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Commentary :: Right Wing

Between the Crosses

author: Daniel Borgström e-mail:e-mail:
Some thoughts that crossed my mind after hearing Cindy Sheehan speak

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Interview :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Culture : Environment : Protest Activity

Whose streets? Our Streets? Environmental group Faces legal battle over Critical Mass

The future of Critical Mass in New York City remains uncertain, as environmental group TIME’S UP! is forced to foot the bill for an impending court battle.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/16/2005)

The Washington Post drops plan to promote Pentagon event.

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Commentary :: Activism

Christopher Hitchens Smears Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan’s gallant anti-War vigil outside of the ranch of our half-demented President, George W. Bush, Jr., in Crawford Texas, is drawing massive support from around the country. It is also attracting pro-war snakes, like that former “Nation” magazine ranter, Christopher Hitchens. A Brit, who comes across as an insufferable Tory, he accused Sheehan of trying to “ventriloquize the dead” and of spouting off “sinister piffle.”

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LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq



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LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

Rally for the Injustice and Murder of Robert Lee Clay Sr.


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News :: Activism

Mountain Justice Summer takes over TN mine site

Knoxville, TN - As dawn approached this morning, activists
stood on an ancient Appalachian mountain in a dramatic
protest against mountain top mining. This is the first time
a mountain has been taken over in the struggle to protect
the Appalachian Mountains from the devastating practices of
mountain top mining.

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News :: Biotechnology

The New Mexico State of Emergency and What It Really Means


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:White House is Shaping Public Opinion for a Future Confrontation with Iran

Interview with Norman Solomon, author and columnist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/15/2005)

North Korea says US war games designed to intimidate.

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