LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Aug. 20th, Pittsburgh- Confront the War, Shutdown Military Recruitment
Aug. 20th, Pittsburgh- Confront the War, Shutdown Military Recruitment
POG Call for day of Action against the war and military recruitment!
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Sapranos in the White House
30 Jul 2005
Archie Kennedy
This was a stroke of courageous beauty amidst the backdrop of the ugly rise of what has the disturbing appearance of corporate/ bourgeois state tyranny. And there are many more. Watch for them, nurture them and protect them. They are our friends and allies.
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/30/05)
Bush's power to torture, to murder, to terrorize - and to rape children serves darker purpose.
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News :: Asia : Class : Economy : International Relations : Poverty
GREATER SUNRISE Timor Sea Justice Campaign
30 Jul 2005
Dez Wildwood, BACK DOOR e-news on East Timor
Briefing Paper by Timor Sea Justice Campaign (Australia) re signing of a temporary resource sharing agreement between Australia and East Timor covering the Greater Sunrise gas field.
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News :: Crime & Police
29 Jul 2005
Clayton Hallmark
Karl Rove's only full-time foreign-policy advisor is Michael Ledeen, a rabid anti-Arab, pro-Israel activist. The FBI is investigating Ledeen for procuring forged documents (shown here) on nonexistent WMD, which George Bush used to justify his war on Iraq. When Joseph Wilson exposed the farce, Rove helped "out" Wilson's CIA wife. Did Ledeen procure the documents for Rove, and how might he have done that? The story includes multinational stool pigeon Rocco Martino, Italian spy Francesco Pazienza, wanted CIA spy Robert Seldon Lady, and Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin, who's under charges of giving US secrets to Israel.
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News :: Activism : Animal Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police
New Jersey Activists Rearrested 7/29/2005
Following Anti-Terrorist Task Force raid and arrests last weekend, New Jersey activists have been rearrested today [7/29/2005]. They need your support now!
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Interview :: Middle East
"Iraq's Security Situation has Deteriorated Dramatically"
29 Jul 2005
Andre Brie
"Breakdown is imminent..What happened in London on July 7 with the bomb attacks happens every day in Iraq. However the European media do not report about all the attacks.."
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