World Church of the Creator, National Alliance, Eastern Hammer Skins, Aryan Nations and National Socialist Movement were chased out of York by the spontaneous self-organized collective action of York working class residents (Black, Latino, White, Asian, Jewish, Women, Men, Young and Old) with the assistance of
Anarchists and
Anti-Racist Action. There was also a well-attended multi-racial unity rally by the NAACP and York City Human Relations Commisson. The White Supremacists were attempting to capitalize off racial tensions which have been brought out recently by the prosecution of York's mayor for his role in the
1969 riots in that town. Mayor Robertson, then an officer on the York City police force and now forced to resign as Mayor, is
accused of encouraging white kids to "kill as many n----rs as you can" during the riots, and giving them ammunition which was used to kill a black woman driving through a white neighborhood. Media index:
Press Releases,
First Person,
Calls to Action,
Local Anti-Racist,
Corporate Press,
Racists in the Region,
Resources, and
Future events.