Bush Supporters and their Denial of Reality
28 Oct 2004
Florian Roetzer
"The refusal to allow criticism and anything different from their view of the world is alarming. As the survey shows, people can stand behind Bush without having to deny that arguments justifying the war have proven false.."
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News :: Crime & Police
When Law is an injustice, it's time to fight back.
"...And yeah, I'm sure they felt cornered and threatened. A group of unarmed activists should seem very intimidating to supposedly trained, armed, law enforcement officers. If being outnumbered by a two-person margin is enough to scare our police officers into brutality and panic I'm even more worried than I was before."
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity
No Stolen Elections: Third in a Series

This is a summary of an October 26 meeting in Baltimore to develop contingency plans heading into the November 2 election.
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Ills of Privatization
28 Oct 2004
Contributor X

Privatization of traditional public sector entities has been praised by many who have total faith in the almighty "invisible hand" of the market. However, when reliability and predictability are at stake, the vagaries of the market are not acceptable in a modern society. Three quick examples are given.
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For All Republicans
27 Oct 2004
Denny Burbeck
Are you "really" a republican?
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Ralph Nader Speech - full text
27 Oct 2004
Denny Burbeck
The speech Ralph Nader gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears.
(recommended: paste to wordpad)
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No Stolen Elections: Second in a Series
27 Oct 2004
Jim George

Advice from strategic thinkers in the global justice movement has a role to play in preparing for the potential of a stolen election. This article builds on some of those strategic concepts using "No Stolen Elections" as a timely case study.
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News :: Crime & Police
27 Oct 2004
D.R. Doctor
Read trial summary of Thomas J. Kolodziejski who was accused of assaulting an officer in the 2nd degree on May 16th, 2004... Trial date october 26th, 2004. More on exposing, confronting and ending Police Brutality & The Corrupt System.
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