Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Economy

A Reality Check for Corporate America

"Without business investment, we have no right to expect a recovery..The parallels between corporate failures and government policy are alarming.."

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

There's a New 9/11 Site in Town, and Its Name is 9/11 Round Table

New 9/11 Truth Site

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Riot Folk at Red Emma's

Benefit concert for BARC at Red Emma's, August 20th

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

A Look into the Mirror

must read analysis of american society gone wrong

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News :: Media

IMC Super Rural Access Problem

Urgent help needed to deliver indymedia via wireless service to isolated rural users. The FCC is considering reopening docket #04-151 which would likely result in corporate take-over of the remaining public wireless frequencies needed to bring wireless services to isolated rural users. Comments are still being accepted.

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Dreams Can Come True

We often witness the irony of self fulfilling prophecy and the strange karmic, ‘what goes around comes around’ sort of cosmic justice. To the chagrin of dreamers, dreams sometimes do come true.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/13/05)

Kansas schools ok scrutiny of evolution.

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Announcement :: Activism

a proud day indeed

the News of the Day

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

Reclaim the Orange Revolution, and Your Country

Cindy Sheehan's courageous action is about to come under fire from the Bush/PNAC Brownshirts. Let's get out into the streets, and hold the Neo-Fascists' feet to the fire. Let's send an unmistakable message of unity to her and to the world, and bring an end to this right here and now, before things get any worse.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Class : Crime & Police : Poverty : War in Iraq

Was there a riot during Baltimore police strike?

has anyone heard about any such riot?

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