Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

February 15 - Protesters Pack NYC Streets

February 15 - A Photoessay

Raging Grannies

Emerging from the subway, IMC reporters found Raging Grannies on 52nd Street organizing in preparation for their next song. Raging Grannies is a branch of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) which was founded in 1915 in response to World War I when women worldwide banded together to speak out against war.

The following is a portion song they sang to the tune of “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.”

"If you can not find Osama, bomb Iraq
If the markets hurt your mama, bomb Iraq
If the terrorists are Saudi,
and the bank takes back your Audi,
and the TV shows are bawdy, bomb Iraq.

If corporate scandals are growing, bomb Iraq,
And your ties to them are showing, bomb Iraq,
If the smoking gun ain’t smoking,
We don’t care, we ain’t joking,
That Sadam will soon be croaking, bomb Iraq."

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