dropout congregations which meet in bars, clubs, and skate parks, and minister to 20-somethings punctured by tattoos, piercings and substance-abuse: The nightmare of an obedient lupenproletariat; un-aware of just where these Christian soldiers are leading them (murder and death!).

Church attendance correlates with Republican affiliation.

Those who attend church once a week or more vote Republican by a margin of 63% to 37%. Those who rarely or never attend church vote Democrat by a margin of 62% to 38% (except African-Americans..”

European Churches are Empty:

3% of Danes attend church once a week. In Sweden church attendance is 5%. The Church attendance in EU countries varies despite the strong historical Christian background. Among the Catholic countries, Malta and Poland have the highest percentages of weekly churchgoers in Europe with 75% and 63% respectively. 21% of Spaniards attend weekly, and under a third of Portuguese (29%) and Italians (31%) . Austria is closest to the more secularised Protestant countries in weekly Church attendance, with 18% attending. Estonia and Latvia, the two Baltic countries with Protestant traditions, are among the most secularised in Europe with only 4% and 7% of residents attending services once a week. The Czechs (11%), Hungarians (12%), and Lithuanians (14%) are also in the more secular camp.

For West European countries, which are seriously influenced by secularisation and the rise of non-Christian religions, weekly attendance is low. In France and Germany, weekly attendance at religious services is below 10% while in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom between 10% and 15% of citizens are regular churchgoers.

A group of Iraqi women argue with a translator from the US army 1st Battalion 5th Infantry as they are asked to abandon their home while the soldiers investigate a report of an improvised explosive devise (IED) planted close by to ambush military vehicle traffic in the restive Palestinian district in the city of Mosul, 400 kilometers north of Baghdad.(AFP/Cris Bouroncle)

The NFR Coalition is a group of municipalities, local NGOs and civic groups that is working around the Guazapa Volcano and the Suchitoto area to promote the national Forest of Reconciliation. The coalition has organized a series of "cabalgatas" ( tours of the Guazapa Volcano on horseback) for ecotourists. These tours are intended to bring people to see the Forest of Reconciliation, to understand the history of the war, and to support efforts to plant the memorial forest and to restore the ecology of the area.

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