Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

The Misconception of Time and the Holy Books

The concept of time originally derived from the constantly changing conditions, which man later divides into the "past," the "present," and the "future," has, as it turns out, been giving rise to a number of questions. Isn't it an irony that while all we have the whole of our life is but the "present," the fact that we possess memory has yet led us to assume that we have a "yesterday" and a "tomorrow"? This admittedly is an issue that contradicts the various ideas associated with the word "time" as it is popularly used in our daily life, in the various scientific literatures, and in the different Holy Books, which consequently makes it real difficult for us to have it brought to the surface. What seems to further complicate matters is perhaps the very fact that even scientists have so far tended to look upon the issue as one that is strictly a matter of our misconception of time, thereby ignoring the fact that man is destined to have memory.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Counter-inaugural activist trainings Calendar


The Mobilization for Global Justice is organizing a series of trainings in preparation for the Counter-Inaugural Protest on January 20, 2005 in Washington DC. Come join us in learning valuable skills and connecting with fellow activists. Whether you are a new comer or a seasoned activist; trainings are great for improving or creating your “activist tool box”. Trainings are also important for your and others safety. We will need to know how many people are coming to each training. PLEASE SING UP FOR THE TRAININGS YOU WISH TO ATTEND (see below).

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Protest Activity

Going to D.C. for the Inauguration: a local call to action

while many are gearing up to trek to the imperial capital on jan. 20 to protest the coranation events, bush,neocons the war the selection ect. many more will remain behind and let their voices be heard in their home towns
what are we doing locally to let our distaste for this regime be heard? what aid and support are we offering to our fellow comrades that will take the struggle to d.c.?

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News :: Miscellaneous

US Nuclear Testing As Possible Culprit for Indian Ocean Earthquakes


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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Protest Activity

Baltimore Rising - Sun. January 2- Call to Unite Baltimore Radicals against the Presidential Inauguration

Meeting of affinity groups to support each other and share ideas. Building a cluster of Baltimore radicals for the January 20 Presidential Inauguration.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/30/04)


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Newly Released Documents Reveal Widespread Torture in...

...Pentagon-Run Prisons Abroad ~ Interview with Reed Brody, special counsel with Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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Announcement :: Protest Activity

HELP! EveryDay AmeriCAN Heroes URgently Needed for Duty-Defending a Just Future...

...& Constitutional Self-GOvernance ---TIME for All Concerned Citizens to report for Historic Duty and STAND Up with courageous resolve-For We are on-the-cusp of redemption, my friends!Ballots? SchMallots! We NEED to Vote NOW, with our voices, eyes,ears and feet in this New Year. Get Ready for 1/3/05 to 1/6/05 Join in this dynamic FLASH! SmartMob MoveMent in spirited Defense of genuine Representative Democracy. The Law, the Future, common sense and decency are ON Our Side and The PeopleUnited in exciting solidarity are ready to BRING IT ON!, to those who corrupt, disparage and mock our Right to free, fair and VALID Elections. Either- ticket or the media is not authorized to accept it on the people's behalf if it does not follow clean worldwide standards,a studied, honest legal assesment shows 2004 to be suspect, questionable frustratingly problematic in its planning, conduct and now-audit. Since the CorpMedia has almost zilch credibility as an objective news source it is the EveryDay People's duty to become and originate a New Medium which breathes life, rarified air into the communications sphere and DeCONtaminates the poisoned, polluted atmosphere of responsible public discourse. Conscientiously aimed at motivating, maturing and moving Consensus Reality Forward-closing the Wisdom Gap. Can't you see Boris, slyly grinnin',(the raw exit poll data withheld inside his overcoat) smacking his fist in his palm, threatening, "What part of, it's over, don't you understand?" With Abu Gharib, Gitmo ethos prevalent & lurking, the shameful media is acting much like an agressive interrogater, enforcer- foisting a fraudulent, sham election onto the MassPsyche, and to caring, FreeThinkers & justified Vote Defenders, akin to Psychological torture. First they tell us that it is the most important election in our lifetime, then Andrew Card nervously, unilaterally calls the election, in lieu of earned merit, for his boss. The media doesn't study it, analyize it, or do their job and in a concerted campaign, echo in unison-GET OVER IT. (remember Hussein capture? newspapers, websites, networks, punditz-LIKE A RAT,Like a Rat, like a rat) Who gives the orders for these negative thought-spores? THIS indocrination, chicanery, ridicule is obvious and THE ULTIMATE fear and hopeless-based trauma CONDITIONING TO MANUFACTURE ALIENATION and TIMID ACCEPTANCE FOR THE END OF DEMOCRACY. News org's spreading thought-viruses violate the BirthRight freedom- Cognitive Liberty and the sovereignity of individuals freedom to think independently, fairly, honestly as sentient agents SEEKING the promotion of The Good. Personally, I could give a hoot if the media doesn't care about their own credibility or respect Words=Conduits of Spirit, I know where to find solid information-but they are disturbing and stunting, brainwashing those who don't have time or strength to discover different solutions that shine light on hidden, nefarious motives, in effect selling short the Human Race, preventing wisdom, growth and Delaying the Rennaissance! Nevertheless, Intuition, word-of-mouth and heart-based gnosis IS very powerful and contagioUS and shall overcome, their adavantage of mass-produced reality bytes courtesy of Monopolies aggresively overwhelming dominance and destruction of sacred Nature- in all it's forms and favoring profit OVER people, machine OVER man, subterfuge OVER SunShine transparency- truly archaic modus-operandi for a successful species. This post shares recent tough essays, VoterGate2004 artifacts, documents and correspondence to emBOLDen and build your networks, flyers for historic rallies and Hands-to-Work-Hearts-to-God HOMEmade, protest=protect SIGNS* ENOUGH! No heavy-handed, top-down reality control can stop this beautiful calling-WE know what happened and we have to arREST this corruption-Democracy yearns to STAY UP past it's bedTIME!

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Granpa Jeanmarry CHAOS IN ASIA

the ground is hard for these children, helps these poor people!

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights


It's a look at how US government policy is violating the civil rights of American Jews in Israel with the Peace Process and why it's important for everyone to help stop it.

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