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In the Other Press

To alleviate the problem of articles from other press sources being reposted on this IMC site, this section allows users to link to articles published elsewhere, and to contribute and read comments on those pieces. Have something interesting to post?


Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Creation and Continuity

From cave painting to totemism ART has always been the means by/through which a given ‘reality’ is re-arranged (according to the will/desire/needs of the artist/s). Who is it that declares ART today? Everyone is an artist and everything, including murder and war is Art! War is the Art of violent imbeciles but it is art nevertheless. An existing relatively peaceful world was re-arranged by murder artists and today we have a new reality, one transformed by the art of lies and the implements of war. The methods to alter a given reality have never changed only tools (the means) change. It would be well that all become familiar with the means and ends of ‘ART’.

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Commentary :: Culture

Poofs, Paedophiles and American Puritanism

Think of the final refuge for religious extremists (fanatical Christian cults) from Europe; and later, the sexual undertone of the Salem witch trials and you stare homosexual congressman, Mark Foley, ‘straight’ in the American sexual obsession. It seems that puritanism is alive and well in the good ol’ U.S of A! Amazing as the over-reactive American response may seem to Europeans and those of other nations, the news of a homosexual’s exploits with a boy has pushed all other news aside – incredible! The Mayflower continues to sail the waters of conservative America.

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Interview :: Activism


Syed Jamaluddin is an active writer on issues concerning Pakistan's involvement in various terrorist activities in the South Asian region. He was forced to leave Pakistan due to military coup of General Musharraf in 1999. He liaised with political and religious parties of Pakistan as well as Government Agencies.

“DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM” is Syed Jamaluddin’s vision to address issues related to combatting terrorism emanating from Pakistan which have dramatically transformed the entire region into a systematically controlled network having vicious effects to the global peace. This book gives an indepth analysis about the role of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Tablighi Jamat which are involved in producing future terrorists. The book provides specific information about the actual tactics of ISI and Tablighi Jamat and their strategy to disrupt the international peace in the name of Islamization of the world through holy war and martyrdom. The writer focuses his attention towards the terror threats which need to be understood well in time before it is too late. The writer advocates need for disintegration of Pakistan in 5 parts in order to crush and fully destroy the existing terrorist network in Pakistan. In line with this objective, the ground realities about the persecution of small and oppressed provinces in Pakistan should also be taken into consideration and and therefore a plebiscite under the supervision of the United Nations be carried out in order to allow people from NWFP, Baluchistan, Kashmir, Sindh and Karachi to decide their future. The book is an effort to provide an inside story of Pakistan and stories of its military dictators and religious cults who are busy day and night to commit corruption in the name of war-on-terror. The writer declares General Musharraf as a Terrorist-in-Uniform.

DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM Petition - [ Traduire cette page ]
The DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM Petition to Civilized Nation was created by Civilized Nation and written by SYED JAMALUDDIN. … - 22k - En cache - Pages similaires
DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM - Signatures - [ Traduire cette page ]
Signatures on the DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM Petition to Civilized - 7k - En cache - Pages similaires[ Autres résultats, domaine ]
DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM. How about eliminating Pakistan to help eliminate terrorism? 4 posted on 08/30/2006 4:37:34 PM PDT by rickmichaels … - 26k - En cache - Pages similaires
IntelliBriefs: DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM - [ Traduire cette page ]
DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM. To: Civilized Nation Dear Civilized Nation … 01/divide-pakistan-to-eliminate-terrorism.html - 35k - En cache - Pages similaires
dividepakistan on Dailymotion - Share Your Videos - [ Traduire cette page ]
I have interviewed Syed Jamaluddin who is writer of an upcoming book titled "DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM" who lives in Aubervilliers (place near … - 19k - En cache - Pages similaires
Google Groupes : India NewsWindow - [ Traduire cette page ]
DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM As long as Pakistan exists, Bharat would always be in trouble. Since the creation of Pakistan, its end game is to … IndiaNewsWindow?lnk=gschg&hl=fr - 72k - En cache - Pages similaires
IntelliBriefs: Brig (Ret) Usman Khalid , ex-ISI man threatening … - [ Traduire cette page ]
I’ve recently encountered an online petition “DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM” by Syed Jamaluddin … 01/brig-ret-usman-khalid-ex-isi-man.html - 31k - En cache - Pages similaires

Please also watch video interview of Syed Jamaluddin (myself) on

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News :: Miscellaneous

Only One Percent of Gamblers Addicted

To measure the amount of problem gaming for itself, the BGLC is now undertaking a wide ranging study to see what percentage of Jamaicans are actually addicted to gambling …an almost $40 billion industry in Jamaica that has doubled in sales over the past three years.

A number of studies, conducted in the U.S., and across the globe, have shown that only one percent of gamblers are addicted, said Walter Scott, the chairman of the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission (BGLC) of Jamaica, effectively dispelling the false notions peddled by politicians to ban Internet gambling.

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Commentary :: Theory and Information

Solutions, Remedies and Cultural Amnesia

Would someone care to guess the historical age of the well-known adage, “A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND” notwithstanding this particular quote is sourced from theological material? Regardless of age or source the above maxim expresses a universal truth in relation to social affairs. Recent history reminds us of the fragmentation and demise of a once independent Balkan nation. Yugoslavia now hosts the largest military occupation base (Bondsteel) in Europe. The Balkan conflict was a perfect example of divisionism leading to ruin – as it always does! [In contrast fragmented, warlord-torn China overcame its long history of internal conflict to become one of the most powerful nations on the planet.]

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Commentary :: Culture

Over-regulated Personality Types

The Australian Attorney General, Philip Ruddock, once again demonstrates who and what he is; not content with making a thorough ass of himself in the recent past [link below] Ruddock now attempts to redeem himself by making a grab for the title of totalitarian buffoon of the new century. Australia now holds the dubious distinction of being the first developed (first world) ‘democratic’ nation in the new century to ban books! These blatant totalitarian tactics place Ruddock in interesting company; Chinese Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot year zero, Nazi book burnings, etc; Hello, Mr. Orwell!

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Democracy Burning

What consistencies, common elements and patterns are identifiable in the following events: the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the attack on the USS Liberty and 9/11? Although time, geographic location and historical context separate these events they nevertheless share remarkably similar aims, objectives and characteristics. All these orchestrated events provided an excuse for the USA to engage in what would have otherwise been blatantly illegal warfare. The Tonkin incident ‘justified’ American miliary aggression against Vietnam; the USS Liberty incident would have provided an ideal excuse for U.S. involvement in the six-day war; the 9/11 attack has been utilised as the primary justification for America’s military expansionism and the implementation of draconian laws on the home front.

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Commentary :: Middle East

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Discover Open Secret

I shouldn’t be so harsh on the Americans; it took me years to discover I had a nose on my face but I was at a disadvantage, there is only one of me. Imagine the cost (tax payer’s money) involved in maintaining not one bloated ‘intelligence’ agency, but sixteen! After a period of three years, sixteen U.S. intelligence agencies have finally determined the sky is blue, people have noses on their faces and that the illegal Iraq intervention increased the ‘terrorist’ threat – bravo! [Where do I sign, that’s the job for me, or are these agencies selective basket cases – incompetent relatives, banjo players and those owed favours only need apply?]

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