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Baltimore IMC

January 18 Protest Against War in Iraq: A Photoessay

Julie Adamo, Abby Anzalone, Chuck D'Adamo, Howard Ehrlich, Laura Goren


January 18, tens of thousands of people protested the Bush Administration's drive toward war against Iraq. DC Indymedia reported more than 200,000; the rally organizers 500,000. What the exact numbers were could surely be estimated in a space like the Mall where, as the Washington Post reported "people packed much of four long blocks." Rally speakers and artists included actor Jessica Lange, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and the rock group Chumbawumba. There were hundreds of signs, masks and puppets giving the demonstration an almost carnival atmosphere, though no one could doubt the sincerity and seriousness of the messages. Activists from Sri Lanka, Kurdistan, Indonesia, and the Congo were present as were groups trying to educate Americans about the nature of Islam. There were fund appeals for Iraqi children and Veterans for Peace was raising money to rebuild Iraq’s water plants destroyed in the Gulf War.

To give a picture of the diversity of groups and individuals present at the protest, Indymedia offers a photoessay. (Photos by Abby Anzalone, Howard Ehrlich, Laura Goren, Ted Russell)


1. January 18 Protest Against War in Iraq [browse]

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