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Commentary :: Economy


"45,000 of the 50,500 petition signatures submitted on Nader's behalf in Michigan were indeed submitted by Republicans. (Meanwhile, in Florida, Nader's ballot access lawyer is one Kenneth Sukhia, who just happened to represent Bush in that state's 2000 recount.)"

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (6/22)


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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

JAH WORKS @ All Peoples Congress


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News :: Elections & Legislation

Democracy Is Not a Spectator Sport

Communities Mobilize Around the Presidential Debates

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Bernie Sanders: Vote For Kerry

"I write this as someone who is not a Democrat and who, as a member of Congress, has differed with John Kerry on a number of important issues. In terms of economic policy, among many other issues, however, the choice is clear. It is absolutely essential that Kerry win November 2."

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

A True Patriot Warrior

They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask:
what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete
unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq
prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the
unjustified war has only done what could be expected:
LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be
done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging
innocent pro-Iraqis part?)

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News :: Asia

S. KOREA. 9.20/Last week's...

...MSSC struggle report

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News :: War in Iraq

Video Release confirmed one of the two American hostages beheaded: Download video

British hostage 'next to be beheaded'

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

JOHN KERRY SPEAKS OUT: Time to Bring the Troops Home from Hell

This critically important speech is being suppressed by the corporate media. You probably won't find an intact copy anywhere but on the indymedia.

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Commentary :: [none]

The Antiwar Movement: Losing Ground Again

In late August, C. William Michaels travelled to New York City to do a workshop on the USA PATRIOT Act for an ad hoc conference of the Youth Convergence, part of the Bread Not Bombs movement. The Convergence was held at St. Mark's Church in Manhattan, part of tens of thousands of activists, demonstrators, and antiwar adherents of all kinds who gathered in New York to make their views known to the city and the world, during the Republican National Convention.

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