Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Baltimore MD : Globalization : Labor : Latin America : Protest Activity

No FTAA March: Moving Factories Seen in Baltimore

"Thursday, November 20 - Tonight a lively group of union leaders and local activists held a march in protest of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA()) treaty. The march was in solidarity of no FTAA actions taking place in Miami on the same day. Our march was totally fun..." (From Scott44) [full article].

"About 30 Baltimoreans including students, activists, steelworkers and regular locals gathered at Broadway and Fayette Streets to March in solidarity with those demonstrating in Miami against the FTAA meetings on Thursday.

At first glance the demonstration was tiny, but proved quickly to be quite energetic. Participants had dressed up as Baltimore industries which were shut down or are on their way out including Behlehem Steel, London Fog, National Bohemian, Proctor and Gamble and Joseph A. Bank." (From Julie Adamo/Jean Cushman) [full article].



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