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LOCAL News :: Activism

Support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency!

Support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency! Please sign these petitions ASAP and please share these links with people you think will be interested! Thank you!

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Commentary :: Activism

MLK: Beyond Vietnam - A Time to Break Silence

"Non-violence or non-existence is the choice. The whole world is doomed if we don't deliver people from long years of poverty. The pharaoh kept slaves fighting one another. When slaves get together, that is the beginning of freedom. There is a fire that no water can put out.."

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LOCAL Commentary :: U.S. Government

Will Democrats Revisit The "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act?"

Top Obama Czar Cass Sunstein
Infiltrate all 'Conspiracy Theorists'

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Commentary :: Economy

Crises Have Disproven Mainstream Neo-Classical Economics

"According to Tax Commissioner Cory Fong:
North Dakota has been able to weather the economic crisis. "While other state governors and legislatures are looking for ways to raise revenue through raising taxes and cutting services, we just came through a historic session of funding both our important priorities and substantial tax relief.The winners are families, businesses and the State of North Dakota"

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Thousands to demonstrate for Green Power!

Demonstrators needed for nationwide Green Power Rally!

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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Thousands to demonstrate for Green Power!

Public demonstrators needed for nationwide Green Power Rally!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Mumia: US Supreme Court decision expected next Tuesday

Last Friday, January 15, 2100 the US Supreme Court spoke again in conference on the request by the DA from Pennsylvania to kill Mumia without further hearings. A decision is expected coming Tuesday. Activists all over the world prepare emergency protests. Meanwhile the defense of Mumia published a petition to Obama.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Middle East : Military : Peace : U.S. Government

Medea Benjamin on "Toward a More Peaceful World" - Jan. 31

Medea Benjamin presented the 2010 Ric Pfeffer Memorial Lecture on “From Afghanistan to Gaza: Working toward a More Peaceful World ”January 31st at 2640 Space in Baltimore. Audio file of the discussion linked below.

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News :: Activism

Israel Aids Haiti; Arab Nations Ignore The Disaster


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News :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights



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