Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

A24: IMF & World Bank Protest in DC

IMF & World Bank Protest

April 24, 2004 marked the US alternative globalization movement's protest against the International Monetary Fund and World Bank as these international institutions of neoliberal capitalism celebrated 60 years--60 years of exploiting the Third World in the interests of global capital.

The march was about three blocks long and did not quite fill up Edward R. Morrow Park across from the World Bank. Were there as many present on April 24 as were arrested April 15-17, 2000--1,230+--when about 30,000 protested IMF/WB policies, according to estimates (Z Magazine, June, 2000)? Maybe 2,000. On April 16, 2000, Z Magazine writer Robin Hahnel estimated that 8,000 were linked in direct action blockades outside 18 police barricades surrounding the Bretton Woods institutions. On April 24, 2004, there was no direct action.

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